antiquist: a heritage computing community
Welcome to Antiquist.
We are an online community of people working with computing in the heritage sector.
Antiquist is primarily a communication network - a way for us all to talk, argue, experiment, share ideas, and solve common problems.Who is Antiquist?
Antiquist members include archaeologists, museum professionals, historians, and other interested people.How do we communicate?
We communicate primarily via a Google Groups email list. We also have a wiki, a blog, and some server space to try out new ideas and build new resources.
We also meet from time to time at events known as ArchCamp. The format of these meetings is open, allowing for demonstrations, discussion, and practical sessions.Joining
If you’d like to join the conversation, head over to the Antiquist Google Group to sign up. You don’t need to work in the heritage sector, just a healthy interest in computing and heritage, and the will to get involved.