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Edition Open Access: the Online Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge

Edition Open Access

This website provides open access to the publications of the Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, in accordance with the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to knowledge in the sciences and humanities, which was launched by the Max Planck Society in 2003. The aim is to disseminate the results of scholarly work – in accordance with the open-access paradigm – to a broad audience rapidly and at low cost. The volumes presented here are directed at scholars and students in a wide range of disciplines. The works are available online both as print-on-demand books and open-access publications and can be accessed, together with additional information.


Each volume of the Studies series is dedicated to a key subject in the history and development of knowledge, bringing together perspectives from different fields and combining source-based empirical research with theoretically guided approaches. The studies are typically working group volumes presenting integrative approaches to problems ranging from the globalization of knowledge to the nature of spatial thinking.

Studies 5

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit.

Studies 4

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Alten Ägypten bis zum Antiken Rom.

Studies 3

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Neolithikum bis zum Alten Orient.

Studies 1

The Globalization of Knowledge in History

Jürgen Renn (ed.)

The extent to which globalized knowledge also existed in the past is an open question and, moreover, a question that is important for understanding present processes of globalization.


Each volume of the Proceedings series presents the results of a scientific meeting on current issues and supports, at the same time, further cooperation on these issues by offering an electronic platform with further resources and the possibility for comments and interactions.

Proceedings 7


Markham J. Geller (ed.)

The present Melammu volume extends from Greece to India, with articles on Phrygia and Armenia, also viewing texts from ancient Israel, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.

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