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ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

 [First posted in AWOL 7 May 2012, updated 2 December 2015]

ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

    About ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

    • Logeion (literally, a place for words; in particular, a speaker's platform, or an archive) was developed after the example of dvlf.uchicago.edu, to provide simultaneous lookup of entries in the many reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection. As always, we are grateful for the Perseus Project's generosity in sharing their data. None of this would be possible without their commitment to open access. To improve the chronological range for which the dictionaries are useful, we have added DuCange (see below), and to enhance this site as both a research and a pedagogical tool, we add information based on corpus data in the right side bar, as well as references to chapters in standard textbooks. More such 'widgets' will be added over time, along with, we hope, still more dictionaries.
    • Update August 2014: In addition to the usual editing of existing dictionaries and morphology (keep reporting typos to us, please!), we are delighted to add a first author-specific lexicon on the Latin side, thanks to efforts at Dickinson College. Users will now encounter Frieze-Dennison's lexicon to Vergil's Aeneid for relevant entries. Many thanks to Christopher Francese and the DCC 'crew'! On another note, Logeion and the Logeion app got a mention in the New York Times, which we are thrilled about. We are, as always, grateful to Josh, Matt & Josh for developing this site and the app, and to the College of the University of Chicago for its support and its 'ambidextrous' undergrads, who know their way around Python and XML as well as around Greek and Latin.
    • Update December 2013: We are delighted to announce that we are adding the premier dictionary for Ancient Greek, the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE), to Logeion. Both for entries from DGE and from DuCange, we will include a link to these dictionaries' home sites for every entry we display. As we work on displaying these entries better, we recommend (also) visiting the home sites, which look positively elegant. This update also brings the Latin-Dutch dictionary, LaNe, up to date with the printed 6th edition, which will be coming out soon.
    • Update October 2013: Logeion is now available as an app for iOS, so that you can consult it even without a working internet connection. Find the Logeion app in Apple's app store.
    • Update January 2012: We have now added a Latin-Dutch dictionary to the collection: The Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands. One notable feature of this dictionary, for those who do not speak Dutch, is that a lot of attention has been paid to ensure accuracy of vowel length for the lexical entries. For further information see below.

    Using ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

    • Learning to use Logeion to look up words should be straightforward. Start typing in (the first few letters of) the headword (or lemma) for the entry (transliteration is an option for Greek words) and the word wheel will spin to what we hope will be the right destination. Enter a minimum of three characters, and the system will attempt to suggest entries in the neighborhood.
    • Details, details: When you are typing in a word, Logeion will consult its database and suggest Greek or Latin lookalikes. If you are typing in transliterated Greek, pick the suggested Greek word when it appears in the drop down menu. If you simply hit enter (or click on the 'Go' button) after typing 'logos', the system will take your input literally, and direct you to the entry for 'logos' in the Latin dictionaries. Note that the system is a rather poor student of the Greek alphabet - words in the suggestion list will not quite show up in the order you expect.
    • If you are trying to determine the right dictionary entry for an inflected word, you have two options. Simply start typing the first few characters, and Logeion might already direct you correctly. But when things get more complicated, you can type in the complete word (for Greek, this requires full diacritics).
    • If the word occurs as an inflected word in our database, Logeion will suggest a lemma or lemmas for it. You can hover over the lemma to see its choice of parses. Double-clicking on words within the dictionary entries and example sentences will allow you to go to the entry for that word - provided that the database has the right parse, of course, or that by happenstance, it lands you in the right position in the alphabet.
    • Linking to Logeion quickly in the Chrome browser: By control-clicking the Address Bar, you will see the possibility to "Edit search engines". Add your own Logeion search engine, by entering into the three boxes, Logeion, l, http://logeion.uchicago.edu/index.html#%s respectively. Next time you want to look up a word from anywhere on a web page or other document, copy it, and in your browser, hit command-L, l and a space. The Address bar will now say "Search Logeion". Paste in your word and hit Enter, and you will get Logeion's attempt at a (parse and a) dictionary entry, without having to have typed out our URL. Those who type in Greek a lot may also want to add Logeion, λ, .. for an identical shortcut so that the same quick trick works without having to change your keyboard.

    Greek Dictionaries

    • This collection has seen extensive editing, to correct data entry errors and to ensure integration with our morphological analysis tools. Reach the full-text search form by clicking on the titles below. Do note that Logeion is more frequently refreshed than the separate dictionaries.
    • Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (1940)
      • Henry George Liddell & Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon. Revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.
      • You can consult the front matter and the abbreviations.

    • Liddell and Scott's Intermediate Greek Lexicon (1889)
      • Henry George Liddell & Robert Scott, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon. Founded upon the seventh edition of Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889.
      • The Annenberg-CPB project provided funding for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    • Autenrieth's Homeric Dictionary (1891)
      • Georg Autenrieth, A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1891.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    • Slater's Lexicon to Pindar (1969)
      • William J. Slater, Lexicon to Pindar. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1969.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    Latin Dictionaries

    • The Latin dictionaries have seen some light editing as well. Headwords in Lewis & Short have been regularized to spellings with -i- rather than -j-, as was already the case in the Elementary Dictionary. -v- has been maintained throughout. Clusters such as adf-/aff-, adl-/all- are now aligned between the two dictionaries. Please report further infelicities!
    • Lewis and Short's Latin-English Lexicon (1879)
      • A Latin Dictionary, Founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL.D. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1879.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • This electronic version was lightly edited in order to correct data entry errors and to eliminate the letter -j- from dictionary headwords and many cross references; the letter -v- has been retained. Headwords have been more closely aligned with the Elementary Dictionary. XML header of Perseus original.

    • Lewis's Elementary Latin Dictionary (1890)
      • Lewis, Charlton, T. An Elementary Latin Dictionary. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company, 1890.
      • The National Science Foundation provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    Further resources, without full-text search on this site

  • DGE
  • DuCange
    • A resource for medieval and late Latin: Du Cange, et al., Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis. Niort : L. Favre, 1883-1887.
    • Open-access resource, published under the auspices of L'École nationale des chartes, http://www.enc.sorbonne.fr/
    • People who worked on this resource can be found at http://ducange.enc.sorbonne.fr/credits
    • Offered at the Ecole des Chartes under a non-commercial, no-derivatives creative commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/fr/
    • We believe that this may be a highly beneficial supplement to Lewis & Short for those working on later texts.

  • BWL
    • Basiswoordenlijst Latijn [Basic word list for Latin], by J.K.L. Babeliowsky, D. den Hengst, W. Holtland, W. van Lakwijk, J.Th.K. Marcelis, H. Pinkster, J.J.L. Smolenaars, Staatsuitgeverij, The Hague (Netherlands), 1975. [out of print]
    • BWL covers 85% of the vocabulary in Caesar, Cicero (oratory and philosophical works), Sallust, Livy, Seneca (letters), Tacitus, Catullus, Vergil, Horace (Odes), and Ovid, except where such words only rise to high frequency in a single one of these authors.
    • Prepared with the help of LASLA in Liège to cater to Dutch secondary schools in the 1970s, this text is now out of print. Example sentences, selected to illustrate the syntactic properties of the words, are mostly made up of words also present in BWL and were accompanied by a Dutch translation in the original.

  • LaNe
    • Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands, 5th revised edition 2011. Editor-in-chief Harm Pinkster.
    • LaNe is a Latin-Dutch translation dictionary, originally based on Pons Globalwörterbuch Lateinisch-Deutsch (Klett) but with full coverage of all entries also contained in the Oxford Latin Dictionary. LaNe is published by Amsterdam University Press, which also offers a stand-alone web interface with fuller functionality than the simple entry lookup here. We are grateful to Amsterdam University Press, and to the editor, for their generous cooperation in Logeion.
    • ISBN 978 90 8964 073 4, Publisher's information at http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789089640734

  • Frieze-Dennison Vergil
    • From Henry S. Frieze, Vergil’s Aeneid Books I-XII, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary, revised by Walter Dennison (New York: American Book Co. 1902).
    • The lexicon at the end of this book was revised and digitized in 2014 at Dickinson College by Christopher Francese, Derek Frymark, and Tyler Denton.
    • Citations in the definitions (“2.425”) refer to passages in the Aeneid by Book and line number. The scanned book is available at Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=yREBAAAAYAAJ&dq=Frieze+Dennison+Aeneid&source=gbs_navlinks_s

  • Reference


    • We gratefully acknowledge here that authors of the following textbooks have given permission for chapter/unit references to be displayed in Logeion. In the case of JACT, we wish to thank Matt Neuburg for providing us with the data. Needless to say, the authors bear no responsibility for any errors in these references, which were sometimes culled from unrelated web sites; please let us know if you find problems. The short titles given in the chapter references refer, in full, to:
    • Hansen & Quinn
      • Greek: An Intensive Course, by Hardy Hansen and Gerald M. Quinn, Fordham University Press.
      • ISBN 978-0823216635

    • JACT
      • Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises, by Joint Association of Classical Teachers, Cambridge University Press
      • ISBN 978-0521698528

    • LTRG
      • Learn to Read Greek, by Andrew Keller and Stephanie Russell, Yale University Press.
      • ISBN 978-0300167719

    • LTRL
      • Learn to Read Latin, by Andrew Keller and Stephanie Russell, Yale University Press.
      • ISBN 978-0300102154

    • Mastronarde
    • Wheelock
      • Wheelock's Latin, by Frederic M. Wheelock and Richard A. Lafleur, Collins Reference.
      • ISBN 978-0060783716

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