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Telamon: Online Library of the Ancient Greek Inscriptions from Bulgaria

Telamon: Online Library of the Ancient Greek Inscriptions from Bulgaria
The aim of the Telamon project, which is hosted by St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University, Department of Classics, is to create a digital library of the ancient Greek inscriptions found in Bulgaria. Their total number counts more than 3500 written in a period of about 1000 years (6th century BC — 4th century AD). Georgi Mihailov publishes those that have been discovered up to the mid 80’s in Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae.
The focus is currently on the digitilising the inscriptions of the most eminent poleis of the Roman Thrace, Philippopolis and Augusta Traiana. They are approximately 1600, 1200 of which are already included in IGBulg. A third of them, however, need some revision or correction, while other 400 are unpublished or published in dispersed and often inaccessible publications in Bulgarian. Therefore, we hope that the creating of an electronic database of these inscriptions will facilitate the study of the history, culture, and language both of the Bulgarian lands in antiquity and of the Greco-Roman civilization as a whole.
The main standard of applying the XML language in encoding the epigraphic monuments, known as EpiDoc and developed by an international team of specialists, will be put into operation.

    Content of Telamon Project

    • Home— project information
    • Inscriptions— ancient Greek inscriptions from Bulgaria
    • References— description of our method
    • Links— similar projects and recourses
    • Contacts— get in touch with us
    • Search— search into the library

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