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Open Access Journal: RIHA Journal: Journal of the International Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art

RIHA Journal: Journal of the International Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art
ISSN: 2190-3328
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RIHA Journal. Journal of the International Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal for the history of art and visual culture, featuring outstanding research articles that offer significant contributions to current scholarship. The journal was launched in April 2010. It is a joint project of the member institutes of RIHAInternational Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art; the directors of the RIHA institutes constitute the editorial board. Edited by 29 institutes in 21 countries, the journal is an excellent medium for fostering international discourse among scholars.

Based on a de-centralized editorial structure, the journal explores new ways of international publishing: Each of the RIHA institutes is locally responsible for establishing and maintaining the contact with authors, for manuscript editing, and for managing the peer reviews. 

RIHA Journal seeks to reflect the manifold dimensions of the discipline and is open to the whole range of art historical topics and approaches. The journal offers articles in the five official CIHA languages English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, as well as in other languages, depending on the capacities of the RIHA institutes. A double-blind peer-review process performed by experts in the field ensures the highest standards of scholarship.

The editors take seriously the need of scholars to publish their research results easily and quickly. Hence the journal seeks to offer its authors short editing processes of less than six months from submission to publication. For the same reason, articles are published, not in periodical issues, but one at a time. In addition, RIHA Journal features Special Issues on particular research topics.
RIHA Journal is a not-for-profit e-journal committed to the principles of Open Access: All articles are available without restriction and free of charge. Subscribe to our RSS Feed or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with new articles


0005 Peter Stewart, Geographies of Provincialism in Roman Sculpture
Focusing on Roman Britain but using examples across the empire, this article examines the relevance of geography to the form and distribution of "provincialized" classical imagery in the Roman period. [...]
0015 Hubertus Günther, Die Salomonische Säulenordnung
As early as 1549, i.e. 50 years before Villalpando's famous Ezechiel commentary was published, Jacques Androuet Ducerceau introduced the Salomonic Order in his Exempla arcuum, a series of engravings in which [...]
0061 Yvonne Schmuhl, Das Inkarnat in der griechischen Malerei
Up to the present the flesh tone in painting of the classical Greek period has been only in the interest of a few archaeologists. In contrast to the approaches of these researchers, [...]

Middle Ages

0007 Fritz Koreny, Ein unbekanntes Meisterwerk altdeutscher Glaskunst: Hans Wertingers gläserne Hostienschale von 1498
This hitherto unknown glass paten with églomisé painting, dated 1498 and measuring 36 cm in diameter, depicts the meeting of Abraham and Melchisedek. The painting can be attributed to Hans Wertinger [...]
0020 Günther Buchinger und Doris Schön, "… jene, die ihre hände hilfreich zum bau erheben …": Zur zeitlichen Konkordanz von Weihe und Bauvollendung am Beispiel der Wiener Augustinerkirche und Georgskapelle
The Augustinian Church in Vienna and the adjacent St. George's Chapel have recently been analysed for the first time according to structural archaeological and art historical criteria and these results compared with the plentiful written sources. [...]
0073 John Richards, Oblivion Deferred: Altichiero in the Fifteenth Century
Altichiero was the dominant north Italian painter of the later Trecento. In Padua, in the 1370s and early 1380s, he worked for patrons close to Petrarch and [...]
0078 Carla Varela Fernandes, PATHOS – the bodies of Christ on the Cross. Rhetoric of suffering in wooden sculpture found in Portugal, twelfth-fourteenth centuries. A few examples
In Portuguese medieval art, freestanding wooden sculptures representing Christ on the Cross are among the less studied typologies. For this reason, it is important to discuss and question some of the [...]
0080 Stefanie Linsboth, Der hochgotische Chor von Maria am Gestade in Wien – Bauintention und Nutzung
In the middle of the 14th century, the chapel Maria am Gestade at the edge of the medieval city of Vienna was extended by a three-bay chancel with a [...]

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