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Open Access Journal: Bulgarian E-Journal of Archaeology

 [First posted in AWOL 18 January 2012. Updated 6 March 2013]

Bulgarian E-Journal of Archaeology / Българско е-Списание за Археология
ISSN: 1314-5088
Списание Бе-СА (ISSN 1314-5088) e издание на Асоциацията на българските археолози (АБА) и излиза в две книжки годишно. Амбицията на създателите му и на редакционната колегия е да предоставят на археологическата общност възможност за изява и активност в няколко направления: публикуване на качествени и богато илюстрирани статии и студии, съобщения и рецензии; представяне на иновации в методите на изследване; поставяне на дискусионни проблеми и научна полемика; обнародване на стойностни дисертации на археологическа тема и др. Гаранция за нивото на публикуваните трудове е редакторската работа при подбора и подготовката на публикациите – материалите от първите 2 рубрики на списанието подлежат на рецензиране от двама редактори, съпричастни с проблематиката на предоставения материал.
Тематичният обхват на списанието се ограничава в материали, отнасящи се до археологическите проучвания в България и съседните райони, които контекстуално и културно-хронологически са свързани с явления и процеси на нашето археологическо наследство. Осмислянето и третирането на глобални проблеми като опазване и социализиране на културно-историческото/археологическото наследство ще намерят трибуна в нашето списание в над-регионалния  им аспект.

Списанието има амбицията да поддържа двуезичен стандарт – приемат се материали на български и английски език, като статиите задължително се придружават от резюме на не-основния език на съответния текст. Подробни указания към авторите са представени в линк на нашия портал.

Be-JA (ISSN 1314-5088) is the home journal of the Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists (ABA) and is published twice a year. The ambition of its creators and the editorial board is to provide an opportunity for the archaeological community to take part and to contribute in several directions: publication of high quality, richly illustrated studies and articles, reports and reviews; introducing innovative methods of investigations; initiating discussions on problematic issues and maintaining research polemics; publicizing outstanding doctoral theses, etc. High-standard editorial control in the selection and preparation of publications is guaranteed by our editorial procedure – materials from the first two thematic sections of the journal are peer-reviewed by two editors well-acquainted with the discussed topics.

The thematic scope of the journal covers papers concerned with archaeological investigations in Bulgaria and the neighboring areas that are contextually, culturally and chronologically related to processes and events in the past that have resulted in our common archaeological heritage. Supra-regional discussions and debates on global problems like preservation and dissemination of the cultural/historical/archaeological heritage into wider society are warmly welcomed in our journal.
Our goal is to maintain a bilingual standard – papers in Bulgarian and in English are accepted and each of the published materials should be accompanied by a summary in the language alternative to the main language of the article. Detailed notes for contributors can be found at the corresponding link of four website.

Последен брой / Current Issue

Редакционен текст (1/2011) / From the Editorial Board (1/2011)

Живеем във времето на бурното и необратимо навлизане на електронните средства за информация във всички сфери на познанието. Тази тенденция, макар и малко стряскаща, е многообещаваща и безалтернативно перспективна. [...>>>]
We live in an age of the fast and irreversible incursion of electronic media into all spheres of knowledge. Such a trend, although a little frightening, is very promising and full of perspectives. [...>>>]

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Съдържание на брой 2 (2012 г. ) / Table of contents n. 2 (2012)

Студии и статии / Studies and papers

Be-JA_2_2012-1aPreliminary Findings of the Balkan Paleo Project: Evidence of Human Activity at the “Gateway” of Europe During the Late Pleistocene

Stefanka Ivanova, Maria Gurova, Nikolai Spassov, Vasil Popov, Jana Makedonska, Tsanko Tzankov, David S. Strait
This paper describes the initial findings of the Balkan Paleo Project (BPP). The project seeks: 1 – to augment the evidence that can be used to test hypotheses about hominin and faunal dispersals into and out of Europe during the Pleistocene; 2 – to gather data for testing the hypotheses regarding the adaptation of early human populations to Eurasian ecosystems, the adjustment of their tool technologies, anatomical characteristics and behaviors in response to local climates and faunal evidence. [...>>>]

Be-JA_2_2012-2Фрагмент от „чаша с птици“ от Драма-Кайряка

Ивайло Караджинов
Fragment of a bird bowl from Drama-Kajrjaka (Ivaylo Karadzhinov)
The subject of study is a fragment from an East Greek birdbowl, found at the Drama-Kajrjaka site, Yambol district. The glaze coating over the interior of the vessel, certain features in the line of the bird and the presence of only one vertical dividing line between the basic ornaments, allow us to assign it to type IIIb after M. Kerschner, dated ca. 640 – ca. 610 BC. Recent research shows that the vessel is not an isolated find in the Middle Tundja valley. [...>>>]

Be-JA_2_2012-3Търговията с гръцки амфори през елинистическата епоха според находки от Шуменско

Петър Балабанов
Greek amphorae trade during the Hellenistic period according to finds from Shumen district (Petar Balabanov)
The paper presents a systematization of Greek amphorae found in Shumen district (northeastern Bulgaria). In terms of their origin and chronology, the amphorae from Shumen district have good analogues in the adjacent areas. The economy of the entire region (the east of Yantra river to the Danube and to the Black Sea coast) during the Classical and the Hellenistic periods has been related to the steady in times of upsurges and crises import of production transported in amphorae. [...>>>]

Археологически издирвания / Archaeological surveys

Be-JA_2_2012-4Селищната система през античността по горното течение на река Голяма Камчия (по данни от теренна експедиция „Камчия” във Върбишко)

Светлана Венелинова
Settlement pattern along the upper course of river Golyama Kamchya in Antiquity (Svetlana Venelinova)
The main source of information for the settlement pattern in the Golyama Kamchia valley are the results of five years field survey “Kamchia” held in the period 2008-2012, as well as the archaeological research in the region over the past 50 years. The article includes a catalogue of 89 sites located along the upstream of Golyama Kamchia river. During the “Kamchia” survey 57 archaeological sites (with a broad spectrum of findings) dating from the Early Iron Age to Late Antiquity were registered. [...>>>]

Be-JA_2_2012-5Метални украси от Велики Преслав

Петър Димитров
Metal decorations from Veliki Preslav (Petar Dimitrov)
A field survey aided by a metal-detector and conducted within the Inner and Outer city walls (mainly along the low river terrace ‘Selishte’) of Veliki Preslav in the period 2002 – 2004 has revealed a fair number of metal objects (44 in total). They consist of mostly belt-fittings but also jewellery and some single finds. [...>>>]

Дискусии / Discussions

header2Нови аспекти в типологизацията и терминологията на селищните обекти в праисторията

Валери Петров
New considerations for the typology and terminology of prehistoric settlements (Valeri Petrov)
The problems of terminological differentiation of prehistoric settlements and their typology remain poorly discussed in Bulgarian archaeological literature. Information gained in recent years from archaeological excavations demonstrates enormous variation in the structure of settlements from the Chalcolithic period. The new data allows the building a basic typology of settlements and their structures not only in terms of locality but also in respect to their function. Such variety imposes a reconsideration of the current terminology, including the introduction of some new definitions. [...>>>]

Рецензии; научна полемика / Reviews; research polemics

Be-JA_2_2012-7За пигментите, използвани в археологията и художеството. Рецензия на N. Eastaugh, V. Walsh, T. Chaplin, R. Siddall. The Pigment Compendium. A Dictionary of Historical Pigments
Ивелин Кулев
Book review: N. Eastaugh, V. Walsh, T. Chaplin, R. Siddall. The Pigment Compendium. A Dictionary of Historical Pigments (Ivelin Kuleff)


Електрохимични методи в археометрията, консервацията и реставрацията. Рецензия на A. Doménech-Carbó, M. T. Doménech-Carbó and V. Costa. Electrochemical Methods in Archaeometry, Conservation and Restoration

Ивелин Кулев
Book Review: A. Doménech-Carbó, M. T. Doménech-Carbó and V. Costa. Electrochemical Methods in Archaeometry, Conservation and Restoration. 2009, Springer (Ivelin Kuleff)

Събития; информация за научни форуми; юбилеи; in memoriam
Events; information for research fora; jubilees; in memoriam


Международна конференция по трасология, 10-12 октомври 2012, Фаро, Португалия

Мария Гюрова
Use-Wear 2012. International Conference of Use-Wear Analysis, 10-12 October 2012, Faro, Portugal (Maria Gurova)

Tотко Стоянов
In memoriam: Luba Ognenova-Marinova (1922–2012) (Totko Stoyanov)

Минали броеве / Past Issues


Be-JA_2_2012-Ia Съдържание на брой 2 (2012 г. ) / Table of contents n. 2 (2012)

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Be-JA_1_2012-Ia Съдържание на брой 1 (2012 г. ) / Table of contents n. 1 (2012)

 Download complete journal (Free PDF, 34.2 MB)

Be-JA_1_2011-Ia Съдържание на брой 1 (2011 г. ) / Table of contents n. 1 (2011)

 Download complete journal (Free PDF, 32.9 MB)

Supplementa 1, 2011

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