The Smithsonian Institution Excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel, 1970–1990
Table of contents
List of Figures --ix
List of Tables --xxvii
Preface and Acknowledgments --xxiv
Introduction and Background.
1. Introduction / David Ben-Shlomo and Gus W.Van Beek --1
2. Environmental background of Tell Jemmeh / Gus W. Van Beek --16
The Architecture, Stratigraphy and Finds from the Different Excavation
3. Field III: The Southeastern Step Trench / David Ben-Shlomo -- 21
4. Field II: The Northwestern Stepped Trench / David Ben-Shlomo --162
5. The South Trench (ST1) / David Ben-Shlomo --198
6. Field I: The Late Bronze Age /David Ben-Shlomo --209
7. Field I Furnace (the Kiln), Square KB, and FUR 2-FUR 3 / David Ben-Shlomo --337
8. Results from Field IV: The Iron II and Later Periods / David Ben-Shlomo --403
9. Bread Ovens and Related Installations /Alexander Zukerman --642
Pottery Studies
10. Decorated Canaanite pottery / Gwanghyun Choi -- 651
11. Imported Cypriot and Mycenaean wares and derivative wares / Celia J. Bergoffen –657
12. Decorated Philistine pottery / David Ben-Shlomo --721
13. Assyrian-Style Pottery (Palace Ware) / David Ben-Shlomo --732
14. "East-Greek" and Greek imported pottery of the first millennium BCE / S. Rebecca Martin --749
15. Petrographic Analysis of Pottery: Chalcolithic to Persian period /David Ben-Shlomo --776
16. Computerized Documentation and Analysis of Pottery Vessels / Avshalom Karasik --795
Small Finds Studies.
17. Ceramic Figurines and Figurative Terra-cottas /David Ben-Shlomo, Ron Gardiner, and Gus Van Beek--804
18. Worked Sherds /David Ben-Shlomo and Ron Gardiner --828
19. Ceramic Objects: Marked Pottery,Mud Objects, and Various Ceramic Artifacts / David Ben-Shlomo --838
20. Clay Sealings and Seal Impressions / David Ben-Shlomo and Othmar Keel --857
21. Non-jewelry Metal Objects / David Ben-Shlomo and Ron Gardiner --876
22. Metallic and Nonmetallic Jewelry Objects / Amir Golani --889
23. Stone Artifacts Assemblage from Tel Jemmeh / Yorke M. Rowan –917
24. Egyptian Amulets from Tell Jemmeh / Christian Herrmann -- 970
25. Various Finds: Faience, Glass, Bone, Ivory, and Pumice / David Ben-Shlomo --977
26. Chipped Stone Assemblage from Tell Jemmeh / Steven A. Rosen and Jalob Vardi --987
27. Scarabs and Stamp Seals / Othmar Keel --1004
28. Cylinder Seals: A Clay Cylinder with Cuneiform Signs / Wayne Horowitz and Tallay Ornan --1017
29. Cylinder Seals: A Mitannian Cylinder Seal with a Worshipper and Divine Images / Tallay Ornan -- 1020
30. Coins: Coins from the 1970-1990 Excavation Seasons at Tell Jemmeh / Donald T. Ariel --1023
31. Coins: The Crusader Purse from Tell Jemmeh / Robert Kool --1026
32. Ostraca from Tell Jemmeh / Haggai Misgav --1031
Subsistence Studies
33. Temporal Trends in Animal Exploitation: Faunal Analysis from Tell Jemmeh / Edward F. Maher --1038
34. Synthesis and Conclusions. The Significance of Tell Jemmeh / David Ben-Shlomo --1054
References --1067