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IOSPE: Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea

IOSPE: Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
Online third edition of the corpus of ancient inscriptions from the Northern Coast of the Black Sea, titled Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae (IOSPE³).
International collaborative project under the aegis of the International Union of Academies.
Currently available volumes:
In preparation:
  • III. Inscriptions of Chersonesos and vicinity
Financial support for the project is currently provided by the A. G. Leventis Foundation. In previous years, the project was also sponsored by other organizations.

    Andrey Vinogradov

    This is the first electronic edition of the Byzantine Inscriptions from the Northern Black Sea (IOSPE vol. V). The introduction, editions and commentary are by Andrey Vinogradov, English translations are by Irene Polinskaya. The inscriptions were encoded following the EpiDoc Guidelines for use of XML for ancient documentary editions, and the website and supporting materials are the work of Gabriel Bodard, Irene Polinskaya and colleagues at the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London.


    1 Belgorod. Building inscription, 1451–1452 C.E.
    2 Belgorod. Building inscription of voyevoda Stephanos, 1439 C.E.
    3 Belgorod (?). Inscription on a column, IV–VIIth centuries C.E.
    4 Shabo. Epitaph of Nicholas (?).
    5 Cherson. Building inscription of Theodosios and Arkadios, 392–393 C.E.
    6 Cherson. Building inscription of Zeno, 487–488 C.E.
    7 Cherson. Building inscription of Justin II and Sophia, 565–574 C.E.
    8 Cherson. Building inscription of an unknown, IV–VIIth centuries C.E.
    9 Cherson. Building inscription (or dedication) of Bishop Theodore, VIth century C.E.
    10 Cherson. Building inscription of an unknown, V–VIth centuries C.E.
    11 Cherson. Building inscription of Isaac I Komnenos, 1059 C.E.
    12 Cherson. Building inscription of Isaac I Komnenos (?), 1059 C.E.
    13 Cherson. Building inscription of Isaac and Manouel (?), 1446–1459 C.E.
    14 Cherson. Building inscription of Isaac (?), 1462 or 1472 C.E.
    15 Cherson. Building inscription of Chersakoi, VIII – 1st third of IXth century C.E.
    16 Cherson. Building inscription of –elich and Gapr, VIII–IXth centuries C.E.
    17 Cherson. Building inscription of an unknown and Sabbatios, 1167–1198 C.E.
    18 Cherson. Dedication of Eusebios and A–, late IV–Vth century C.E.
    19 Cherson. Dedication of Theodore, VIth century C.E.
    20 Cherson. Dedication of Malchos, late VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    21 Cherson. Dedication of Martyrios, late IV – Vth century C.E.
    22 Cherson. Dedication of Martyrios, late IV – Vth century C.E.
    23 Cherson. Dedication of T–, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    24 Cherson. Dedication of Zoilos, VI–VIIth centuries C.E. (573–576 or 673–676 C.E.?).
    25 Cherson. Dedication of an unknown, 2nd half of VI–VIIth century C.E.
    26 Cherson. Dedication of Aikaterine (?), late IV–Vth century C.E.
    27 Cherson. Dedication of Gregory (?), VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    28 Cherson. Dedication of an emperor, VIth century C.E.
    29 Cherson. Dedication of an unknown, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    30 Cherson. Dedication, Xth - early XIth century C.E.
    31 Cherson. Dedication of an unknown, middle - second half of Vth century C.E.
    32 Cherson. Dedication of Constantine, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    33 Cherson. Dedication of Bik- and Michael (?), VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    34 Cherson. Dedication of an uknown, VIth century C.E.
    35 Cherson. Inscribed keystone, X-XIIth centuries C.E.
    36 Cherson. Demonstrative inscription, IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    37 Cherson. Demonstrative inscription, IX–XIIth centuries C.E.
    38 Cherson. Inscribed block with a cross, IV–VIIth centuries C.E.
    39 Cherson. Demonstrative inscription, late XI – early XIIth century C.E.
    40 Cherson. Demonstrative inscription, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    41 Cherson (?). Demonstrative inscription, IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    42 Cherson. Inscribed wall block, XIIth century C.E.
    43 Cherson. Apotropaic inscription on a cross (?), VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    44 Cherson. Invocation of Basileios, late IVth – Vth century C.E.
    45 Cherson. Invocation of Georgios, IX-Х centuries C.E.
    46 Cherson. Invocation of Michael, Х–XIth centuries C.E.
    47 Cherson. Invocation of N–, IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    48 Cherson. Invocation of Nicholas, Nikandros and Nikon, 1202–1203 C.E.
    49 Cherson. Invocation of Trophimos, Vth century C.E.
    50 Cherson. Invocation on a re-used ancient relief, IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    51 Cherson. Invocation on plaster, IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    52 Cherson. Invocation of builders, V–VIth centuries C.E.
    53 Cherson. Invocation of –sakios, IX–XIth centuries C.E.
    54 Cherson. Invocation, X–XIIth centuries C.E.
    55 Cherson. Invocation of an unknown, XII–XIIIth centuries C.E.
    56 Cherson. Image-related inscription, late IV–Vth cent. C.E.
    57 Cherson. Image-related inscription, late IV–Vth century C.E.
    58 Cherson. Image-related inscription, late IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    59 Cherson. Image-related inscription, V or IX–XIIth centuries C.E.
    60 Cherson. Epitaph of Euphrosyne, V–VIIth centuries C.E.
    61 Cherson. Epitaph of Stephanos, Stephanos and Christophoros, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    62 Cherson. Epitaph of Anastasios, Mary and Thais, VIth century C.E.
    63 Cherson. Epitaph of Damianos, Margarite and their children, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    64 Cherson (?). Epitaph of Theodore, Constantine and others (?), late IVth – Vth century C.E.
    65 Cherson. Epitaph of Ariston, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    66 Cherson. Epitaph of John Polgos, 915 C.E.
    67 Cherson. Epitaph of Nicholas (?), Xth century C.E.
    68 Cherson. Epitaph of Petronios, 1183 C.E.
    69 Cherson. Epitaph of Ionas, X–XIIth centuries C.E.
    70 Cherson. Epitaph of Kosmas, X–XIIIth centuries C.E.
    71 Cherson. Epitaph of Theodorakis, VIth century C.E.
    72 Cherson. Epitaph of Kyriakos, son of Theodore (?), IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    73 Cherson. Epitaph of –ias, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    74 Cherson. Epitaph of an unknown, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    75 Cherson. Epitaph of an unknown, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    76 Cherson. Epitaph of St. martyr Anastasea, IVth century C.E.
    77 Cherson. Epitaph of Gordianos (?), VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    78 Cherson. Epitaph of Lazaros, V–VIth centuries C.E.
    79 Cherson. Epitaph of Petros, Christophoros and Sisinios, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    80 Cherson. Epitaph of an unknown, 350–355 C.E.
    81 Cherson. Epitaph of Agathemeros, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    82 Cherson. Epitaph of Demetrios, Satournilla and others, second half of IVth century C.E.
    83 Cherson. Epitaph of Ioulianos, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    84 Cherson. Epitaph of John, XI–XIIth centuries C.E.
    85 Cherson. Epitaph of Zouzea, Midilabada , and others (?), IV–Vth cent. C.E.
    86 Cherson. Epitaph of –kios (?), XI–XIIth centuries C.E.
    87 Cherson. Epitaph of Isidoros and Theodore (?), Xth century C.E.
    88 Cherson. Epitaph of Kyr–, XI–XIIIth centuries C.E.
    88a Cherson. Epitaph of an unknown, XIIIth century C.E.
    89 Cherson. Inscribed column, before 1027 C.E.
    90 Cherson. Graffiti on a tabletop, X–XIth centuries C.E.
    91 Cherson. Graffiti on the walls of a cistern, late X – 1st half of XIth century C.E.
    92 Cherson. Liturgical inscription, X–XIIth centuries C.E.
    93 Cherson. Demonstrative inscription, Xth century C.E.
    94 Cherson. Liturgical inscription, VIth century C.E.
    95 Cherson. Liturgical inscription, IX-Х centuries C.E.
    96 Cherson. Liturgical inscription, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    97 Cherson. Liturgical inscription, Xth century C.E.
    98 Cherson. Calendar inscription, 975–976 C.E.
    99 Cherson. Inscribed cornice.
    99a Cherson. Inscription on templon architrave, IX-Xth centuries C.E.
    100 Cherson. Inscribed small stone circle, 1261–1262 C.E.
    101 Cherson. Inscription of Epiphanios (?), IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    102 Cherson. Inscribed panel, IV–VIth centuries C.E.
    103 Chersonesos or Bulgaria. Building inscription, IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    104 Cherson. Inscribed panel with a cross, VIth century C.E.
    105 Cherson. Inscribed small panel, VI–VIIth centuries C.E.
    106 Unknown (Chersonesos?). Inscribed panel, VI–XIth centuries C.E.
    Herakleian Peninsula
    107 St. George's Monastery, cape Feolent. Building inscription of an unknown (?), XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    108 Herakleian peninsula (Berman's Gully). Dedication of John (?), XIVth century C.E.
    109 Herakleian peninsula (Alexandriada?). Apotropaic inscription, XIIth century C.E.
    Ay Dimitri
    110 Ay-Dimitry. Epitaph of Simeonis (?), XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    111 Bakla. Demonstrative inscription, X–XVth centuries C.E.
    112 Bakla. Demonstrative inscription, XII–1st half of XIIIth century C.E.
    113 Bakla. Invocation of an unknown, IX-Х centuries C.E.
    114 Bakla. Invocation of an unknown, Х century C.E.
    115 Bakla. Epitaph of Theodore and Tzalbanda, VIII–IXth centuries C.E.
    116 Bakla. Epitaph of Kapouskalos, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    117 Bakla. Epitaph of an unknown, X–XIIIth centuries C.E.
    118 Bakla. Epitaph of an unknown, 1283 C.E.
    119 Bakla. Graffito, VIII–IXth centuries C.E.
    120 Bakla. Fragment of inscription, 1st half of Х century C.E.
    121 Bakla. Inscription of –ephronos, The–, –oulenos, and others, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    122 Basman. Epitaph of John, X–XIth centuries C.E.
    123 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Athanas, 1399–1400 C.E.
    124 Kermenchik (?). Epitaph of Archontissa, Kostas, Maurikios, and others, 1387 C.E.
    125 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Kethrine, 1361 C.E.
    126 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Basiles, 1448 C.E.
    127 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Kalanitza, 1347 C.E.
    128 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Kalanitza, Philomnitza and I[s]tan–, 1348 C.E.
    129 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Kostis, 1382 C.E.
    130 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Chadsyminia (?), 1361–1362 C.E.
    131 Kermenchik. Epitaph of Chatou, 1382–1383 C.E.
    132 Kermenchik. Epitaph of an unknown (?), 1381–1382 C.E.
    133 Kermenchik. Epitaph of an unknown, 1347 C.E.
    Gluboky Yar
    134 Gluboky Yar. Graffiti, Х–XIIth century C.E.
    135 Fot-Sala. Epitaph of Ekanesa (?), 1291–1292 C.E.
    136 Fot-Sala. Epitaph of Ekoumanesa, 1361–1362 C.E.
    137 Fot-Sala. Epitaph of an unknown, XIII–XIVth centuries C.E.
    138 Fot-Sala. Epitaph of Michalis, 1271 C.E.
    139 Fot-Sala. Epitaph of an unknown, XIII–XIVth centuries C.E.
    140 Laki. Epitaph of Agathe, 1421 C.E.
    141 Laki. Epitaph of Theodoritsis and Chatais, 1301 C.E.
    142 Laki. Epitaph of Patrikios, 1310 C.E.
    143 Laki. Epitaph of Soltyk-rais (?), 1362 C.E.
    144 Laki. Epitaph of Tzoupanis and Alexis, 1364 C.E.
    145 Laki. Epitaph of an unknown woman, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    146 Laki (?). Epitaph of Mamtzi, 1361–1372 C.E.
    147 Laki. Commemoration of John, 1413 C.E.
    148 Kalamita. Building inscription of Alexios (?), 1427–1446 C.E.
    149 Kalamita. Dedication of Soterikos, 1272–1273 C.E.
    150 Kalamita. Invocation of Constantine (?), XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    151 Kalamita. Epitaph of Abramis and Kosmas, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    152 Kalamita. Epitaph of Asatres (?), XIII–XVIIth centuries C.E.
    153 Kalamita. Epitaph of Theodore, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    154 Kalamita. Graffiti on a wall, XIII–XVII C.E.
    155 Kalamita. Graffito on a wall, XVth century C.E.
    156 Kalamita. Graffito on a wall, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    157 Kalamita. Invocation of an unknown (?), XIII–XVIIIth centuries C.E.
    158 Kalamita (?). Inscription on the coat of arms, ca. 1434.
    Chora of Chersonesos
    159 Chora of Chersonesos. Epitaph of Photinos, V–VIIth centuries C.E.
    160 Kachi-Kalyon. Building inscription of Soterikos and Kosmas, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    161 Kachi-Kalyon. Epitaph of Anthemos, 1407–1408 C.E.
    162 Kachi-Kalyon. Epitaph of Euphemios, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    163 Kachi-Kalyon. Epitaph of John, 1391–1491 C.E.
    164 Kachi-Kalyon. Epitaph of an unknown, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    165 Kachi-Kalyon. Graffito of John, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    166 Biyuk-Karalez or Eski-Kermen. Epitaph of Tatar-Pees, Tansicha, Tini-Pees and Tansicha, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    167 Shury. Epitaph of Alexis, 1392 C.E.
    168 Shury. Epitaph of Demetria, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    169 Shury. Epitaph of Kalana, 1327 C.E.
    170 Danilcha-Koba. Building inscription of Neilos, Хth cent. C.E.
    171 Theodoro. Building inscription of Justinian I, 532–533, 547–548 or 562–563 C.E.
    172 Theodoro. Building inscription of Tzoula-beg, 994–995 C.E.
    173 Theodoro. Building inscription of unknown persons, 1179 C.E.
    174 Theodoro. Building inscription of an unknown, 1224–1225 C.E.
    175 Theodoro. Building inscription of Theodorites, 1282–1283 C. E.
    176 Theodoro. Building inscription of Chouïtanes, 1300–1301 or 1361–1362 C.E.
    177 Theodoro. Building inscription of –tzi, 1391–1401 C.E.
    178 Theodoro. Building inscription of an unknown, 1403 C.E.
    179 Theodoro. Building inscription of Alexios, 1425 C.E.
    180 Theodoro or Kalamita. Building inscription of Alexios, 1427 C.E.
    181 Theodoro. Dedication of a lector (?), IX–Xth centuries C.E.
    182 Theodoro. Demonstrative inscription, XIVth–XVth centuries C.E.
    183 Theodoro. Invocation of Agapios, Gregory, and John, IX–XIth centuries C.E.
    184 Theodoro. Invocation of -yvaea and -ata, X–XI centuries C.E.
    185 Theodoro. Invocation of an unknown.
    186 Theodoro. Invocation of Constantine, IХ–XIth centuries C.E.
    187 Theodoro. Inscription over the icon of the Virgin (?), XVth century C.E.
    188 Theodoro. Epitaph of John, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    189 Theodoro. Epitaph of Stephanos, 1456 C.E.
    190 Theodoro. Epitaph of Karamani-, XVth century C.E.
    191 Theodoro. Epitaph of an unknown, X-XVth century C.E.
    192 Theodoro. Epitaph of Thekla, IХ–XIth centuries C.E.
    193 Theodoro. Inscribed cornice, X–XIth centuries C.E.
    194 Theodoro. Inscription on a bread stamp, X–XIIth centuries C.E.
    195 Theodoro. Liturgical inscription, X–XIIIth cent. C.E.
    196 Theodoro. Inscription on the wall of a cave, 1220–1221 C.E.
    197 Mariampol. Epitaph of So–k–an and Moursa Irpanas, late XIII – early XIVth centuries C.E.
    198 Mariampol (?). Epitaph of Sauchatis, 1291 C.E.
    199 Sandyk-Kaya. Epitaph of an unknown, 1429–1430 C.E.
    Syuren fortress
    200 Syuren fortress. Epitaph of Eirene and John (?), 1392–1491 C.E.
    201 Syuren fortress. Inscriptions on a panel, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    202 Syuren fortress. Inscription on a panel, X–XVth centuries C.E.
    203 Tepe-Kermen. Building inscription on a templon, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    204 Tepe-Kermen. Epitaph of Asklepios (or Alepios) and Eustathios, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    205 Tepe-Kermen. Epitaph of Nicholas, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    206 Tepe-Kermen. Epitaph of Sophia, Ania and Simon, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    207 Tepe-Kermen. Commemoration of Theodore (?), Х–XIVth centuries C.E.
    208 Tepe-Kermen. Inscription of an unknown monk, 1471–1472 C.E.
    209 Cherkes-Kermen. Building inscription of Mary, 1351–1352 or 1381–1382 C.E.
    210 Cherkes-Kermen. Epitaph of a donator, ca. 1351–1352 or 1381–1382 C.E.
    211 Cherkes-Kermen. Epitaph of a donator, ca. 1351–1352 or 1381–1382 C.E.
    212 Cherkes-Kermen. Epitaph of a donator, ca. 1351–1352 or 1381–1382 C.E.
    213 Chilter-Marmara. Invocation of Blaseios and Sophronios, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    214 Chilter-Marmara. Invocation of Loukas, 1402–1403 C.E.
    215 Chilter-Marmara. Epitaph of an unknown, IX–XIth centuries C.E.
    216 Chufut-Kale. Inscription of Euphemios (?), XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    217 Chufut-Kale. Inscription of an unknown, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    218 Shuldan. Graffiti, XIV-XVth centuries C.E.
    219 Eski-Kermen. Building inscription of an unknown, 2nd half of XIIIth century C.E.
    220 Eski-Kermen. Demonstrative inscription.
    221 Eski-Kermen. Demonstrative inscription.
    222 Eski-Kermen. Invocation of an unknown, XI–XIIIth centuries C.E.
    223 Eski-Kermen. Invocation of a monk, XIIIth century C.E.
    224 Eski-Kermen. Epitaph of La–ouli-bei, XIV-XVth centuries C.E.
    225 Eski-Kermen. Inscribed panel, IX-XIIIth centuries C.E.
    Mountainous Crimea
    226 Doros (?). Building inscription of several unknown, VIII–IXth cent. C.E.
    227 Unknown (Mountainous Crimea?). Dedication of Mary, V–VIIth centuries C.E.
    228 Mountainous Crimea (?). Epitaph of Kom–yscha, 1413 C.E.
    229 Unknown (Mountainous Crimea?). Epitaph of Photeine, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    230 Mountainous Crimea (?). Epitaph of unknown, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    231 Artek. Inscription of Michael and Basileios, 1091–1192 C.E. (?).
    232 Ay-Basil. Epitaph of Nicholas, 1344 C.E.
    233 Alouston. Dedication of Georgios, 1403–1404 C.E.
    234 Alouston. Epitaph of Theodore, 1291–1392 C.E.
    235 Laspi. Epitaph of Mary, XIII–XVIIIth centuries C.E.
    236 Laspi. Graffiti on a colonnette, XI–XIIth centuries C.E.
    237 Livadia. Dedication of Cyrus and Kosmas, X–XIIth centuries C.E.
    238 Phouna. Building inscription, 1459 C.E.
    239 Massandra. Building inscription of an archbishop, XII–XIIIth centuries C.E.
    240 Panayir. Epitaph of George, Xth century C.E.
    241 Partenit. Building inscription of Damianos, 1427 C.E.
    242 Partenit. Epitaph of John and invocation of Kyriakos, 1471 C.E.
    243 Partenit. Epitaph of Niketas, 906 C.E.
    244 Partenit. Ownership inscription of Damianos, ca. 1427 C.E.
    245 Sougdaia. Building inscription of an unknown, XVth century C.E.
    246 Sougdaia. Building inscription of an unknown (?), 1385–1475 C.E.
    247 Sougdaia. Building inscription of Mansi (?), 1262 C.E.
    248 Sougdaia. Dedication of Simon (?), XIth century C.E.
    249 Sougdaia. Dedication of Christophoros (?), VII–VIIIth centuries C.E.
    250 Sougdaia. Demonstrative inscription, before 1240 C.E.
    251 Sougdaia. Invocation of Zacharias, X–XIIth centuries C.E.
    252 Sougdaia. Image-related inscription, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    253 Sougdaia. Epitaph of an unknown, IX–XIth centuries C.E.
    254 Sougdaia. Epitaph of an unknown, VIIIth century C.E.
    255 Sougdaia. Epitaph of an unknown (?), VIIIth-Xth centuries C.E.
    256 Sougdaia. Epitaph of an unknown woman, XIII–XVth cent. C.E.
    257 Sougdaia. Graffito of John, after 1373 C.E.
    258 Sougdaia. Inscription of an unknown, 1412 C.E.
    259 Sougdaia. Inscription of Athanasios, X–XVth cent. C.E.
    260 Caffa. Epitaph of Asiles, 1378 C.E.
    261 Foros. Invocation of an unknown, IX–XVth centuries C.E.
    262 Kordon-Oba. Epitaph of –am–, XIV–XVth centuries C.E.
    263 Jalita. Invocation, 999 C.E.(?).
    264 Jalita. Commemoration, 1471–1472 C.E.
    265 Pantikapaion. Building inscription of Tiberius Iulius Douptounos, 479–492 C.E.
    266 Pantikapaion. Invocation of Pappos, V–VIth centuries C.E.
    267 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Agorastos, IVth century C.E.
    268 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Adelphis, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    269 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Aniketos, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    270 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Arsakis, III–IVth centuries C.E.
    271 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Arsinos, 2nd half of the IVth - Vth cent. C.E.
    272 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Banpharex (?), IVth century C.E.
    273 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Eutropis, IVth century C.E.
    274 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Theodosis, IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    275 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Theodore, early VIth century C.E.
    276 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Theodora, IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    277 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of The–, IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    278 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Kyriake, IVth cent. C.E.
    279 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Nikianos (?), IVth century C.E.
    280 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Sophainetos (?), IVth century C.E.
    281 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Stephanos, IVth century C.E.
    282 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Sotereis and Sambatis, late IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    283 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Tryphon, IVth century C.E.
    284 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Trophimos, IVth century C.E.
    285 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Trophimos, IVth century C.E.
    286 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Philoxenos, IVth century C.E.
    287 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Archelaos, IVth century C.E.
    288 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of A–, IVth century C.E.
    289 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Gennaios, Trophimos and Adyita (?), IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    290 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Euphrasia, IVth century C.E.
    291 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Theodore, IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    292 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Theodore, IV-Vth cent. C.E.
    293 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Toudrougos, IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    294 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Felix, IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    295 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Eusebios, 437 C.E.
    296 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Abika, IV–VIth cent. C.E.
    297 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Euprepeios, IVth cent. C.E.
    298 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Eutychianos, Vth century C.E.
    299 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Platon, IVth cent. C.E.
    300 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Tiginagas, IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    301 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Trophimos, IV-Vth cent. C.E.
    302 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Felix, IVth century C.E.
    303 Pantikapaion. Epitaph Of Photis, IV-Vth cent. C.E.
    304 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Kyriakos (?), 497–498 C.E.
    305 Pantikapaion. Catacomb of Sauagas and Phaïsparta, 491–492 C.E.
    306 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of an unknown, late Vth century C.E.
    307 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of an unknown, 691–692 C.E.
    308 Pantikapaion. Inscription of Eutychis and Phannes, IV-VIth centuries C.E.
    309 Bosporus. Inscription of Kosmas, IX-Xth centuries C.E.
    310 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Theodore (?), IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    311 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of –phi– (?), IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    312 Pantikapaion. Epitaph of Oustanos, son of Nikephoros, IVth century C.E.
    313 Bosporus. Invocation of Zacharias and an unknown, XII–XIVth centuries C.E.
    314 Bosporus. Dedication of an unknown, VIth century C.E.
    315 Bosporus. Epitaph of Helen and Tamgan, 819 C.E.
    316 Bosporus. Epitaph of Kyreakos, 767 C.E.
    317 Bosporus (?). Epitaph of Theodore, 884 C.E.
    318 Bosporus. Epitaph of Eutropia and –, XIII-XVth centuries C.E.
    319 Bosporus. Epitaph of Theodote, 1065 C.E.
    320 Bosporus. Epitaph of Kyra, 1375 C.E.
    321 Bosporus. Epitaph of L–ion–, VIII-IXth centuries C.E.
    322 Bosporus (?). Epitaph of unknown persons, 2nd half of the XIth century C.E.
    323 Kytaion. Epitaph of Zabagos, IVth century C.E.
    324 Mapa. Epitaph of Mochalis, 1392 C.E.
    325 Phanagoreia. Invocation of Kyriakos.
    326 Phanagoreia. Epitaph of Eutheris, 481 C.E.
    327 Phanagoreia. Epitaph of Theodotos (?), second half of IVth - Vth centuries C.E.
    328 Phanagoreia. Epitaph of Oustanos, son of Agathos, IV–Vth cent. C.E.
    329 Hermonassa (?). Building inscription of Justinian I, 533, 548 or 563 C.E.
    330 Hermonassa or Bosporus. Building inscription of Mauricius, 589–590 C.E.
    331 Hermonassa. Dedication of Doutzagas, Sauagas, and others 470–480s C.E.
    332 Hermonassa. Epitaph of Sotias (?), second half of IV-Vth centuries C.E.
    333 Hermonassa. Epitaph of Platonis (?), IV–Vth centuries C.E.
    334 Tamatarcha (?). Dedication of an unknown, XIII–XVth centuries C.E.
    335 Tamatarcha (?). Epitaph of Constantine, XIII–XIVth cent. C.E.
    336 Tamatarcha (?). Epitaph of an unknown (invocation of Demetrios), 912 C.E. (?)
    337 Tamatarсha (?). Inscription on a panel.
    Utash settlement
    338 Utash settlement (?). Dedication of Artemios, XIII-XVth centuries C.E.
    Peninsula of Taman
    339 Taman peninsula (?). Epitaph of Hedonios, VI-VIIth centuries C.E.
    340 North-east of the Peninsula of Taman. Epitaph of Ioannikios, 1078 C.E.
    341 Mountainous Crimea (?). Epitaph of David, XIV–XVth cent. C.E.
    342 Taman peninsula, Azov sea shore. Ownership inscription of Sauagas, 478-479 C.E.
    343 Taman peninsula. Inscription of Kyriakos, Mary and Constantine, IX-Xth centuries C.E.
    344 Unknown. Building inscription of unknown emperor (?), XI–XIIth centuries C.E.
    345 Unknown. Invocation of Kyriakos, George, Eutolmios and R-, Хth cent. C.E.

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