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Open Access Journal: Dabiq


The Islamic State's (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) Magazine. Scans of Dabiq have been made available online by The Clarion Project.
The Islamic State (ISIS) regularly puts out a glossy propaganda magazine aimed at recruiting jihadists from the West. It is sophisticated, slick, beautifully produced and printed in several languages including English...

'Dabiq' as it is called, bills itself as "a periodical magazine focusing on the issues of tawhid (unity), manhaj (truth-seeking), hijrah (migration), jihad (holy war) and jama'ah (community). It will also contain photo reports, current events, and informative articles on matters relating to the Islamic State."

It portrays the Islamic State as they see themselves: boasting of their victories and painting a romantic image of the restoration of an Islamic golden age and the heralding of a glorious new Caliphate based on holy war. 

Dabiq is a place in Syria that is supposed to be the location for one of the final battles according to certain Muslim myths about a final apocalypse. Choosing such a name for the magazine highlights the Caliphate's goals...
In order to combat extremist groups, it is important to understand their underlying ideology. Therefore, Clarion Project will continue to post the issues of Dabiq here as they are released.
Issues of Dabiq released so far: 
The twelfth issue of the Islamic State’s propaganda magazine is entitled Just Terror. It boasts about the terrorist attacks in Paris, the double-bombing in Beirut, and the downing of a Russian plane in Sinai among other attacks. It spins terrorism in the language of a fairy story, referring to terrorists as “knights,” acting to defend Muslim honor. This issue is also striking for the high number of Islamic State propaganda videos it advertizes, a sign of increased output in that area. Other pieces continue long-running themes, including attacking the legitimacy of other Islamist factions, recounting its military victories and attacking women who oppose polygyny as opposing Islam.  
Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 12
The eleventh issue of the Islamic State’s propaganda magazine is called From the Battle of Al-Ahzab to the War of Coalitions. Al-Ahzab refers to a battle in the Quran between a coalition of Meccan tribes and the nascent forces of Islam. ISIS attacks al-Qaeda and castigates the Taliban for concealing the death of Mullah Omar. ISIS also accuses the Shiite messiah (Mahdi) of being the dajjal (devil) in league with the Jews. More is directed at women, who are urged to have children and care for their jihadi husbands.
ISIS also tout their establishment of gold dinars as currency and boast of having captured a Norwegian and a Chinese hostage, who are offered up for ransom in full page adverts.
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq Issue 11

The tenth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called The Laws of All or the Laws of Men. It opened by praising the deadly simultaneous terror attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France and the massive casualties caused. It calls on children to obey Allah (ie. ISIS) before their parents and wives to leave their husbands who fight ISIS. It also boasts of expansions in the Caucasus and recruitment in Afghanistan. 
Since it is the Ramadan issue, it discusses the historical victories of some of the early Muslim armies during Ramadan as well as expounding on the holiness of the month.
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine:Dabiq Issue 10

The ninth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called They Plot and Allah Plots, referring to the central feature of the magazine which argues that Islamic State supporters should not fear any plans to defeat them since Allah controls the world. The issue focuses on legitimacy - both attacking that of its enemies in Syria and the surrounding Arab nations, and in building up its own, with pieces on the importance of jihad.
Most shockingly this issue ran a lengthy segments admitting to and justifying sex slavery. It threatens to sell US first Lady Michelle Obama into sexual slavery for a third of a dinar. 
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq Issue 9

The eighth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called Shari'ah Alone Will Rule Africa. Like other issues of Dabiq it focuses on Islamic State successes, leaving out the group's defeats in strategic areas of Iraq and Syria to focus on Africa. It emphasizes the pledge of allegiance from Boko Haram in Nigeria and terror attacks in Libya and Tunisia. It tries to portray an organization with a future by glorifying its child soldier program and undermining the legitimacy of Al-Qaeda affiliat Jabhat al-Nusra by attacking its allies as 'nationalists' and therefore un-Islamic. 
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 8

The seventh issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is entitled From Hypocrisy to Apostasy. It begins with a declaration of war against Japan. Dabiq then boasts about the murder of the Jordanian pilot by immolation, before going on to give advice for would be leaders within the Islamic State. It reiterates their commitments to war, arguing that “Islam is the religion of the sword.” It then proceeds to tout its successes in Egypt and Libya. It reiterates its division of the world into two camps and includes interviews with jihadists and hostage John Cantlie. 
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 7

The sixth issue of Dabiq is called "Al-Qa'idah of Waziristan: A Testimony From Within." This issue begins by taking responsibility for the terrorist attack in Sydney that killed two at St. Martin's place and again calls on the Islamic State's supporters worldwide to carry out killings of Westerners whenever and wherever they can without revealing their intentions by discussing them. Most of the rest of the magazine focuses on internal jihadi disputes, criticizing the Islamic State's detractors from within the jihadi movement.  
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 6 

The fifth issue of Dabiq is named after the Islamic State slogan, 'Remaining and Expanding.' In this theme, it announces the expansion of the Islamic State into Sinai, Libya, Yemen, Algeria and the Arabian Peninsula after accepting pledges of loyalty (bay'ah) from terrorist groups there. It also announces the minting of gold dinars and silver dirhams in order to separate it from the international fiat currency markets and build the economy of the Islamist state. 
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 5

The fourth issue of Dabiq is entitled "The Failed Crusade." It focuses on the attempts by the U.S.-led coalition to counter the Islamic State and mocks what the Islamists regard as a campaign doomed to fail. They express their certainty saying "This religion is the one promised with victory." The picture on the cover is of the iconic St. Peter's Square in Rome, displaying the group's ambitions of world conquest.
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 4

The third issue of Dabiq, "The Call to Hijrah" focuses on the jihadists' call to Muslims worldwide to move to Iraq and Syria to join the caliphate as soon as possible. Hijrah is Arabic for 'migration' and refers to the journey of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, and his companions from Mecca to Medinah in 622 C.E. The comparison is very deliberate and intended to invoke religious nostalgia. 
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 3

The second issue of Dabiq, "The Flood," uses the metaphor of the story of Noah to put across a stark message: you are either with the Islamic State, or against them and doomed to be destroyed. It calls on all Muslims around the world to pledge loyalty to the Islamic State and to move there immediately. There is also a section on the attempts to resolve the disputes between the Islamic State and other Jihadi factions such as Jabhat al-Nusra by means of mubahalah, an Islamic religious arbitration process.
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 2

The first issue of Dabiq, "The Return of Khilafah" is focused on the declaration of the caliphate and what that means. Some of the ideology behind the group is explained in an attempt to persuade more Muslims to join. It also explains the name of the magazine, and boasts of ISIS' victories. It also talks about efforts made to build support among local tribal groups, reporting their pledges of loyalty to Abu Bakr al-Baghadi, the self-appointed caliph of the Islamic State.
Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 1

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