Seven more titles from the Oriental Institute's backlist came online today:
- "The Ancient Near East in the Time of Tutankhamun: A Self-guided Tour. Geoff Emberling and Emily Teeter. Originally published in 2006."
- "Ancient Nubia. Oriental Institute Museum. Originally published in 2006."
- "Artists in Egypt (1920-1935). John Carswell. Originally published in 1991."
- "The Oriental Institute Museum: Highlights from the Collection. Oriental Institute Museum. Originally published in 1989."
- "A Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute of Chicago. Miroslav Krek. Originally published in 1961."
- "Iranian Art at the Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago. Designs by Sue Richert. Text by Carl H. Kraeling. Originally published in 1951."
- "The Oriental Institute Handbook and Museum Guide. Oriental Institute Museum. Originally published in 1941."