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Open Access Journal: Folia Orientalia

Folia Orientalia
 ISSN: 0015-5675

No LI / 2014

A r t i c l e s
  1. Federico CORRIENTE:
    Again on the “Yemenite connection” of Andalusi Arabic and other Western Arabic dialects
  2. Stefano MANFREDI:
    Demonstratives in a bedouin Arabic dialect of Western Sudan
  3. Ahmad AL-JALLAD:
    Aṣ-ṣādu llatī ka-s-sīn – evidence for an affricated Ṣād in Sibawayh?
  4. Elitzur A. BAR-Asher SIEGAL:
    From a Non-Argument-Dative to an Argument-Dative: The character and origin of the qṭīl lī construction in Syriac and Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
    The proleptic dative pronoun in Tannaitic Language
  6. Alexander ANDRASON:
    Qotel and its dynamics (part 2)
  7. Alexander ANDRASON & Juan-Pablo VITA:
    From glosses to the Linguistic Nature of Canaano-Akkadian
  8. Roswitha DEL FABBRO:
    A new archaeological look at Sefīre
  9. Massimiliano FRANCI:
    Egypto-Semitic Comparison: Some considerations on bilabials and dentals relationship
  10. Carsten PEUST:
    A morphological sketch of West Dangla (Chad)
  11. Marijn van PUTTEN:
    Some notes on the Historical Consonantism of Awjila
  12. Václav BLAŽEK:
    Phoenician/Punic loans in Berber languages and their their role in chronology of Berber
  13. Václav BLAŽEK:
    On classification of Agaw languages
  14. Václav BLAŽEK:
    Beja versus Nilo-Saharan: on the lexical witness of mutual contacts
  15. Tomasz POLAŃSKI:
    The looting and destruction of artworks and libraries in Pontus and Kommagene
  16. Robin SEIGNOBOS:
    Le médecin et le singe du calife l’ambassade du prince nubien Georgios d’après le K. aḫbār al-aṭibbāʾ de Yūsuf b. IBRĀHĪM b. al-Dāya († ca. 869)
    Early Egyptian abstract thinking – remarks on philosophical elements in the Egyptian formative period
N o t e s a n d D o c u m e n t s
R e v i e w a r t i c l e
R e v i e w
B i b l i o g r a p h i c a l N o t e s

No L / 2013

A r t i c l e s
  1. Vit BUBENIK, John HEWSON:
    Tense, Aspect and Aktionsart in Arabic
  2. Giuliano MION:
    Quelques remarques sur les verbes modaux et les pseudo-verbes de l’arabe parlé à Tunis
  3. David WILMSEN:
    More on the Arabic object marker iyyā: Implications for the origin of the Semitic notae accusativi
  4. Alexander ANDRASON:
    Qotel and its dynamics (Part one)
  5. Michal NEMETH:
    Ananiasz Zajączkowski’s Doctoral Thesis
  6. Václav BLAŽEK:
    On the classification of the Kartvelian Languages
  7. Václav BLAŽEK:
    On the Classification of Mongolian
  8. Joanna BOCHEŃSKA:
    What is the source of beauty? Ethic and aesthetic aspects of the Kurdish fairy tales from Jalils’ family collection
    To fight or not to fight? Various answers to the foreign political power in the Greek books of the Old Testament
  10. Tomasz HABRASZEWSKI:
    Kordofan in 1972, as described in the ‘Book of Travel’ (Seyahatname) by Evliya Çelebi
  11. Marcin MICHALSKI, Joachim STEPHAN:
    Noch einmal zum 34. Kapitel der Goldwiesen – al-Mas‘ūdī über die Slawen
  12. Krzysztof M. CIAŁOWICZ:
    Lower Egyptian culture in the light of the new researches
O b i t u a r y
  1. Andrzej PISOWICZ:
    Tomasz Habraszewski
N o t e s  a n d  D o c u m e n t s
  1. Alfredo CRISCUOLO:
    La polarizzazzione semantica della radice semitica QWL
  2. Grzegorz FIRST:
    The Horus cippus from the National Museum in Poznań
  3. Krzysztof BARDSKI:
    Holy Scripture through the eyes of the Church Father
  4. Andrzej PISOWICZ:
    Enigmatic Harandon
R e v i e w  A r t i c l e s
  1. Federico CORRIENTE:
    Some Comments on a New Manual of the Semitic Languages
  2. Vaclav BLAŽEK:
    Afroasiatic at a crossroad: forwards or back?
  3. Andrzej ZABORSKI:
    What Type of Typology of Afroasiatic?
R e v i e w s
  1. Kim DONG-HYUK:
    Early Biblical Hebrew, Late Biblical Hebrew, and Linguistic Variability – A Sociolinguistic Evaluation of the Linguistic Dating of Biblical Texts (by Krzysztof J. Baranowski)
  2. Gideon GOLDENBERG:
    Semitic Languages – Features, Structures, Relations, Processes (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  3. Rebecca HASSELBACH:
    Case in Semitic – Roles, Relations and Reconstruction (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  4. Peter BEHNSTEDT:
    Manfred Woidich, Wortatlas der arabischen Dialekte, Band II: Materielle Kultur (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  5. Pierre LARCHER:
    Le système verbal de l’arabe classique. 2e édition revue et augmentée (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  6. Warwick DANKS:
    The Arabic Verb – Form and Meaning in the Vowel-Lengthening Patterns (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  7. Gunvor MEJDELL:
    Lutz Edzard (eds.), High vs. Low and Mixed varieties – Status, Norms and Functions across Time and Languages (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  8. Abulḫayr Al-Išbīlī (s. V/XI):
    Kitābu ʻumdati ṭ-ṭabīb fī maʻrifati nnabāt likulli labīb (by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala)
    Mythes, croyances populaires et symbolique animale dans la littérature persane (by Andrzej Pisowicz)
B i b l i o g r a p h i c a l  n o t e s
  1. Joseph M. BRINCAT:
    Maltese and Other Languages. A Linguistic History of Malta (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  2. Veronika RITT-BENMIMOUN:
    Texte im arabischen Beduinendialekt der Region Douz (Südtunesien) (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  3. Orhan ELMAZ:
    Studien zu den koranischen Hapaxlegomena unikaler Wurzeln (by Andrzej Zaborski)
  4. Nader AL-JALLAD:
    People from the Desert – Pre-Islamic Arabs in History and Culture. Selected Essays (by Andrzej Zaborski)
    Tell El-Farkha (by Bartosz Adamski)
No XLIX / 2012

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