New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region
Collected Papers Volume IV, 2010Editors: David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel, Orit Peleg-BarkatCONTENTS
6 Editorial Introduction (Hebrew)
David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel, Orit Peleg-Barkat8 Archaeology and Conservation in Jerusalem Region – 2008-2009 (Hebrew)
19 The Relations Between the Eastern Cardo of Jerusalem and the 10th Roman Legion, in Light of the Western Wall Plaza Excavations (Hebrew)
Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah28 A Peristyle Building from the Roman Period in the City of David (Hebrew)
Doron Ben Ami and Yana Tchekhanovets37 Johns’ Excavation of the Paved Road up the Tyropeon Valley in Jerusalem (Hebrew)
Ronny Reich and Eli ShukronTHE TOMB OF DAVID ON MOUNT ZION
49 “The Place Where the Lord’s Ark of the Covenant Used to be Until the House was Built”: A History of Local Tradition (Hebrew)
Elchanan Reiner57 The Conservation and restoration Project of the Tomb of David’s Compound: Processes, Planning and finds (Hebrew)
Shahar Puni67 In the Outskirts of the Magical Forest- The Painted Tiles of King David’s Tomb (Hebrew)
Nirit Shalev-Khalifa74 The Tomb of David: 1948-1967 (Hebrew)
81 Settlements from the Intermediate and Middle Bronze Ages at Ras El-Amud (Hebrew)
Ron Be’eri and Irina Zilbebod94 Water Supply to the Upper City Of Jerusalem During the First And Second Temple Periods in Light of the Mamilla Excavations (Hebrew)
111 The Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon (Hebrew) Hagai Misgav, Yosef Garfinkel and Saar Ganor 124 The Khirbet Qeiyafa Inscription- Respond A (Hebrew) Hagai Misgav, Yosef Garfinkel and Saar Ganor 126 The Enigmatic Inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa- Respond B (Hebrew) Aaron Demsky 130 The Khirbet Qeiyafa Inscription- Respond C (Hebrew) Shmuel Ah’ituv 133 Rural Monasticism at the Foothills of Southern Samaria and Judaea in the Byzantine Period (Hebrew) Itamar Taxel 140 The Church at Khûrbat Deiry (Nes Harim) and its Surrounding (Hebrew) Daniel Ein-Mor 5* The Northwestern Corner of Jerusalem’s Old City Wall Medieval Archaeology and Modern History Gerald Finkielsztejn, Annette Nagar, Ya’akov Billig 10* Monasteries in Jerusalem Area in Light of the Literary Sources Lea Di Segni Editors: David Amit, Orit Peleg-Barkat and Guy D. StiebelCollected Papers Volume V, 2011
5 Editorial Introduction (Hebrew) David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel, Orit Peleg-Barkat and Doron Ben-Ami 10 Archaeology and Conservation in Jerusalem Region – 2009-2010 (Hebrew) David Amit and Jon Seligman 22 The Involvement of the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Master Plan of Jerusalem’s Old City (Hebrew) Ram Shoef EXCAVATIONS AND STUDIES INTRAMURAL AND EXTRAMURAL
31 Prehistoric Artifacts from Emeq Rephaim (Area C) (Hebrew) Omry Barzilai, Nuha Aga and Onn Crouvi 40 “Marked in Stone” –
A Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Quarry Site at Kaizer Hill, Modi’in (Hebrew)
Leore Grosman and Naama Goren-Inbar*7 Pre-Ghassulian and Ghassulian in Jerusalem and its Vicinity Ianir Milevski, Anna Eirikh-Rose, Uzi A͑ d, Omry Barzilai, Zvi Greenhut and Ofer Marder *24 Beqo’a – A New Proto-Historic Site in the Judean Foothils Amir Golani
161 By the Way – Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Classical and Late Periods (Hebrew)
Guy D. Stiebel170 Horvat Beit Loya – A Jewish Village from the Late Second Temple Period in the Judaean Foothills (Hebrew)
Oren Gutfeld and Ya’akov Kalman180 Horvat el-Kikh – A Jewish Settlement from the Second Temple Period at
Ramat Bet Shemesh (Hebrew) Elena Kogan-Zehavi186 De profundis– Georgian Anchorets in Horvat Burgin (Hebrew) Yana Tchekhanovets Editors: David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel and Orit Peleg-BarkatCollected Papers Volume VI, 2012
7 Editorial Introduction (Hebrew) David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel and Orit Peleg-Barkat 9 Excavations in the Jerusalem Region, 2010-2011 (Hebrew) David Amit CULT IN JERUSALEM
17 Four Stages of Development of the Temple Mount (Hebrew) Joseph Patrich and Marcus Edelcopp 38 The Royal Stoa of the Herodian Temple Mount: A Proposed Reconstruction (Hebrew) Orit Peleg-Barkat 52 Two Fatimid Inscriptions from the el-Aqsa Mosque: A New Reading (Hebrew) Omar Abed Rabbo JERUSALEM IN THE MUSLIM PERIOD
67 A Cultic Structure of the Middle Bronze IIB-C Period in Nahal Refa’aim (Walajeh) (Hebrew) Daniel Ein Mor 78 An Assemblage of Rooms and Rock-cut Installations of the Iron II Period from the City of David (Hebrew) Yana Tchekhanovets 96 Miniature Icons box from the Giv’ati Parking lot excavations (Hebrew) Omar Abed Rabbo 104 The Nea Church of St. Mary Theotokos: An Architectural Discussion (Hebrew) Oren Gutfeld The Coins of Jerusalem and its Environs
121 A Reconsideration of Settlement Around Jerusalem at the End of the Byzantine Period and in the Early Muslim Period (Hebrew) Zubair ‘Adawi 142 The “Southern Hammam” and Khan Tankaz – Which was First? (Hebrew) Harve H. Barbé and Taufik Deadle 158 New Discoveries in Madrasat el-Baladiyeh near the Gate of the Chain (Hebrew) Yuval Baruch, Shachar Poni and Neria Sapir NEW STUDIES OF JERUSALEM AND ITS REGION
169 The Earliest Coin of Judea (Hebrew) Haim Gitler 179 Power and Rule – Jerusalem Coins of Alexander Jannaeus (Hebrew) Guy D. Stiebel *7 A First Century CE Mint South of Jerusalem? Archaeological Context Fanny Vitto *16 A First Century CE Mint South of Jerusalem? Numismatic Evidence Donald T. Ariel
*24 Excavations of Saint John Prodomos, Jerusalem Jean-Baptist Humbert 185 A Monument (Nympheon?) and Other Remains from the Second Temple Period West of the Temple Mount: The Excavations of the Giant Causeway 2010-2011 (Hebrew) Alexander Onn and Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah 200 Excavations at Horvat Midras in the Judaean Shephelah 2010-2011: Preliminary Report (Hebrew) mir Ganor, Alon Klein, Rina Avner and Boaz Zissu Editors: David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel, Orit Peleg-Barkat and Doron Ben-AmiNew Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region Videos Uploaded
7 Editorial Introduction (Hebrew) David Amit, Guy D. Stiebel, Orit Peleg-Barkat and Doron Ben-Ami 9 Excavations in Jerusalem and its Region, 2011−2012 (Hebrew) Doron Ben-Ami 25 Preservation and Development Works Conducted during 2012 in the City of David, the Ophel and along the Tyropoeon Valley (Hebrew) Shahar Puni NEW STUDIES IN EPIGRAPHY AND GLYPTICS
35 A Settlement and a Cemetery from the Intermediate Bronze Age in Ramat Bet Shemesh (Hebrew)
Yitzhak Paz7* A Settlement from the Intermediate Bronze Age – Middle Bronze II in Newe Shalom
Dan Benjamin Storchan50 Cult in Khirbet Qeiyafa from the Iron Age IIa – Cult Rooms and Shrine Models (Hebrew)
Yosef Garfinkel and Saar Ganor66 Remarks on the Archaeology of Jerusalem in the Persian Period (Hebrew) Hillel Geva JERUSALEM AFTER THE ISLAMIC CONQUEST: NEW DISCOVERIES
83 Assur in Jerusalem – New Glyptic Evidence of the Assyrian Influence on Jerusalem (Hebrew)
Ariel Winderbaum105 The Seal Found near the Western Wall – A Suggestion for Its Meaning and Use (Hebrew)
Shlomo Naeh110 A Graffito Bearing the Name of Trajan in a Cave at Kh. ʾArâk Hâla North of Bet Guvrin (Hebrew)
Boaz Zissu, Boaz Langford, Avner Ecker and Esther EshelNEW FINDS AT HERODIUM
125 Manufacture of Bone Items from the Early Islamic Period in Givati Parking Lot Excavations (Hebrew)
Ariel Shatil136 New Discoveries in the Via Dolorosa – Excavations and a Survey in the Austrian Hospice and at the Vicinity of the “Ecce Homo” Arch (Hebrew)
Shua Kisilevitz and Roie Greenwald149 The Market Street of Crusader Jerusalem in Light of a Recent Archaeological Excavation (Hebrew)
Yechiel Zelinger and Michael Ehrlich161 Antique Maps of Jerusalem as Sources for its History: Methodological Lessons (Hebrew)
Rehav (Buni) Rubin
181 New Findings at Herodium by the Ehud Netzer’s Expedition (Hebrew) Yakov Kalman, Rachel Chachy, Oren Gutfeld and Roi Porat 194 Herod’s Workers: The Graffiti Evidence from the Area of the Theaterat Herodium – The Greek and Latin Inscriptions (Hebrew)
Avner Ecker199 Herod’s Workers: The Graffiti Evidence from the Area of the Theater at Herodium – The Aramaic Inscription (Hebrew)
Esther Eshel