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Open Access Newsletter: Tabulae

[First posted 11 December 2009. Updated 3 February 2013]

Tabulae, the department's annual newsletter, describes the activities and current research of members of the department, including undergraduate, post-bac, and graduate students, as well as faculty and alumni. Each issue also provides updates on all the changes that have occurred within the department in the preceding year, from budget updates to retirements and new hires. Please take a moment to browse through our current and past issues below.
YearTable of Contents
Tabulae 2011-2012Letter from Chair Cecil Wooten
Azoria wins Archaeological Institute of America's "Best Practices for Site Preservation" award
Faculty News
Calendar of Events
Tabulae 2007-2008Letter from Chair Cecil Wooten
Letter from James Rives, Kenan Eminent Professor of Classics
A Word from Werner Riess
News on Azoria
Faculty and Graduate News
Commencement 2007
Alumni News
Tabulae 2005-2006Letter from Cecil Wooten, interim chair for Fall 2005
Maura Lafferty's Year in Rome
Our Newest Faculty Members - Brook Holmes and Monika Truemper
Andy Gloege's Goodbye
George Houston's Retirement
Faculty, Graduate, Post-Bac, Undergraduate, and Alumni News
Hidden Treasures - The Department's Collection of Ancient Coins
Commencement 2006
Tabulae 2004Letter from Jim O'Hara, Chair
Jerzy Linderski Festshcrift
The Kenneth Reckford Fund
Variae Vitae Reportant
Faculty, Graduate, and Post-Bac News
The Fauna of Old Murphey: A Reminiscence
Tabulae 2002Letter from William Race, Chair
Murphey Hall Overhaul
UNC Excavations Begin at Azoria
Faculty, Graduate, and Undergraduate News
Azoria Field Report
Kenneth J. Reckford Offers a Feast for Mind and Spirit
William Custis West, III: A Man for All Seasons
Gerhard M. Koeppel
Variae Vitae Reportant
Commencement 2002
Murphey Hall Remade - Pictures of the Renovation Process
The Kenneth Reckford Fund
Tabulae 2001Rites of (temporary) Passage
Sara Mack
Variae Vitae Reportant
Tabulae 2000Inaugurating a New Era
Plutarch and Philip Stadter
In Praise of Philophron
Variae Vitae Reportant
Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 2001 (Gods and Monsters: Divinization and Demonization in the Ancient World)
Tabulae 1999Yielding Place to New
Ed Brown Retires
Variae Vitae Reportant
Conference Announcement (Sage and Emperor: Plutarch and Trajan)
Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 2000 (The Animal in the Ancient World)
Tabulae 1998Alma Mater Murpheia
Patch Adams
Dedication of the B.L. Ullman Library
Epochs of Office
Variae Vitae Reportant
Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 1999 (Pimps, Peasants, and Potentates: Low-Lifes and Leaders in the Ancient World)
Tabulae 1997Building for the Future
David Ganz Leaves
Death of John Herington
The Undergraduate Program
Variae Vitae Reportant
Murphey on the Web
Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 1998 (Finem Egressi Legemque Priorum: Oddities and Vulgarities in the Ancient World)
Tabulae 1996Tanti Auguri
Jerzy Linderski
Variae Vitae Reportant
Remaking Murphey Hall
Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1997 (SKENE PAS HO BIOS: Theater in the Ancient World)
Performance of Aristophanes's Birds
Tabulae 1995Labor Omnia Vicit Improbus
Berthe Marti: In Memoriam
Berthe and Medieval Latin
Variae Vitae Reportant
Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1996 (Imitatio et Aemulatio)
Tabulae 1994Looking Backward, and Forward
The Beginning Latin Program
Variae Vitae Reportant
Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1995 (The Body in the Ancient World)
Tabulae 1993A Time for Renovation
The Undergraduate Program
So, What Can You Do With a Degree in Classics?
Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1994 (Ut et in Occasu Suo Splendorem et Ornamenta Praeteritae Vitae Retineant: Ancient Ceremony and Spectacle)
Announcement for the Production of Plautus's Poenulus
Announcement for the Biennial Meeting of CAMWS Southern Section
Tabulae 1992Discovery and Rediscovery
The Turkish Connection - ARIT, Digs, Byzantion, and Ankara
Bacchylides, Live from Chapel Hill
First Annual Ancient Studies Colloquium
Domi Militiaeque
Tabulae 1991Pausing to Give Thanks
Performance of Plautus's Curculio
Ancient Historians Meet
Jay Bolter Leaves for Georgia Tech
Variae Vitae Reportant
George Kennedy, the Persuasive
Tabulae 1990"You Richly Deserve Delight"
Annabelle (A Song for Nancy)
Variae Vitae Reportant
The Latin Play Returns!
The Immerwahr Connection
Tabulae 1989Keeping the Show on the Road
The Italian Connection
Sedes Ubi Fata Quietas
Friedrich Solmsen
Variae Vitae Reportant
Tabulae 1988Changing of the Guard
Roman Magistrates: Past, Present, & Future
On the Tenure Track
Variae Vitae Reportant
Chiron Awards for Medical Research

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