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News from Cuneiform Digital Library Notes

From Klaus Wagensonner <klaus.wagensonner@orinst.ox.ac.uk>:
We are pleased to announce the publication of several new
contributions to the Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (CDLN)

CDLN 2015:004
Armando Bramanti, A Jemdet Nasr Fragment in the Collections of the
Oriental Institute of Chicago

CDLN 2015:005
Troels Pank Arbøll, A curious Ur III Tablet at the University of
Copenhagen: Notes on the History of Pinches’ Collection and an
Official named Abbagina

CDLN 2015:006
Klaus Wagensonner, A legal text at the Russell Library, Maynooth University

CDLN 2015:007
Strahil V. Panayotov, The tablet of the Middle Assyrian ‘coronation’
ritual: the placement of VAT 10113 and the displacement of VAT 9978

CDLN 2015:008
Gábor Zólyomi, Ashm 1924-478: a new ms. of the “The temple hymns” (ETCSL 4.80.1)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all contributors to
CDLN for their support and would like to encourage scholars to
contribute to the Notes in future as well.

References and bibliographies:
All bibliographical information is drawn directly from a MySQL
database. It is therefore not necessary anymore to send fully
formatted bibliographies along with submitted contributions. For all
references that are included among the latest available bibliographies
on KeiBi Online (<http://vergil.uni-tuebingen.de/keibi/>) it is
possible to save references and export them into the BibTeX format and
send this document along. A full bibliography was added on CDLN
(<http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdln/php/bibliography.php>), which
contains all references used in the various contributions. Clicking on
a year leads to the respective contribution(s), where the chosen
reference is used. Vice versa, each reference list links back to the
full bibliography.

As a test run the “Abbreviations for Assyriology” maintained by
CDLI:wiki (<http://cdli.ox.ac.uk/wiki/doku.php?id=abbreviations_for_assyriology>)
have been imported into the database as well. By hovering over
abbreviations in the bibliographies the full form and additional
information is given. Further features such as indices of texts
mentioned are in preparation.

We do hope that these changes will increase the efficiency of CDLN and
are therefore happy to receive contributions for the next publication
of Notes on July 1, 2015.

Submitted contributions are preferably made available as text files or
in the RTF format. If the contribution contains tables, word or pages
documents may be submitted as well. We would appreciate as few
formatting as possible. Please note that in order to aid the editing
process, please be so kind to provide all images in separate files and
not embed them in the submitted documents.

The CDLN, together with its sister publications Cuneiform Digital
Library Bulletin (CDLB; <http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlb.html>) and
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ;
<http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlj.html>), are peer-reviewed publications
that offer a persistent web presence under the auspices of the
University of California system. As e-journals, the delay between
submission and publication is well below that of academic print
journals, while the interaction with cuneiform artifacts documented in
the CDLI database offers obvious strengths for an interactive
discourse. Authors should expect a two to four month interval between
submission of a draft text with illustrations and its publication for
substantive contributions to the CDLJ, at most two months for those
made to the Bulletin, and approximately two weeks for the Notes that
are conceived as an online venue for NABU-style communications that
can include short philological or lexicographical contributions as
well as regular updates of a more substantial nature describing the
background or progress of, in particular, web-based research efforts.
For submission guidelines including technicalities regarding
bibliographical citations etc. please consult the information at

New submissions will appear in preprint status four times a year
(January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1; notices of new submissions
will be made to this list) and are clearly marked as such. During the
preprint period, authors will be able to make small, non-substantive
changes (e.g., typographical errors) to their submissions. After two
weeks, these submissions are then archived.

Scholars are encouraged to send contributions to the CDLN at

On behalf of the CDLI

Jacob L. Dahl and Klaus Wagensonner
University of Oxford

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