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New Online at the CHS: Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations

Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations, by Aaron Johnson and Jeremy Schott, eds.
Johnson and Schott coverThe Center for Hellenic Studies is pleased to announce the online publication of Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations, by Aaron Johnson and Jeremy Schott, eds. on the CHS website. The work is available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
Eusebius of Caesarea was one of the most significant and voluminous contributors to the development of late antique literary culture. Despite his significance, Eusebius has tended to receive attention more as a source for histories of early Christianity and the Constantinian empire than as a writer and thinker in his own right. He was a compiler and copyist of pagan and Christian texts, collator of a massive chronographical work, commentator on scriptural texts, author of apologetic, historical, educational, and biographical works, and custodian of one of the greatest libraries in the ancient world. As such, Eusebius merits a primary place in our appreciation of the literary culture of late antiquity for both his self-conscious conveyance of multiple traditions and his fostering of innovative literary and intellectual trajectories. By focusing on the full range of Eusebius’s literary corpus, the collection of essays in Eusebius of Caesarea offers new and innovative studies that will change the ways classicists, theologians, and ancient historians think about this major figure.

Aaron Johnson is Assistant Professor of Humanities and Classics at Lee University.
Jeremy Schott is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University Bloomington.
1. Introduction, Aaron P. Johnson

2. Genre and Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History: Toward a Focused Debate, David J. DeVore

3. Mothers and Martyrdom: Familial Piety and the Model of the Maccabees in Eusebius of Caesarea’s Ecclesiastical History, James Corke-Webster

4. The History of the Caesarean Present: Eusebius and Narratives of Origen, Elizabeth C. Penland

5. A Eusebian Reading of the Testimonium Flavianum, Ken Olson

6. Propaganda Against Propaganda: Revisiting Eusebius’ Use of the Figure of Moses in the Life of Constantine, Finn Damgaard

7. The Life of Constantine: The Image of an Image, Peter Van Nuffelen

8. Eusebius’ Commentary on the Psalms and Its Place in the Origins of Christian Biblical Scholarship, Michael J. Hollerich

9. Textuality and Territorialization: Eusebius’ Exegeses of Isaiah and Empire, Jeremy M. Schott

10. The Ends of Transfiguration: Eusebius’ Commentary on Luke (PG 24.549), Aaron P. Johnson

11. Origen as an Exegetical Source in Eusebius’ Prophetic Extracts, Sébastien Morlet

12. New Perspectives on Eusebius’ Questions and Answers on the Gospels: The Manuscripts, Claudio Zamagni

13. Eusebius of Caesarea on Asterius of Cappadocia in the Anti-Marcellan Writings: A Case Study of Mutual Defense within the Eusebian Alliance, Mark DelCogliano

14. How Binitarian/Trinitarian was Eusebius? Volker Henning Drecoll

15. Origen, Eusebius, the Doctrine of Apokatastasis, and Its Relation to Christology, Ilaria Ramelli

16. Eusebius and Lactantius: Rhetoric, Philosophy, and Christian Theology, Kristina A. Meinking

Afterword. Receptions, Jeremy M. Schott 

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