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DAMSEG - Database of Archaeological Material from Swedish Excavations in Greece

DAMSEG - Database of Archaeological Material from Swedish Excavations in Greece
The database has been compiled as an inventory of mainly published and exhibited material from the Swedish excavations in the Argolid. This database can, and hopefully will be extended in the future to encompass material from all Swedish excavations in Greece. It will eventually comprise both human and animal bones and information on conservation treatment of ceramics and metals. We also hope it can be complemented with photographs, drawings, diaries etc in the future.
As indicated the database is primarily an inventory, but it can also be used to assist scholars in the study of material in the Nauplion Museum storerooms from the Swedish excavations in the Argolid. To facilitate such a study further, material from the same excavations stored in other collections and museums has been added...

What material can presently be found in the database

All material from the Swedish excavations so far published, is included in the database, whether in Nauplion or in the other stated museums. This further holds true for all material in the new exhibitions in the Nauplion Museum and a small amount of material, which received NM inventory numbers a long time ago. On the other hand, there is still inventoried material (which was entered into the Museum inventory ledgers a long time ago), which has not yet been included in the database, as it came to out attention only recently. This is the material which we had largely thought of as lost during the Second World War, but which has, to our great satisfaction, resurfaced in the basement storerooms of the Leonardo.

How to use the database

As pointed out above the database is above all an inventory and has not been created primarily as a research tool. The reasons should be obvious. There was no standardized way of recording material in the old days and therefore exact proveniences are mostly not extant. This is not to say that the database cannot be used as a research tool. It records the material excavated by Swedish archaeologists and stored in the said museums and thus anyone who wishes to study this material can refer to it, when applying for permits to do so. This is particularly important for applications, where it is required to list each individual object to be studied. The database will further greatly facilitate work both for the staff of the Museum at Nauplion and at the Institute. Museum inventory numbers have been included where extant, following the museum standards of ascribing numbers to complete or nearly complete objects and objects of particular value.
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