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Open Access Journal: ARA News: The Association for Roman Archaeology

[First posted in AWOL 22 December 2010. Updated  27 June 2015]

ARA News:  The Association for Roman Archaeology
The Association for Roman Archaeology uses its membership income to promote the following objectives

  • To spread knowledge of Roman civilisation.

  • Research on Roman sites in the U.K.

  • Preserve our Roman antiquities.

  • Present Roman sites and collections.

  • Publish findings from all our active archaeological archives.

  • Our principal objective is to promote the advancement of the education of the public in the history and archaeology of the Roman period.

    The A.R.A. publish a fully coloured Newsletter annually, and we upload copies here on the website for people to view.

    The Newsletters on the website are available in PDF format, please clink on a link below. 

    ARA Newsletter Number 14 Click here for pdf
    Seat of fire revealed at Colchester
    Part of Gloucester's Roman city wall goes on display
    Snippets: Chichester, Tivoli, Chester, Bradford-on-Avon, Chester,

    ARA Newsletter Number 15: August 2003Click here for pdf

    Snippets: Brough, York, Goodmanham, Chester, Utrecht, London, Southwell, Colchester

    ARA Newsletter Number 16: March 2004Click here for pdf

    Exciting Roman coin find
    Snippets: Hadrian's Wall, Leicestershire, Staffordshire, Colchester, London, Pompeii, Higham Ferrers, Southwark, Llandeilo, Lincoln, Hertfordshire, Coberley

    ARA Newsletter Number 17: November 2004Click here for pdf

    Changes in the Association's Publications
    Members day visit to Silchester
    Annual Dinner at Fishbourne
    Archaeological News Round-up: Broadstairs, Vindolanda,
    Lindsey Davis at Richborough
    Malton Museum; two goddesses unveiled at Malton Museum
    Archaeological News Round-up:Colchester, Abergavenny

    ARA Newsletter Number 18: November 2005Click here for pdf part 1
    / part 2
    The Roman Centurian's Song _Rudyard Kipling
    Professional obituraries
    Archaeological News Round-up: Colchester; Rabbits in Roman Britain; Socks with Sandals; York burials; Vindolanda sculpture.
    The Jewry Wall, Leicester: Stuart Bailey
    A Greek Island Villa: Bryan Matthews
    The Big Roman Database: Rebecca Newman
    Timber building at Vindolanda
    The Roman Villa at Minori: Thomas F Morrison
    Tales from an Itinerant Traveller: Hardknot Roman Fort (Mediobogdum): Don Flear
    Anamur / Anemurium: David Pritchard
    The Puzzle of the Amphorae: CA Noons
    Traveller's Itinerary: Allen Farnworth
    Archaeological News Round-up: Leicestershire hoard; Staffordshire Patera

    ARA Newsletter Number 19: April 2007Click here for pdf

    The Lost Mosaics of Bramdean, Hampshire
    Tales from an Itinerant Traveller: Roman Cyprus (part 1): Don Flear
    The Roman Settlement at Crab Farm, Dorset: Bryn Walters
    The Dodd's Brigantia Weekend Diary: Tim Dodd
    An Overview of Roman Essex: Bryn Walters
    Imperial Emblems found in Rome: Bryn Walters
    Spectacular Roman Sites around Lake Garda, Italy: Geoff and Glenis Long
    Members visit to Northern France: Geoff and Glenis Long
    Rare find in Leicester: Tom Bennett
    Archaeological News Round-up: Silbury Hill; Newchurch (Isle of Wight); Leicester Vine Street excavations; Lancaster bath house; Priapus statue at Vindolanda
    Professional obituaries

    ARA Newsletter Number 20: April 2008 Click here for pdf part 1
    / part 2
    Cologne to Eifel to Tongeren to Metz: Allen Farnworth
    Tales from an Itinerant Traveller: Roman Cyprus (part 2): Don Greenword (formerly Flear)
    Readers Letters
    Two Venue Curators retire
    Archaeological News Round-up: Early Roman coin found in Cornwall; Lupercal cave possibly found on the Palatine; Herculaneum wood and ivory thorne; Chichester
    excavations; House of Augustus, Rome; Aldborough, York coffin found; Lancaster Roman memorial stone found
    A Second Fort is Confirmed in Cornwall: Steve Hartgroves and John R Smith
    Chester's Roman Town: Peter Carrington
    Archaeology in the Park: Dan Garner
    Impressive Villas over the Bay of Naples: Geoff and Glenis Long
    Archaeological News Round-up: Vindoland brooch; Suffolk Villa excavations; Vindolanda statue base found
    Professional obituaries
    Malton Museum
    Archaeological News Round-up: Chester's amphitheatre; London tableware; Ewell cult centre; London Roman door; Corbridge road ramp;

    ARA Newsletter Number 21: February 2009Click here for pdf

    Third Roman Fort found in Cornwall: Dr Chris Smart
    Tales from an Itinerant Traveller: Roman Cyprus (part 3: Don Greenword
    Professional obituaries
    Readers Letters
    Archaeological News Round up: Sagalassos, Turkey statue found
    ARA Visit to the Greek and Roman Sites of Libya in 2008: J and LT Webb
    Journey's End, short story: Howard Gibbs
    New Figured Mosaic found near Kemble, Glos: Anthony Beeson
    The Head in the River: Kevin Cooke
    Archaeological News Round-up: Arles, France bust found; Sea Mills, Bristol possible fort

    ARA Newsletter Number 22: September 2009Click here for pdf

    Tales from an Itinerant Traveller: Roman Cyprus (part 4): Don Greenword
    ARA Information Technology and Communications
    Towns in Britain AD300-700 Conference Report: Rebecca Newman
    Archaeological News Round-up: Vindolanda road and granaries; Newcastle sarcophagi; Vindolanda Jupiter Dolchenus shrine;
    Book Reviews
    Roman Cyprus: Salamis and other Northern Sites: Nich Hogben
    Archaeological News Round-up: London millefiori bowl; Silchester Iron Age predecessor; Southwell, Notts possible Religious complex;

    ARA Newsletter Number 23: March 2010 Click here for pdf

    The great North Museum, Newcastle: Anne Woollett
    Archaeological News Round-up: Britain's oldest Roman coin; Rome Nero's banqueting house; South Shields / Arbeia fort excavations
    Romans, Police Cars and Football Fans; Incidents of Travel in Algeria: Rebecca Newman
    The Missing 90% in Roman Britain; Conference on the Romano-British Countryside 2010 report: Rebecca Newman
    Roman Displays at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester: Elizabeth Royles
    Alderney's Shore Fort: Nicholas Hogben
    Professor John Wilkes; ARA's Honorary President; an introduction: Grahame Soffe
    Archaeological News Round-up: Arbeia altar; Cameo glass vase; Nova Zagora, Bulgaria tomb.

    ARA Newsletter Number 24Click here for pdf part 1
    / part 2
    A New Fort Discovered in Exeter: Tim Gent
    How were Roman villas glazed and vented?
    Spotlight on Trimontium Museum: Donald Gordon
    ARA goes digital
    Archaeological News Round-up: Suffolk lantern; Bury St Edmunds Priapus figure; Holbrook, Suffolk figure; Folkestone re-excavations; Frome coin hoard; Aberystwyth villa; Alton pendant.
    Roman Bath-house Discovered at Bax Farm, Kent: Brian Philip
    Roman Finds in Thanet, Kent: Gordon Taylor
    The Tale of the Emperor's Head
    Archaeological News Round-up: Herculaneum recent discoveries; Chedworth mosaic; Gloucester Roman wall; Hinton St Mary, Dorset mosaic; Caistor, Lincolnshire excavations; Papcastle, Cumbria; Woodchester Orpheus replica mosaic; Silchester recent finds
    Jordon, ARA study tour: John Bithell
    Archaeological News Round-up: Carlisle publication; Canterbury excavations, Musselburgh altars; York burial; Southwick villa
    A Walk Along Hadrian's Wall: A personal view : David Sleep
    Spotlight on Newport Villa, Isle of Wight: Nicholas Hogben
    Third Year of Excavations at Brading Villa
    Archaeological News Round-up: Combley Villa new display; Twekesbury Roman building
    Book Reviews

    ARA Newsletter Number 25 March 2011Click here for pdf

    Romans on the Rhine: ARA Study Tour 2010: John Partridge
    Archaeological News Round-up: New Caligula statue at Nemi; Roman crop marks; Pompeii / Vesuvius website; 4th century paintings at Santa Tecla; Papcastle excavations; Vindolanda finds.
    Vaison La Romaine and Glanum: overlooked treasures of Roman Provence: Gareth Harney
    Folkstone Roman Villa: 2010 excavations: Keith Parfitt
    The Thurmaston Milestone: Stuart Bailey
    Spotlight on Museum of the Iron Age, Andover: Martin Elvery
    Archaeological News Round-up: Survey at Caerleon; Excavation at Caerleon; Nabatean wall paintings; Roman site beneath Kettleby; Hallaton Helmet; History of Rome Podcasts.
    The Mosaics of Sousse: cultural fashion in Roman Africa: Martin Elvery
    Book Review: The Frome Hoard
    Roman Spain: Ines Garcia and Bernie Spiegelhalter

    ARA Newsletter Number 26 September 2011Click here for pdf

    Archaeological News Round-up: Maryport excavations: Vindolanda denarii.
    ARA Study Tour of Classical and Roman Libya, Nov 2009: Marigold Norbye
    Archaeological News Round-up: Colchester mosaic; Caligula statue at Nemi update; Herculaneum Roman sewage; Roman Doncaster excavations.
    Spotlight on Dolaucothi Mines: Gareth Harney
    Hadrian's Wall Update: David Sleep
    Novae and the Valetudinarium of Legio I Italica: John Bithell
    Re-evaluating the identification of Roman military hospitals: Patricia Baker
    Mithras in Scotland: spectacular new altars unveiled: Anthony Beeson
    Archaeological News Round-up: Rome's Tunnel of Wonders; Puddletown Roman road; York's station baths refound; Musselburgh cemetery; Pantheon's lighting. Latin Epigraphy: how to read and understand Roman inscriptions, Part 1: Marigold Norbye
    Archaeological News Round-up: New settlement near Exeter; Roman Sheffield; Caerleon excavations. South Warwickshire Roman Hoard: Martin Elvery
    Archaeological News Round-up: Venta Icenorum acquired for nation; Zejtun, Malta villa restoration. Recent ARA Grants

    ARA Newsletter Number 27 March 2012 Click here for pdf part 1
    / part 2

    Campaign to preserve Southwell Roman site: Bryn Walters
    ARA Study Tour of Jordan, 2011: Marigold Norbye
    RESCUE, the British Archaeological Trust; still campaigning after 40 years: Jude Plouviez
    Archaeological News Round-up: Roman Swiss-army knife; Arbeia Amphora; Lower Borrowbridge, Cumbria excavations; Corinium cemetery; Cirencester cockerel. Land of Eagles; Journeys in Roman Albania: Gareth Harney
    Romans in Commagene: Rebecca Newman
    Excavation at Charles Street, Dorchester: John Bithell
    Spotlight on Lunt Roman Fort: Martin Elvery From Julius Caesar to Claudius; the late Iron Age / Roman transition, Report on a conference at the university of Leicester 2011 Nov 5th: Stuart Bailey
    The Imagery of the Hallerton helmet; decoration depicting Roman victory revealed by restoration: Anthony Beeson
    Archaeological News Round-up: London mithraeum; Spanish mosaic damaged; Camelon, Falkirk Roman sandals; Londinium token; Latin Epigraphy: how to read and understand Roman inscriptions, Part 2: Marigold Norbye
    The Lost City of the Legion; preliminary excavations in Caerleon’s monumental suburb hint at great future discoveries: Anthony Beeson
    Ramblings of an Ancient Volunteer Archaeologist, digging through his memories: Michael C Looker
    Archaeological News Round-up: Southwark Roman bath

    ARA Newsletter Number 28 September 2012 Click here for pdf part 1
    / part 2

    A Visit to the Novium, Chichester s New Museum: Grahame Soffe
    The Jupiter Stone: a Romano-British sculptural treasure goes on display at the Novium: Anthony Beeson
    ARA Study Tour of Sicily: John Partridge
    Halstock Roman Villa, Dorset; a lost floor of opus sectile: Bryn Walters
    A Tale of Three Emperors; images of Roman defeat in Sasanian Iran: Ian Heritage
    Archaeological News Round-up: Lupa Capitolina Etruscan?; Tyne and Wear Hadrian's Wall community project; Birthplace of Augustus in Rome found; Rediscovery of statue of Mark Antony and Cleopatra's twins. Jublains; a provincial Gallo-Roman civitas: Marigold Norbye
    Archaeological News Round-up: Beau Street hoard; Walton, Peterborough new villa; Arch of Titus paint traces.
    Three treasures of Ancient Britain and Sweet Fanny Adams: Anthony Beeson
    Archaeological News Round-up: Maryport altar excavations
    Recent ARA Grants

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