American–Polish excavations from 2008, co-directed by Steven E. Sidebotham (University of Delaware) and Iwona Zych (PCMA UW). Continuation of an American–Dutch project in 1994–2001, co-directed by S.E. Sidebotham and Wilhelmina Z. Wendrich. Fifth site in Egypt to have a complete geophysical magnetic map of practically the whole area, project headed by Tomasz Herbich (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences).
Full excavation reports in the PAM Monograph series the PAM Monograph series (Berenike 2008–2009, PCMA Excavation Series 1, Warszawa 2011) reports in PAM(Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean). Reports from the American–Dutch excavations by CNWS, Leiden University, and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology–UCLA).
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