Bibliographies of Neutestamentler/innen in the German Language Sphere (BNGLS)
This page will be devoted to Bibliographies of Neutestamentler/innen in the German Language Sphere (BNGLS). More specifically, it will contain bibliographies of the English publicationsof German-language-sphere scholars as well as links to their web pages, pages, blogs, and twitter. I know, of course, that it is neither complete nor up-to-date. Therefore, if you are a German-language-sphere scholar who would like me to add/update your English publications or links, please email me at, with the subject line BNGLS. Likewise, let me know if you want me to revise my list of your research areas (but this must be kept short enough to fit on one line). I have included some scholars who are not New Testament scholars in the strict sense but whose research is relevant for New Testament scholarship. If an author publishes extensively in English, I have sometimes provided only one link, e.g., Eng/WP. Sincere apologies to all the German-language-sphere scholars whom I have missed in compiling this list (just let me know and I’ll add you).
KEY: Eng = English Bibliography; WP = Web page; Bib = Bibliography; Acad = page; TW = Twitter; GFN = Germanforneutestamentler posts; DNB = Deutsche Nationale Bibliotek; Wiki = Wikipedia; AV = AudioVideo; apocrypha = ancient Christian apocrypha; JCD = Jewish-Christian Dialogue; LSup = Lord’s Supper/Eucharist. NPOP = New Perspective on Paul; NTT = New Testament theology; OTNT = Old Testament in the New Testament; SM = Sermon on the Mount.