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Cretan Hieroglyphic Texts Online

 [First posted in AWOL 23 December 2011, updated 2 February 2015]

The Cretan Hieroglyphic Texts: a web edition of the texts based on CHIC with commentary

Comments, corrections, questions: John Younger (jyounger@ku.edu)
List of Files
a list of updates since 8 July 2010 
The Texts (both those in CHIC and additions)
The Knossos documents
The Malia administrative documents (for non-administrative documents, see Miscellaneous documents)
The Petras documents
Miscellaneous documents
Texts on Sealstones and in Impressions

The Signs & Signgroups

The Hieroglyphic Grids
List of All the Hieroglyphic Signs (under construction)
Notes on the Signs
Notes on Certain Signgroups
Transaction Terms (under construction)
Types of Documents (under construction)
The following fonts are now available (7 Sep 08) for Macintosh OS X (courtesy Jean-Pierre Olivier):
  • Cretan Hieroglyphic for MAC OS X
    Malia-Maigre for inscriptions
    Malia-Gros for sealstones and seal impressions

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