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Open Access Journal: Ziridava Studia Archaeologica

Ziridava Studia Archaeologica 
ISSN: 1224–7316
Ziridava Studia Archaeologica (ISSN 1224–7316), edited by the Arad Museum Complex, is a periodical of archaeology that is meant to continue the old Ziridava. One must state that Ziridava Studia Archaeologica is published annually and is printed in the month of December of each year.

The periodical aims to publish studies on the archaeology of the Carpathian Basin, but also on the surrounding regions. Therefore, Ziridava Studia Archaeologica is envisioned, first of all, as a periodical with regional impact. One of the main goals of this academic initiative is to publish archaeological materials, but also older research remained unpublished and new research. The team also encourages and supports the publication of synthesis studies and modern approaches.
The first volume of Ziridava was published in 1967, and 25 volumes were edited since then, until 2010. This periodical published studies from various disciplines such as archaeology, history, art history, museology, or ethnography. In time, several independent specialized periodicals were created from the larger Ziridava: Armonii Naturale (since 1996), Zărandul (since 1999), Studii și comunicări (since 1992). A final stage of this process of increased editorial specialization is the publication of a separate periodical of archaeology, Ziridava Studia Archaeologica. Since in specialized archaeological literature Ziridava was correlated to the institution of the Arad Museum, but also due to the numerous archaeological researches performed mainly in the Lower Mureș were published in the periodical from Arad, the editorial board has decided to preserve the name of the periodical. At the same time, in order to avoid braking the tradition and forgetting the efforts of the periodical’s old editorial board, we have decided to continue the numbering the volumes with no. 26 (Ziridava Studia Archaeologica 26, 2012).

Ziridava nr.1 - 24
Cuprins / Contents

Ziridava 27
Cuprins / Contents
Radu Pop, Călin Ghemiş
Contributions to the Knowledge of Parietal Art in North-Western Transylvania. the Discoveries from Ileanda (Sălaj County)

Florin Gogâltan, Victor Sava, Lucian Mercea
Sântana “Cetatea Veche”. Metal and power

Péter Polgár
Anzeichen der Metallbearbeitung bei einer Fundstelle in der Gemarkung von Sopron

Cristian Ioan Popa
A Bronze-Age Hoard Discovered in Ampoiţa (Alba County)

Victor Sava, Dan Matei
Prehistoric and Second-fourth-century Discoveries on the Present-day Territory of Aradu Nou District, in the City of Arad

Cosmin Mihail Coatu, Adrian Socaci
Des monnaies antiques appartenant a une collection privee

Iosif Vasile Ferencz
Dacian Objects from Ardeu in the Collection of the MNIR

Cristian-Constantin Roman
Landmarks in the Development of Carthographic Representations of the Dacian Settlement in Ardeu (Municipality of Balşa, Hunedoara County)

Alexandru Berzovan
Considerations on “Troianul” in Ţara Zarandului

Petru Ureche
The Bow and Arrow during the Roman Era

Erwin Gáll
Two 10-11th century arrow-heads from the environs of Kotori/Cattaro - Herceg Novi/Castelnuovo. Archaeology (?) and art-dealing in the Balkans

Erwin Gáll
From the fortress of Stephen I (997‒1038) to the centre of ‛lord Gelou’. Dăbâca (germ.: Dobeschdorf; hung.: Doboka) in the nationalist myths in the 20th Century

Luminiţa Andreica
Implications of a Tibia and Fibula Fracture in the Secondary Adaptation of the Skeleton of an Individual Discovered in Nădlac “Lutărie” (Arad County)

Florin Mărginean, George Pascu Hurezan, Augustin Mureșan
The Medieval Church in the Village of Secaș (Arad County) and its Vestiges

Florin Ciulavu
The Monetary Reform of Vladislav ii of Walachia (1447-1448; 1448-1456). Survey of research

Corina Toma
A Monetary Hoard Discovered in the Settlement of Cristur (Bihor County). Aspects on the Monetary Circulation of Thalers in Crişana during the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century
Ziridava 26
Cuprins / Contents

Peter Hügel, George Pascu Hurezan, Florin Mărginean, Victor Sava
One and Half Century of Archaeology on the Lower Mureș

Tibor-Tamás Daróczi
Environmental Changes in the Upperand Middle Tisza/Tisa Lowland during the Holocene

Florin Gogâltan, Victor Sava
War and Warriors duringthe Late Bronze Age within the Lower Mureş Valley

Victor Sava, George Pascu Hurezan, Florin Mărginean
Late Bronze Age Metal Artifacts Discoveredin Şagu, Site “A1_1”, Arad – Timişoara Highway (km 0+19.900 – 0+20.620)

Dan Matei
Abandoned Forts and their Civilian Reuse in Roman Dacia

Silviu Oţa
Tombs with Jewels in Byzantine Tradition Discovered on the Present-Day Territory of Romania, North of the Danube (end of the 11th Century-the 14thCentury)

Luminiţa Andreica
Dental Indicators of Stress and Diet Habits of Individuals Discovered in the Ossuary of the Medieval Church in Tauţ (Arad County)

Anca Niţoi, Florin Mărginean, George P. Hurezan
Medieval and Early Modern Military Items Discovered in the Village of Tauţ (Arad County, Western Romania)

Zsuzsanna Kopeczny, Remus Dincă
Tobacco Clay Pipes Discovered in the Historical Center of Timișoara

Călin Ghemiş, Constantin Iosif Zgardan
The Siege of The Fortification in Oradea (1692) Reflected on Baroque Medals

Ana-Maria Gruia
Depictions of Smokers on Stove Tiles (17th-19thcenturies)

Adrian Stoia
Graffiti Discovered in the Western Tower of the Church in Cincu


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