[First posted in AWOL 13 July 2009. Updated 25 February 2015 (new volume added)]
Bioarchaeology of the Near East
Printed version ISSN: 1898-9403
Online ISSN: 1899-962X
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Bioarchaeology of the Near East
Printed version ISSN: 1898-9403
Online ISSN: 1899-962X
Bioarchaeology of the Near East (printed version ISSN 1898-9403, online ISSN 1899-962X) is published annually in one volume. The aim of the journal is to promote research on the history of human populations inhabiting South-Western Asia (chiefly Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Anatolia, Iran, and Egypt). It will publish original contributions in which methods of physical anthropology and bioarchaeology are used to answer historical questions. Three kinds of texts will be considered for publication: original papers, general review articles (especially those focussing on methodological issues), and short fieldwork reports. Papers of two first categories will be subject to peer review.
The editors welcome contributions focusing on the biological background of historical processes observed in past populations in the region where most ancient civilisations of the Old World emerged. This includes large-scale studies e.g., on migrations, secular trends, microevolution, temporal changes or regional differences in the quality of life, disease patterns or demographical profiles, but also local studies or diagnostic case studies of distinguished individuals. Papers using not only biological, but also archaeological and textual evidence are mostly appreciated. For more effective exchange of information the journal also includes short fieldwork reports on human remains excavated at archaeological sites located in the region of interest.
1234567 Volume 8:2014
Cover (small) | Cover (large)
Madeleine Mant
Palaeopathology of human remains at ancient Mendes (Tell er-Rub'a), Egypt, pp. 1-27
Abstract, PDF (404 KB)
Anahit Khudaverdyan
Trauma in human remains from Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeological sites in Armenia, pp. 29-52
Abstract, PDF (836 KB)
Benjamin S. Arbuckle
Pace and process in the emergence of animal husbandry in Neolithic Southwest Asia, pp. 53-81
Abstract, PDF (319 KB)
Louise Bertini, Edwin Cruz-Rivera
The size of ancient Egyptian pigs. A biometrical analysis using molar width, pp. 83-107
Abstract, PDF (366 KB)
Ahmad Y. Abu Dalou, Mohammad F. Alrousan, Ali M. Khwaileh, Wassef Sekhaneh, Ayman AlShboul
Thirty years of the Department of Anthropology at Yarmouk University, Jordan (1984-2014). The overview of bioarchaeological research, pp. 109-118
Abstract, PDF (134 KB)
Short Fieldwork Reports
Human remains from Bakr Awa, Iraq, 2013, pp. 119-123. PDF (516 KB)
Human remains from Pigi Athinas, Greece, 1999-2011, pp. 125-137. PDF (442 KB)
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies