The Warburg Institute Library Digital Collections
Our purpose in compiling these digital collections is to make out-of-print source material on Medieval and Renaissance studies freely available online through the Warburg Library catalogue and classification system. Books are either scanned by us or downloaded as pdf files from public domain repositories and made available through the Library catalogue.
The links above and below point to a list of the books freely available in electronic format. The record of each book contains a link to its pdf file. Downloading may take from a few seconds up to a few minutes depending on the size of the file as well as the age and connection speed of your computer (follow this link to download the pdf reader).The books digitised by the Warburg Institute are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License meaning that this material is available freely for non-commercial use.
Thematic list following the Library Classification System
WORD Survival of Classical Literature
Medieval and Humanistic Literature (NAH)
Survival of Classical Authors (NKK)
Classical and Medieval Themes in Literature (NEH)Survival of Classical Authors:Ovid - Virgil
Pictorial Symbols (NOH)
including emblems, imprese, hieroglyphics, ciphers and mnemonics
Encyclopedias (NFH)
Illustrated books (NCH)
Including illustrated Bibles, Ovid, Virgil
History of Education (NLH)