[First posted in AWOL 10 December 2011. Updated 18 February 2015]
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
ISSN: 2047-6930 (online)
ISSN: 1062-4740 (print)
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
ISSN: 2047-6930 (online)
ISSN: 1062-4740 (print)
The Bulletin of the History of Archaeology (BHA) was inaugurated nearly 19 years ago as a forum to exchange research, information on on-going projects, and resources solely devoted to the history of archaeology. Since that time it has become global in its reach and interests, but retains its focus on exchanging knowledge about the history of archaeology.
Vol 24 (2014)
Sackett Boucher de Perthes and the Discovery of Human Antiquity
Evans Soldiering Archaeology: Pitt Rivers and ‘Militarism’
Iacono A Pioneering Experiment: Dialoghi di Archeologia between Marxism and Political Activism
Crisà The Accidental Archaeologist: The Unfortunate Case of Antonio Filippello and the Coin Hoard of Castiglione (Catania, Sicily, 1818)Vol 23, No 2 (2013)
Goodrum The Study of Prehistoric Artefacts in National Context: Belgian Archaeologists and the Problem of Ancient Stone Implements
Scott Samuel Lysons and His Circle: Art, Science and the Remains of Roman Britain
Browman The Origin of the ‘Chicago Method’ Excavation Techniques: Contributions of William Nickerson and Frederick Starr
Vol 23, No 1 (2013)
Williams Saxon Obsequies: The Early Medieval Archaeology of Richard Cornwallis Neville
Lopez-Romero & Daire The ICARE Project: Insights into the Formation and Consolidation of Archaeology in Western France (ca. 1850–1990)
Shipley Guelphs, Ghibellines and Etruscans: Archaeological Discoveries and Civic Identity in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance TuscanyVol 22, No 2 (2012)
Schele Profile of Alberto Ruz Lhuillier as a Young Man
Gracia Academic Relations Between Italian and Spanish Archaeologists and Prehistorians, 1916–1936Vol 22, No 1 (2012)
Stevenson ‘We Seem to be Working in the Same Line’: A.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers and W.M.F. Petrie
Westaway Sydney B.J. Skertchly and the Early History of Pleistocene Archaeology at the Queensland Museum
Tikkanen The Consequences of TruthVol 21, No 2 (2011)
Sveshnikova Soviet Archaeological Expedition as a Research Object
Browman Spying by American Archaeologists in World War IVol 21, No 1 (2011)
Christenson Who were the Professional North American Archaeologists of 1900?
Wallace Reconnecting Thomas Gann with British Interest in the Archaeology of Mesoamerica
Thornton The Allure of Archaeology: Agnes Conway and Jane Harrison at Newnham College
Browman Comments on a doctoral dissertation by Uta Kresse Raina
Means The development of a GIS for New Deal ArchaeologyVol 20, No 2 (2010)
Allen The Curious History of the Talgai Skull
Guidi The Historical Development of Italian Prehistoric Archaeology
Martins Iberian Crossroads: Archaeology and DictatorshipsVol 20, No 1 (2010)
Gillot Towards a Socio-Political History of Archaeology in the Middle East...
Sheppard Flinders Petrie and Eugenics at UCL
Hølleland Spells of History: Childe's Contribution to the European Identity Discourse
Harrison The Yorkshire Antiquarian Club 1849–c.1860
Moshenska'At Variance With Both General and Expert Opinion': The Later Works of Lieutenant-Colonel Professor Laurence Austine WaddellVol 19, No 2 (2009)
Chen Archaeological Discoveries in the People’s Republic of China and Their Contribution to the Understanding of Chinese History
Abadía The History of Archaeology as Seen Through the Externalism-Internalism Debate
Goodrum The Creation of Societies for the Study of Prehistory and Their Role in the Formation of Prehistoric Archaeology as a DisciplineVol 19, No 1 (2009)
Harrison A Local Hero: John Robert Mortimer and the Birth of Archaeology in East Yorkshire
Leach An Appreciation of R. G. Collingwood as an ArchaeologistVol 18, No 2 (2008)
Klejn Bruce Trigger in World Archaeology
Browman Lumbreras and Peruvian Prehistory: A Retrospective View from Junin
Welbourn Discovering T. C. LethbridgeVol 18, No 1 (2008)
Alonso Relations between Spanish Archaeologists and Nazi Germany (1939–1945)
Liu& Jones When Archaeology Begins: The Cultural and Political Context of Chinese Archaeological Thought
Müller-Scheessel Towards a Social History of Archaeology: The Case of the Excavators of Early Iron Age Burial Mounds in Southern Germany
Smith Thurstan Shaw on the Early History of the World Archaeological Congress (WAC)
Welbourn Introducing T. C. LethbridgeVol 17, No 2 (2007)
Kreienbrink Mapping the Past: Eduard Paulus the Elder (1803–1878) and the Archaeological Survey of Württemberg
Murray Rethinking Antiquarianism
Martin In Search of Lost Time: From Localism and Regionalism to Nationalism, in the Work of Estácio Da Veiga
Sommer The Freedom of the Woods: Antiquarian Landscapes and PoliticsVol 17, No 1 (2007)
Schávelzon The First Congress on History of Archaeology in Latin América (México, 1984)
McVicker Elephant Pipes and Israelite Tablets
Díaz-Andreu Christopher Hawkes and the International Summer Courses of Ampurias
Leach John Howard Marsden (1803–1891) First Disney Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge 1851–1865
Browman History of Bolivian Archaeology: Geraldine Byrne de Caballero
Browman History of Bolivian Archaeology: Max Portugal OrtizVol 16, No 2 (2006)
Moro-Abadía The History of Archaeology as a ‘Colonial Discourse’
Funari & Ferreira A Social History of Brazilian Archaeology: A Case Study
Haines & Smith‘The Life and Times of Uncle Warwick’Vol 16, No 1 (2006)
Riede The Scandinavian Connection: The Roots of Darwinian Archaeology in 19th-Century Scandinavian Archaeology
Rajala ‘We Would Never Have Thought to Go There’ – The Changing Definitions of a Site in Central Italian Archaeology
Seidmann The Rev. Greville John Chester and ‘The Ashmolean Museum as a Home for Archaeology in Oxford’
Bahn Spies
Price Conversazione in the University Museum ‘By kind permission of the Delegates’Vol 15, No 2 (2005)
Briggs C. C. Rafn, J. J. A. Worsaae, Archaeology, History and Danish National Identity in the Schleswig-Holstein Question
Murray The Historiography of Archaeology and Canon Greenwell
Evans Captain Nemo/Lt-General Pitt Rivers and Cleopatra’s Needle — A Story of FlagshipsVol 15, No 1 (2005)
Watters & Zamora World’s Fairs and Latin American Archaeology
Kaeser The Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Discovery of the “Lake-Dwellings”
Browman Carlos Ponce Sangines, Godfather of Bolivian Archaeology
Richard Une recherche collective en cours: le programme “Archives Breuil”Vol 14, No 2 (2004)
Rajala Origins of Etruscan Cities. A Brief Analysis of Recent Interpretations within Italian Research
Ramsey Petrie and the Intriguing Idiosyncrasies of Racism
Browman Commentary: Mid-20th Century Development of Brazilian Archaeology (1964–1985)
Rohrer & Müller-Scheessel Recent Approaches to the History of Middle European Archaeology: Problems and ProspectsVol 14, No 1 (2004)
Rowley-Conwy The Three Age System in English: new translations of the founding documents
Schavelzon The South-American Connection Gaston Maspero, Egyptology and Americanist Archaeology at Montevideo (Uruguay), 1868Vol 13, No 2 (2003)
Harding Archaeology and religious landscapes in India: a case studyVol 13, No 1 (2003)
Guha Imposing the habit of science: Sir Mortimer Wheeler and Indian archaeologyVol 12, No 2 (2002)
Givens A Short History of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
Cuddy Death in the Afternoon: Honduras, Hemingway, and Duncan Strong
Watters & Zamora C. V. Hartman and Museum Anthropology a Century AgoVol 12, No 1 (2002)
Givens A Short History of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
Cuddy Death in the Afternoon: Honduras, Hemingway, and Duncan Strong
Watters & Zamara C. V. Hartman and Museum Anthropology a Century AgoVol 11, No 2 (2001)
Haskin The Allison V. Armour / William Henry Holmes 1895 Expedition to MexicoVol 11, No 1 (2001)
Tarabulski The Man Who Came to Dinner, or Hooray for Mr Spaulding: A Peek at Historical Imagination Running Rampant
Vol 10, No 2 (2000)
Browman Brian R. Billman and Gary M. Feinman, editors, Settlement Pattern Studies in the Americas: Fifty Years Since Viru, Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington D.C.Vol 10, No 1 (2000)
Gill William F. Grimes: The Making of a PrehistorianVol 9, No 2 (1999)
Schavelzon The History of Stratigraphic Excavation in Latin American Archaeology: A New LookVol 9, No 1 (1999)
Browman Necrology: Hugh Carson Cutler
Browman Max Uhle and the Museo de Historia Nacional-LimaVol 8, No 2 (1998)
Voget With Cressman at Catlow Cave, 1935 and 1937: A Personal Note
Schuyler History of Historical Archaeology
Browman Origin of the Societe des Americanistes, Paris
Hawley The Kansas Anthropologist Reminlscence Project for Senior Plains Anthropologists
Browman Book Note - John W. Bennett, Classic Anthropology: Critical Essays, 1944-1996, Transactions Publishers, New Brunswick (1998)Vol 8, No 1 (1998)
Browman Swedish Contributions to American Archaeology: A NoteVol 7, No 2 (1997)
Nash Southwestern (U.S.A.) Archaeological Tree-Ring Dating: 1930-1942
Woodbury New Light on the Beginning of the Pecos Conference
Browman In Appreciation of Claude Warren and Susan Rose's "William Pengelly's Techniques of Archaeological Excavation"Vol 7, No 1 (1997)
Smith Professor Dorothy A.E. Garrod: "Small, Dark, and Alive!"Vol 6, No 2 (1996)
Browman Comments on Alvaro Higueras'"Archaeological Research in Peru: Its Contribution to National Identity and to the Peruvian Public"
Reyman Bandelier: Behind and Beyond the JournalsVol 6, No 1 (1996)
Swartz The McKern Taxonomic System and Archaeological Culture Classification in the Midwestern United States: A History and Evaluation
Smith Clark and Prehistory at CambridgeVol 5, No 2 (1995)
Ryan David George Hogarth at Asyut, Egypt, 1906-1907. The History of a "Lost" Excavation
Browman History of Latin American ArchaeologyVol 5, No 1 (1995)
Browman Development of Argentine Archaeology
Browman Andean Archaeological History and the Popular PressVol 4, No 2 (1994)
Woodbury Teocentli: An Anthropological Newsletter, Ever Since 1926Vol 4, No 1 (1994)
Woodbury The Remarkable History of Edgar Lee Hewett's Ph.D. DissertationVol 3, No 2 (1993)
Forbis A Brief History of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary (Amendment)Vol 3, No 1 (1993)
Forbis A Brief History of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary
Snead Archaelogy and Cultural Nationalism In the American Southwest, 1895-1920
Thacker Discovery, Historical Frameworks, and Scientific Status: Joao Moleiro and the History of ArchaeologyVol 2, No 2 (1992)
Givens Is it Worth Saving?: The Condition of Archaeological Documentary Record and Strategies for PreservationVol 2, No 1 (1992)
Straus L'Abbe Henri Breuil: Archaeologist
Davis A Visit to the Past and AwatoviVol 1, No 1 (1991)
Givens Discourse on the History of Archaeology