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Open Access Journal: Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 31 August 2009.  Most recently updated 19 January 2015]

Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin
ISSN: 1540-8760
The Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin is an electronic journal constituted in conjunction with the organization and work of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative to afford contributors to that effort the opportunity to make known to an international community the results of their research into topics related to those of the CDLI. 

The CDLB is a refereed e-journal for Assyriology and is conceived as a sister publication of the Cuneiform Digital Library Journal. While the latter journal seeks substantive contributions dealing with the major themes of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, that is, with text analyses of 4th and 3rd millennium documents (incorporating text, photographs, data, drawings, interpretations), early language, writing, paleography, administrative history, mathematics, metrology, and the technology of modern cuneiform editing are welcome, articles in the Bulletin should be short notes of at most five pages that deal with specific topics, collations, etc., and do not attempt to offer synthetic treatments of complex subjects.

The editorial board of the Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin consists of representatives from leading universities, research institutions and museums around the world, including the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, the CNRS, Paris, the CSIS, Madrid, the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Michigan, Cornell University, UC Berkeley and UCLA. The Journal is hosted by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, LA/Berlin, and is managed by Robert K. Englund, and maintained by Madeleine Fitzgerald. Without the guidance and support of a number of other people, it is unlikely that the journal would be in its present form. We should mention particularly Judith Winters, chief editor of Internet Archaeology, for her kind permission allowing us to "lift" from her site many of the policy and guideline statements now a part of these pages.
Publication number Author Title Date PDF
2002:1 Dahl, J. L. Proto-Elamite Sign Frequencies 2002/04/29 PDF
2002:2 Englund, R. K. Notes on SET 274 2002/05/03 PDF
2002:3 Lafont, B. The Toponym Ligriki 2002/09/11 PDF
2003:1 Englund, R. K. Worcester Slaughterhouse Account 2003/01/28 PDF
2003:2 Fitzgerald, M. A. pisan dub-ba and the Direction of Cuneiform Script 2003/02/24 PDF
2003:3 Taylor, J. J. Collations to ED Lu C and D 2003/02/25 PDF
2003:4 Nathan, D. L. A "New" Proto-Cuneiform Tablet 2003/03/28 PDF
2003:5 Dahl, J. L. A Note on Ur III Text Duplicates 2003/06/30 PDF
2003:6 Veldhuis, N. Entering the Netherworld 2003/09/02 PDF
2004:1 Wunsch, C. An Early Achaemenid Administrative Text from Uruk 2004/04/05 PDF
2004:2 Johnson, C. Two Ur III Tablets from the Tulare County Library 2004/06/14 PDF
2004:3 Monaco, S. F. Revisiting Jemdet Nasr Texts: IM 55580+ 2004/09/01 PDF
2004:4 Veldhuis, N. ḪI-(še3) la2 2004/12/20 PDF
2006:1 Monaco, S. F. N16 in the Archaic Texts 2006/01/02 PDF
2006:2 Veldhuis, N. Another Early Dynastic Incantation 2006/04/23 PDF
2007:1 Adams, R. McC. The Limits of State Power on the Mesopotamian Plain 2007/12/25 PDF
2007:2 Allred, L. & Gadotti, A. The Cuneiform Collection of the Clinton Historical Society 2007/12/30 PDF
2010:1 Metcalf, Ch. Six Ur III Tablets from the Hulin Collection in Oxford 2010/04/15 PDF
2011:1 Abrahami, P. Masculine and Feminine Personal Determinatives before Women’s Names at Nuzi: A Gender Indicator of Social or Economic Independence? 2011/02/19 PDF
2011:2 Brumfield, S. The Term ab2-RI-e in Ur III Sources 2011/03/09 PDF
2012:1 Abrahami, P. & Lion, B. Remarks to W. Mayer’s Catalogue of the Nuzi Palace Texts 2012/06/16 PDF
2012:2 Liu, Ch. Six Ur III Tablets from the Special Collections of the University of Missouri-Columbia 2012/09/20 PDF
2012:3 Notizia, P. & Ludovico, A. A New Ur III Letter-Order from the Semitic Museum at Harvard University 2012/11/23 PDF
2013:1 Siddall, L. R. The Royal Inscriptions in the Museum of Ancient Cultures at Macquarie University, Sydney 2013/08/02 PDF
2013:2 Owen, D. I. Of Dogs and (Kennel)Men 2013/10/26 PDF
2013:3 Földi, Zsombor Gleanings from the Antiquities Market: A Contribution to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions 2013/12/28 PDF
2014:1 Andersson, J. Third Millennium Cuneiform Texts in a Swedish Private Collection 2014/05/21 PDF
2014:2 Maidman, M. P. An Important New Early-Middle-Assyrian Letter 2014/08/03 PDF
2014:3 Reid, N. & Wagensonner, K. “My tooth aches so much” 2014/08/31 PDF
2014:4 Földi, Zs. & Head, R. Two Tablets from the Johns Hopkins University Collection 2014/11/30 PDF
2014:5 Miglio. A. Ur III Tablets in the Wheaton College Archaeology Museum 2014/12/05 PDF
2015:1 Daneshmand, P. & Abdoli, M. A New King of Susa and Anshan 2015/02/16 PDF

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