Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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New From Trismegistos

TOP 8 (Click to download)
Y. Broux
Double Names in Roman Egypt: A Prosopography
Version 1.0 (January 2015), Leuven 2015, ix & 357 pp. (2.3 Mb).
ISBN: 978-94-9060-408-0 

TOP SS 1 forthcoming (Click to download)
K. Geens
Panopolis, a Nome Capital in Egypt in the Roman and Byzantine Period (ca. AD 200-600)
Leuven 2014 [= Diss. Leuven 2007], xiii & 578 pp. (28.4 Mb).
ISBN: 978-94-9060-409-7 

Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP)
This series, edited by W. Clarysse (K.U.Leuven), M. Depauw (K.U.Leuven), and formerly also the late H.J. Thissen (Universität zu Köln), aims to provide freely downloadable pdf-documents with scholarly tools based upon or providing links to the Trismegistos database.

Contributors can send in manuscripts in Word format to mark.depauw@arts.kuleuven.be. The editors will decide whether the manuscript fits in the series and can be accepted for reviewing. An anonymous version of the manuscript will then be sent to two or more peers for evaluation. On the basis of their report the editors will take a decision whether to publish it in the series or not. Authors will be given the anonymous notes of the reviewers and can be asked to implement changes to their manuscript.

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