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Greek Archaeological Mission in Mesopotamia Online

 [First posted in AWOL 26 May 2012, updated 27 February 2015]

Greek Archaeological Mission in Mesopotamia
The Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens obtained the permission of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Ministry of Culture of the Republik of Iraq to conduct excavations in two important archaeological sites:
  • Tell Nader, which dates between the 6th and early 1st millennium B.C. and lies on the outskirts of the city of Erbil
  • Tell Baqrta, which dates from the Chalcolithic down to the Isalmic period and lies approximately 28 km to the south of Erbil, near the village Minara
In addition, the Governor of the Erbil Province, Mr. Nawzad Hadi Mawlood, invited a Historical Research Team of the University of Athens in order to examine older and new theories concerning the location of the Gaugamela battlefield.                                     

Tell Nader Project

Tell Baqrta Project

Gaugamela Project

Conference Proceedings

K. Kopanias, J. MacGinnis. Eds. In preparation. Archaeological Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the adjacent areas. Conference Proceedings, Athens, November 1st-3rd 2013. Oxford: Archaeopress.


  1. Kopanias, K. Forthcoming. "An Attempt to Define the Ubaid and its Cultural Borders". In Bordered Places. Bounded Times. Cross-disciplinary perspectives on Turkey, edited by E. Baysal and L. Karakatsanis.BIAA Monograph series. London: The British Institute at Ankara.
  2. Kopanias, K., C. Beuger, J. MacGinnis, J. Ur. Forthcoming, "The Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." InProceedings of the Conference Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire, December 13-Saturday December 15 2012, organized by the MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research of the University of Cambridge, edited by J. MacGinnis. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs Series.
  3. Kopanias, K., S. Fox. Forthcoming. "Headshaping at Tell Nader." In Embodied Identities In The Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence Of Theory And Practices. Conference hosted by the University of Cyprus, 10-12 April 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus, edited by M. Mina, I. Papadatos, S. Triantaphyllou. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  4. Kopanias, K. Forthcoming. "Archaeological research in Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." In EX ORIENTE LUX. Symposium about the Research and Teaching of the Egyptian, Near Eastern and Cypriote Archaeology in Greek Universities, co-organized by the University of Aegean and the University of Athens. Athens 20/5/2011, edited by P. Kousoulis. Athens: Papazisis [in Greek].
  5. Kopanias, K., C. Beuger, S. Fox. 2014. "Preliminary Results from the Excavation at Tell Nader in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." InProceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 30 April - 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, Τόμος2, Excavation and Progress Reports, Posters, edited by P. Bieliński, M. Gawlikowski, R. Koliński, D. Ławecka, A. Sołtysiak, and Z. Wygnańska: 140-63. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  6. Kopanias, K., C. Beuger, T. Carter, S. Fox, A. Hadjikoumis, G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, A. Livarda, J. MacGinnis. 2013. "The Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Preliminary Report of the 2011 Season." SUBARTU 6-7: 23-57.

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