The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications
Including Both Digital Manifestations of Print Publications and Born Digital Publications

[Originally posted April 9, 2008 on the Ancient World Bloggers Group at AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative, the "canonical" version of the list of online publications of the OI developed there for two and a half years and moved here during Open Access Week on October 19, 2010. It will be kept up to date in this location henceforth. Most recently updated 4 January 2015]
Starting in 2004, the Oriental Institute committed to digitizing all of its publications and making them available online, without charge. The minimum for each volume, old and new, current and forthcoming, will be a Portable Document Format (PDF) version following current resolution standards. New publications appear online at or near the time they appear in print. Older publications will be processed as time and funding permits. Several hundred volumes are now online.
Following is an up to date listing of all open access digital products of the Oriental Institute, including fascsimilies of paper based book, databases, born-digital initiatives, and multi-media presentations.
And see also the Chronological Lists of OI Publications
Assyriological Studies (AS) | List of volumes in print
- AS 27. Studies Presented to Robert D. Biggs, June 4, 2004 From the Workshop of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, Volume 2 Martha T. Roth, Walter Farber, Matthew W. Stolper and Paula von Bechtolsheim, eds. 2007.
- AS 26. Perspectives on Hittite Civilization: Selected Writings of Hans G. Güterbock. H. A. Hoffner, Jr., ed. 1997.
- AS 25. The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities. G. McMahon. 1991.
- AS 24. The Hittite Instruction for the Royal Bodyguard. Hans G. Güterbock and Theo P. J. van den Hout. Originally published in 1991.
- AS 23. Kanissuwar - A Tribute to Hans G. Güterbock on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, May 27, 1983. H. A. Hoffner, Jr. and G. M. Beckman, eds. 1986.
- AS 22. Old Babylonian Letters from Tell Asmar. R. M. Whiting, Jr. 1987.
- AS 21. Computer-aided Analysis of Amorite. Ignace J. Gelb, with the assistance of J. Bartls, S.–M. Vance, and R. M. Whiting. Originally published in 1980.
- AS 20. Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on His Seventieth Birthday June 7, 1974. S. J. Lieberman, ed. 1976.
- AS 19. The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic. Stephen Kaufman. Originally published in 1974.
- AS 18. Sequential Reconstruction of Proto-Akkadian. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1969.
- AS 17. Cuneiform Texts from Nippur: The Eighth and Ninth Seasons Giorgio Buccellati and Robert D. Biggs. 1969.
- AS 16. Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 21, 1963. Edited by Hans G. Güterbock and Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1965.
- AS 15. The Second Dynasty of Isin According to A New King-List Tablet. Arno Poebel. Originally published in 1955.
- AS 14. Miscellaneous Studies. Arno Poebel. Originally published in 1947.
- AS 13. The System of The Quadriliteral Verb in Akkadian. Alexander Heidel. Originally published in 1940.
- AS 12. Lamentation Over the Destruction of Ur. Samuel N. Kramer. Originally published in 1940.
- AS 11. The Sumerian King List. By Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1939.
- AS 10. Gilgamesh and the Ḫuluppu-Tree: A Reconstructed Sumerian Text. Samuel N. Kramer. Originally published in 1938.
- AS 9. Studies in Akkadian Grammar. Arno Poebel. Originally published in 1939.
- AS 8. The Sumerian Prefix Forms BE- and BI- in the Time of the Earlier Princes of Lagaš. Samuel N. Kramer. Originally published in 1936.
- AS 7. The Chicago Syllabary and the Louvre Syllabary AO 7661. Richard T. Hallock. Originally published in 1940.
- AS 6. Philological Notes on Eshnunna and Its Inscriptions. Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1934.
- AS 5. Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal I: Editions E, B1-5, D, and K Arthur Carl Piepkorn. 1933.
- AS 4. Beitrage zum Assyrischen Wörterbuch II. Bruno Meissner. Originally published in 1932.
- AS 3. Das appositionell bestimmte Pronomen der 1. Pers. sing. in den westsemitischen Inschriften und im Alten Testament. Arnold Poebel. Originally published in 1932.
- AS 2. The Sumerian Prefix Forms E - and I - in the Time of the Earlier Princes of Lagaš. Arno Poebel.
- AS 1. Beitrage zum Assyrischen Wörterbuch I. Bruno Meissner. Originally published in 1931.
- Volume 1:1, A:1. 1964.
- Volume 1:2, A:2. 1968.
- Volume 2, B. 1965.
- Volume 3, D. 1959.
- Volume 4, E. 1958.
- Volume 5, G, 1956
- Volume 6, H [het]. 1956.
- Volume 7, I/J. 1960.
- Volume 8, K. 1971.
- Volume 9, L. 1973.
- Volume 10:1, M:1. 1977.
- Volume 10:2, M:2. 1977.
- Volume 11:1, N:1. 1980.
- Volume 11:2, N:2. 1980.
- Volume 12, P. 2005.
- Volume 13, Q. 1982.
- Volume 14, R. 1999.
- Volume 15, S. 1984.
- Volume 16, S [tsade]. 1962.
- Volume 17:1, S [shin]:1. 1989.
- Volume 17:2, S [shin]:2. 1992.
- Volume 17:3, S [shin]:3. 1992.
- Volume 18, T. 2006.
- Volume 19, T [Tet]. 2006.
- Volume 20, U/W. 2010.
- Volume 21, Z. 1961.
The Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) [Born digital publication]Chicago House Bulletin XXV - July 2014 Chicago House Bulletin XXIV - July 2013 Chicago House Bulletin XXIII - July 2012 Chicago House Bulletin XXII - October 2011 Chicago House Bulletin XXI - September 2010 Chicago House Bulletin XX - November 2009 Chicago House Bulletin XIX - February 2009 Chicago House Bulletin XIX Prequel- Winter 2009 Chicago House Bulletin XVIII - November 2, 2007 Chicago House Bulletin XVII - October 2, 2006 Chicago House Bulletin XVI - September 15, 2005 Chicago House Bulletin XV - September 15, 2004 Chicago House Bulletin XIV, No.1 - September 1, 2003 Chicago House Bulletin XIII, No.1 - September 1, 2002 Chicago House Bulletin XII, No.1 - September 1, 2001 Chicago House Bulletin XI, No.1 - September 11, 2000 Chicago House Bulletin X, No.1 - September 15, 1999 Chicago House Bulletin IX, No.1 - November 9, 1998 Chicago House Bulletin VIII, No.2/3 - August 15, 1997 Chicago House Bulletin VIII, No.1 - December 15, 1996 Chicago House Bulletin VII, No.3 - August 15, 1996 Chicago House Bulletin VII, No.2 - April 15, 1996 Chicago House Bulletin VII, No.1 - December 15, 1995 Chicago House Bulletin VI, No.3 - August 15, 1995 Chicago House Bulletin VI, No.2 - April 15, 1995 Chicago House Bulletin VI, No.1 - December 15, 1994 Chicago House Bulletin V, No.3 - August 15, 1994 Chicago House Bulletin V, No.2 - April 15, 1994 Chicago House Bulletin V, No.1 - January 15, 1994 Chicago House Bulletin IV, No.3 - August 15, 1993 Chicago House Bulletin IV, No.2 - April 30, 1993 Chicago House Bulletin IV, No.1 - December 30, 1992 Chicago House Bulletin III, No.3 - August 15, 1992 Chicago House Bulletin III, No.2 - May 1, 1992 Chicago House Bulletin III, No.1 - December 15, 1991 Chicago House Bulletin II, No.3 - August 15, 1991 Chicago House Bulletin II, No.2 - April 15, 1991 Chicago House Bulletin II, No.1 - December 15, 1990 Chicago House Bulletin I, No.3 - August 15, 1990 Chicago House Bulletin I, No.2 - April 15, 1990 Chicago House Bulletin I, No.1 - December 10, 1989
The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CHD) | List of volumes in print
- L-N 1980-1989.
- P, fascicles 1-3 1997.
- Š, fascicle 1 2002.
- Š, fascicle 2 2005.
- Š, fascicle 3, 2013.
- See also The Electronic Chicago Hittite Dictionary (e-CHD). The P Volume, Theo van den Hout and Harry A. Hoffner, ed.Chicago Hittite Dictionary Supplements (CHDS)
- CHDS1. Ankara Arkeoloji Müzesinde bulanan Bogazköy Tabletleri II - Bogazköy Tablets in the Archaeological Museum of Ankara II. By Rukiye Akdogan and Oguz Soysal. 2011.
- MAD 5. Sargonic Texts in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. I. J. Gelb., 1970.
- MAD 4. Sargonic Texts in the Louvre Museum. I. J. Gelb., 1970.
- MAD 3. Glossary of Old Akkadian. I. J. Gelb., 1957.
- MAD 2. Old Akkadian Writing and Grammar I. J. Gelb., 1952
- MAD 1. Sargonic Texts from the Diyala Region I. J. Gelb., 1952.
Materials and Studies for Kassite History (MSKH)
- MSKH 1. A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty. J. A. Brinkman. 1977.
- OIC 31. Barda Balka. Bruce Howe, with foreword by Yorke M. Rowan. 2014
- OIC 30. Bir Umm Fawakhir, Volume 2: Report on the 1996-1997 Survey Seasons. Carol Meyer, with contributions by Lisa Heidorn, Alexandra A. O'Brien, and Clemens Reichel. 2011.
- OIC 29. Catalog of Demotic Texts in the Brooklyn Museum. George R. Hughes. 2005.
- OIC 28. Bir Umm Fawakhir Survey Project 1993: A Byzantine Gold-Mining Town in Egypt. C. Meyer, L.A. Heidorn, W.E. Kaegi, and T. Wilfong.
- OIC 27. The Registry of the Photographic Archives of the Epigraphic Survey, with Plates from Key Plans Showing Locations of Theban Temple Decorations (H. H. Nelson). The Epigraphic Survey. 1995.
- OIC 26. Publications of the Oriental Institute, 1906-2014: Exploring the History and Civilizations of the Near East. Edited by Thomas G. Urban and Leslie Schramer. 2014
- OIC 25. Figurines and Other Clay Objects from Sarab and Cayönü. V. B. Morales. 1990.
- OIC 24. The American Expedition to Idalion, Cyprus 1973-1980. L. E. Stager and A. M. Walker, eds. 1989.
- OIC 23. Excavations at Nippur: Twelfth Season. McGuire Gibson, Judith A. Franke, Miguel Civil, Michael L. Bates, Joachim Boessneck, Karl W. Butzer and Ted A. Rathbun, and Elizabeth Frick Mallin. 1978.
- OIC 22. Excavations at Nippur: Eleventh Season. McG. Gibson, with appendices by M. Civil. J. H. Johnson, and S. A. Kaufman. 1976.
- OIC 21. The Treasury of Persepolis and Other Discoveries in the Homeland of the Achaemenians Erich F. Schmidt. 1939.
- OIC 20. Progress of the Work of the Oriental Institute in Iraq, 1934/35: Fifth Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. Henri Frankfort. 1936.
- OIC 19. Oriental Institute Discoveries in Iraq, 1933/34: Fourth Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. Henri Frankfort, with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. 1935.
- OIC 18. Work in Western Thebes, 1931-33. By Harold H. Nelson and Uvo Hölscher with a Chapter by Siegfried Schott. Originally published in 1934.
- OIC 17. Iraq Excavations of the Oriental Institute 1932/33: Third Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. Henri Frankfort. 1934.
- OIC 16. Tell Asmar, Khafaje and Khorsabad: Second Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. Henri Frankfort. 1933.
- OIC 15. Excavations at Ancient Thebes, 1930/31. By Uvo Hölscher. Originally published in 1932.
- OIC 14. Discoveries in Anatolia, 1930-31. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1933.
- OIC 13. Tell Asmar and Khafaje: The First Season’s Work in Eshnunna 1930/31. Henri Frankfort, Thorkild Jacobsen, and Conrad Preusser. 1932.
- OIC 12. The Alphabet: Its Rise and Development from the Sinai Inscriptions. By Martin Sprengling. Originally published in 1931.
- OIC 11. Anatolia Through the Ages: Discoveries at the Alishar Mound 1927-29. Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1931.
- OIC 10. Medinet Habu Reports – Third Preliminary Report. Part 1. The Epigraphic Survey, 1928-31. By Harold H. Nelson Part 2. The Architectural Survey, 1929/30. By Uvo Hölscher Originally published in 1931.
- OIC 9. New Light from Armageddon: Second Provisional Report (1927-29) on the Excavations at Megiddo in Palestine.P. L. O. Guy. Originally published in 1931.
- OIC 8. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor, 1929. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1930.
- OIC 7. Medinet Habu 1928-29. Part 1: The Architectural Survey. By Uvo Hölscher Part 2: The Language of the Historical Texts Commemorating Ramses III. By John A. Wilson Originally published in 1930.
- OIC 6. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor 1927-28. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1929.
- OIC 5. Medinet Habu 1924-28. Part 1: The Epigraphic Survey of the Great Temple of Medinet Habu (Seasons 1924-25 To 1927-28). By Harold H. Nelson, Part 2: The Architectural Survey of the Great Temple and Palace of Medinet Habu (Season 1927-28). By Uvo Hölscher.
- OIC 4. The Excavation of Armageddon. By Clarence S. Fisher. Originally published in 1929.
- OIC 3. First Report of the Prehistoric Survey Expedition. First Report of the Prehistoric Survey Expedition.
- OIC 2. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor: A Preliminary Report. H. H. von der Osten. Originally published in 1927.
- OIC 1. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: A Beginning and a Program. James Henry Breasted. Originally published in 1922.
- OIDA 1, OIDA 1, Letters from James Henry Breasted to His Family, August 1919 - July 1920. Edited by John A. Larson, 2010.
- OIMP 36. Our Work: Modern Jobs – Ancient Origins. Photographs by Jason Reblando, interviews by Matthew Cunningham, edited by Jack Green and Emily Teeter
- OIMP 35. Between Heaven and Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt. Edited by Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer. 2012.
- OIMP 34. Picturing the Past: Imaging and Imagining the Ancient Middle East. Edited by Jack Green, Emily Teeter, and John A. Larson. 2012.
- OIMP 33. Before the Pyramids: The Origins of Egyptian Civilization. Edited by Emily Teeter. 2011.
- OIMP 32. Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond. Edited by Christopher Woods. 2010.
- OIMP 31. Ancient Israel: Highlights from the Collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. Gabrielle V. Novacek. 2011.
- OIMP 30. Pioneers to the Past: American Archaeologists in the Middle East, 1919-1920. Edited by Geoff Emberling. Published in 2010.
- OIMP 29. The Life of Meresamun: A Temple Singer in Ancient Egypt. Edited by Emily Teeter and Janet H. Johnson. 2009.
- OIMP 28. Catastrophe! The Looting and Destruction of Iraq’s Past. Edited by Geoff Emberling and Katharyn Hanson, 2008
- OIMP 27. European Cartographers and the Ottoman World, 1500–1750: Maps from the Collection of O. J. Sopranos. Ian Manners. 2007.
This is the catalog for the Oriental Institute Museum Special Exhibit of the same name, on display from November 2, 2007 through March 16, 2008. - OIMP 26. Daily Life Ornamented: The Medieval Persian City of Rayy. Tanya Treptow. 2007.
- OIMP 25. Embroidering Identities: A Century of Palestinian Clothing. Iman Saca. 2006.
- OIMP 24. Lost Nubia: A Centennial Exhibit of Photographs from the 1905-1907 Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago. John A. Larson. 2006.
- OIMP 23. Ancient Egypt: Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute. E. Teeter. 2003.
- Islamic Bindings & Bookmaking. A Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago, May 18-August 18, 1981. By Gulnar Bosch, John Carswell, and Guy Petherbridge. Originally published in 1981.
- "The Ancient Near East in the Time of Tutankhamun: A Self-guided Tour. Geoff Emberling and Emily Teeter. Originally published in 2006."
- "Ancient Nubia. Oriental Institute Museum. Originally published in 2006."
- "Artists in Egypt (1920-1935). John Carswell. Originally published in 1991."
- "The Oriental Institute Museum: Highlights from the Collection. Oriental Institute Museum. Originally published in 1989."
- "A Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute of Chicago. Miroslav Krek. Originally published in 1961."
- "Iranian Art at the Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago. Designs by Sue Richert. Text by Carl H. Kraeling. Originally published in 1951."
- "The Oriental Institute Handbook and Museum Guide. Oriental Institute Museum. Originally published in 1941."
- OINE 10. Excavations at Serra East, Parts 1-5: A-Group, C-Group, Pan Grave, New Kingdom, and X-Group Remains from Cemeteries A-G and Rock Shelters. By B. B. Williams. Originally published in 1993.
- OINE 9. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 9: Noubadian X-Group Remains from Royal Complexes in Cemeteries Q and 219 and Private Cemeteries Q, R, V, W, B, J, and M at Qustul and Ballana. By B. B. Williams. Originally published in 1991.
- OINE 8. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 8: Meroitic Remains from Qustul Cemetery Q, Ballana Cemetery B, and a Ballana Settlement. By B. B. Williams, et. al. Originally published in 1991.
- OINE 7. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 7: Twenty-Fifth Dynasty and Napatan Remains at Qustul Cemeteries W and V. By B. B. Williams. Originally published in 1990.
- OINE 6. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 6: New Kingdom Remains from Cemeteries R, V, S, and W at Qustul and Cemetery K at Adindan. Bruce B. Williams. 1992.
- OINE 5. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 5: C-Group, Pan Grave, and Kerma Remains at Adindan Cemeteries T, K, U, and J. By B. B. Williams. Originally published in 1983.
- OINE 4. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Parts 2, 3, and 4: Neolithic, A-Group, and Post A-Group Remains from Cemeteries W, V, S, Q, T, and a Cave East of Cemetery K. By B. B. Williams. Originally published in 1989.
- OINE 3. Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 1: The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul, Cemetery L. By B. B. Williams. Originally published in 1986.
- OINE 2. Ausgrabungen von Khor-Dehmit bis Bet El-Wali. H. Ricke. Originally published in 1967.
- OINE 1. The Beit el-Wali Temple of Ramesses II. By Herbert Ricke, George R. Hughes, and Edward F. Wente. Originally published in 1967.
- OIP 141. Bir Umm Fawakhir 3. Excavations 1999–2001. By By Carol Meyer, with contributions by Lisa A. Heidorn, Salima Ikram, Richard L. Jaeschke, Thomas C. Roby, and Wendy Smith. 2014.
- OIP 140.Ancient Settlement Systems and Cultures in the Ram Hormuz Plain, Southwestern Iran: Excavations at Tall-e Geser and Regional Survey of the Ram Hormuz Area. Abbas Alizadeh, with contributions by Loghman Ahmadzadeh and Mehdi Omidfar, and appendices by John R. Alden, Leah Minc, Jacques Connan, John Zumberge, and Kendra Imbus. 2014
- OIP 139. Early Megiddo on the East Slope (the “Megiddo Stages”): A Report on the Early Occupation of the East Slope of Megiddo (Results of the Oriental Institute’s Excavations, 1925-1933). Eliot Braun, with David Ilan, Ofer Marder, Yael Braun, and Sariel Shalev. 2013.
- OIP 138. Bismaya: Recovering the Lost City of Adab. Karen Wilson, with Jacob Lauinger, Monica Louise Phillips, Benjamin Studevent-Hickman, and Aage Westenholz. 2012.
- OIP 137. Tell Hamoukar, Volume 1. Urbanism and Cultural Landscapes in Northeastern Syria: The Tell Hamoukar Survey, 1999-2001. Jason A. Ur. 2010.
- OIP 136. Medinet Habu IX. The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple, Part I: The Inner Sanctuaries. With Translations of Texts, Commentary, and Glossary.By The Epigraphic Survey. 2009.
- OIP 135. Kerkenes Special Studies 1: Sculpture and Inscriptions from the Monumental Entrance to the Palatial Complex at Kerkenes Dag, Turkey. Catherine M. Draycott and Geoffrey D. Summers, with contribution by Claude Brixhe and Turkish summary translated by G. Bike Yazıcıoglu. 2008.
- OIP 134. The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies, Volume 1: The Foundations of Research and Regional Survey in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia. Adam T. Smith, Ruben S. Badalyan, Pavel Avetisyan. With contributions by Alan Greene and Leah Minc. 2009.
- OIP 133. Baked Clay Figurines and Votive Beds from Medinet Habu. Emily Teeter. 2010.
- OIP 132. The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Volume 8. Middle Kingdom Copies of Pyramid Texts. James P. Allen. 2006.
- OIP 131. The Amuq Valley Regional Projects, Volume 1 - Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta, Turkey, 1995–2002. Kutlu Aslihan Yener. 2005.
- OIP 130. Chogha Mish, Volume II. The Development of a Prehistoric Regional Center in Lowland Susiana, Southwestern Iran: Final Report on the Last Six Seasons of Excavations, 1972–1978. Abbas Alizadeh. 2008.
- OIP 129. The Early Dynastic To Akkadian Transition: The Area WF Sounding At Nippur. Augusta McMahon. 2006.
- OIP 128. The Origins of State Organizations in Prehistoric Highland Fars, Southern Iran: Excavations at Tall-e Bakun. Abbas Alizadeh. 2006.
- OIP 127. Megiddo 3: Final Report on the Stratum VI Excavations. Timothy P. Harrison, with contributions by Douglas L. Esse, Andrew Graham, Ronald G. V. Hancock, and Patricia Paice. 2004.
- OIP 126. Taxes, Taxpayers, And Tax Receipts In Early Ptolemaic Thebes - Demotic and Greek Ostraca from the Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago. Brian P. Muhs. 2005.
- OIP 125. Excavations at Tell es-Sweyhat, Syria, Volume 2: Archaeology of the Bronze Age, Hellenistic, and Roman Remains at an Ancient Town on the Euphrates River. Thomas A. Holland. 2006.
- OIP 124. Excavations at Tell Es-Sweyhat, Syria, Volume 1: On the Margin of the Euphrates: Settlement and Land Use at Tell Es-Sweyhat and in the Upper Lake Assad Area, Syria. Tony J. Wilkinson. 2004.
- OIP 123. Temple of Khonsu, Volume 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety. Helen Jacquet-Gordon. 2003.
- OIP 122. Neo-Babylonian Texts in the Oriental Institute Collection. David B. Weisberg. 2003.
- OIP 121. Cuneiform Texts from the Ur III Period in the Oriental Institute, Volume 2: Drehem Administrative Documents from the Reign of Amar-Suena Markus Hilgert. 2003.
- OIP 120. Excavations at the Prehistoric Mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran, Seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996. Abbas Alizadeh. 2003.
- OIP 119. Theban Desert Road Survey in the Egyptian Western Desert, Volume 1: Gebel Tjauti Rock Inscriptions 1-45 and Wadi el-Hôl Rock Inscriptions 1-45. J. C. Darnell, with the assistance of D. Darnell. 2002.
- OIP 118. Scarabs, Scaraboids, Seals, and Seal Impressions from Medinet Habu. Emily Teeter. 2003.
- OIP 117. Seals on the Persepolis Fortification Tablets, Volume I: Images of Heroic Encounter. Mark B. Garrison and Margaret Cool Root. 2001.
- OIP 116. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple, Volume 2: The Facade, Portals, Upper Register Scenes, Columns, Marginalia, and Statuary in the Colonnade Hall. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1998.
- OIP 115. Cuneiform Texts from the Ur III Period in the Oriental Institute, Volume 1: Drehem Administrative Documents from the Reign of Shulgi. M. Hilgert. 1998.
- OIP 114. Nippur, Volume 4: The Early Neo-Babylonian Governor’s Archive from Nippur. S. W. Cole. 1996.
- OIP 113. The Oriental Institute Hawara Papyri: Demotic and Greek Texts from an Egyptian Family Archive in the Fayum (Fourth to Third Century B.C.). G. R. Hughes and R. Jasnow. 1997.
- OIP 112. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple, Volume 1: The Festival Procession of Opet in the Colonnade Hall. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1994.
- OIP 111. Nippur, Volume 3: Kassite Buildings in Area WC-1. R. L. Zettler. 1993.
- OIP 110. Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia, Volume 2: The Stratigraphic Sequence at Kurban Höyük. G. Algaze, ed., et. al. 1990.
- OIP 109. Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia, Volume 1: Settlement and Land Use at Kurban Höyük and Other Sites in the Lower Karababa Basin. T. J. Wilkinson, et. al. 1990.
- OIP 108. The Holmes Expeditions to Luristan. E. F. Schmidt, et. al. 1989.
- OIP 107. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume IV: The Battle Reliefs of King Sety I. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1986.
- OIP 106. The Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, Volume 1, Part 1: The Wall Reliefs. By Harold Hayden Nelson. Edited by William J. Murnane. Originally published in 1981
- OIP 105. Prehistoric Archeology Along the Zagros Flanks. L. S. Braidwood, et. al. 1983.
- OIP 104. Earliest Land Tenure Systems in the Near East: Ancient Kudurrus. I. J. Gelb, et. al. 1989, 1991.
- OIP 103. The Temple of Khonsu, Volume 2: Scenes and Inscriptions in the Court and the First Hypostyle Hall. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1981.
- OIP 102. The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192. The Epigraphic Survey.
- OIP 101. Chogha Mish, Volume 1: The First Five Seasons, 1961-1971. Helene Kantor and P. Delougaz. 1996.
- OIP 100. The Temple of Khonsu, Volume 1: Scenes of King Herihor in the Court. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1979.
- OIP 99. Inscriptions from Tell Abu Salabikh. R. D. Biggs. 1974.
- OIP 98. Old Babylonian Public Buildings in the Diyala Region. Part One: Excavations at Ishchali, Part Two: Khafajah Mounds B, C, and D. H. D. Hill, et. al. 1990.
- OIP 97. Nippur, Volume 2. The North Temple and Sounding E: Excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. D. E. McCown, et. al. 1978.
- OIP 95. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch, Vol. II: The Structural Remains of the Later Phases: Chatal Hüyük, Tell Al-Judaidah, and Tell Tayinat. R. C. Haines. 1970.
- OIP 94. Medinet Habu, Vol. VIII: The Eastern High Gate with Translations of Texts. The Epigraphic Survey. 1970.
- OIP 93. Medinet Habu, Vol. VII: The Temple Proper, Pt. III: The Third Hypostyle Hall and All Rooms Accessible from It with Friezes of Scenes from the Roof Terraces and Exterior Walls of the Temple. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1964.
- OIP 92. Persepolis Fortification Tablets. R. T. Hallock. 1969.
- OIP 91. Aramaic Ritual Texts from Persepolis. R. A. Bowman. 1970.
- OIP 90. Ptolemais: City of the Libyan Pentapolis. Carl H. Kraeling. 1962.
- OIP 88. Private Houses and Graves in the Diyala Region. Pinhas Delougaz, Harold D. Hill, and Seton Lloyd. 1967
- OIP 87. The Egyptian Coffin Texts 7, Texts of Spells 787-1185. By Adriaan de Buck. Originally published in 1961
- OIP 86. The Tomb of Tjanefer at Thebes. By Keith C. Seele. Originally published in 1959
- OIP 85. A Byzantine Church at Khirbat al-Karak. Pinhas Delougaz and Richard C. Haines. Originally published in 1960.
- OIP 84. Medinet Habu, Volume VI. The Temple Proper, Part II: The Re Chapel, the Royal Mortuary Complex, and Adjacent Rooms with Miscellaneous Material from the Pylons, the Forecourts, and the First Hypostyle Hall. By The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1963.
- OIP 83. Medinet Habu, Volume V. The Temple Proper, Part I: The Portico, the Treasury, and Chapels Adjoining the First Hypostyle Hall with Marginal Material from the Forecourts. By the Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1957.
- OIP 82. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: Documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago. Edited by Thomas George Allen. Originally published in 1960
- OIP 81. The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Volume 6: Texts of Spells 472-787. By Adriaan de Buck. Originally published in 1956.
- OIP 80. Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu. By Miriam Lichtheim. Originally published in 1957.
- OIP 79. Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah. C. W. McEwan, et. al. 1957.
- OIP 78. Nippur I, Temple of Enlil, Scribal Quarter, and Soundings: Excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the University Museum of Philadelphia and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Donald E. McCown and Richard C. Haines, assisted by Donald P. Hansen. 1967
- OIP 77. Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, Volume III: Language and Literature. N. Abbott. 1972.
- OIP 76. Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri II: Qur'anic Commentary and Tradition. N. Abbott. 1967.
- OIP 75. Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri I: Historical Texts. N. Abbott. 1957.
- OIP 74. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume III. The Bubastite Portal. By the Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1954.
- OIP 73. The Egyptian Coffin Texts 5: Texts of Spells 355-471. By Adriaan de Buck. Originally published in 1954.
- OIP 72. Stratified Cylinder Seals from the Diyala Region. Henri Frankfort with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. 1955
- OIP 71. Coptic Ostraca from Medinet Habu. By Elizabeth Stefanski and Miriam Lichtheim. Originally published in 1952
- OIP 70. Persepolis III: The Royal Tombs and Other Monuments. E. F. Schmidt. 1970.
- OIP 69. Persepolis II: Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries. Erich F. Schmidt with contributions by Sydney P. Noe et al., Frederick R. Matson, Lawrence J. Howell, and Louisa Bellinger. 1957
- OIP 68. Persepolis I: Structures, Reliefs, Inscriptions. Erich F. Schmidt with contribution by F. R. Matson. 1953
- OIP 67. The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Volume 4: Texts of Spells 268-354. By Adriaan De Buck. Originally published in 1951.
- OIP 66. Post-Ramessid Remains. The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume 5. By Uvo Hölscher. Originally published in 1954
- OIP 65. Persepolis Treasury Tablets. George G. Cameron. 1948
- OIP 64. The Egyptian Coffin Texts 3: Texts of Spells 164-267. By Adriaan de Buck. Originally published in 1947
- OIP 63. Pottery from the Diyala Region. Pinhas Delougaz. 1952
- OIP 62. Megiddo 2. Seasons of 1935-39: Text and Plates. Gordon Loud. Originally published in 1948.
- OIP 61. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch I: The Earlier Assemblages Phases A-J. By Robert J. Braidwood and Linda S. Braidwood. Originally published in 1960.
- OIP 60. More Sculpture from the Diyala Region. Henri Frankfort. 1943
- OIP 59. Tall-i-Bakun A: Season of 1932. Alexander Langsdorff and Donald E. McCown. 1942
- OIP 58. Pre-Sargonid Temples in the Diyala Region. Pinhas Delougaz and Seton Lloyd with chapters by Henri Frankfort and Thorkild Jacobsen. 1942
- OIP 57. Nuzi Personal Names. Ignace J. Gelb, Pierre M. Purves, and Allan A. MacRae. Originally published in 1943.
- OIP 56. Key Plans Showing Locations of Theban Temple Decorations. By Harold Hayden Nelson. Originally published in 1941.
- OIP 55. The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume IV. The Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, Part II. By Uvo Hölscher. With contributions by Rudolf Anthes. Originally published in 1951.
- OIP 54. The Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, Part 1. The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume 3. By Uvo Hölscher. Originally published in 1941
- OIP 53. The Temple Oval at Khafajah. Pinhas Delougaz, with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. 1940
- OIP 52. The Megiddo Ivories. Gordon Loud. Originally published in 1939.
- OIP 51. Medinet Habu, Volume 4. Festival Scenes of Ramses III. By the Epigraphic Survey.Originally published in 1940.
- OIP 50. The Rise of the North Arabic Script and Its Kur'anic Development, with a Full Description of the Kur'an Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute. By Nabia Abbott. Originally published in 1939.
- OIP 49. The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Volume 2: Texts of Spells 76-163. By Adriaan De Buck. Originally published in 1929.
- OIP 48. Mounds in the Plain of Antioch: An Archeological Survey. Robert J. Braidwood. Originally published in 1937.
- OIP 47. Ancient Oriental Cylinder and Other Seals with a Description of the Collection of Mrs. William H. Moore. Gustavus A. Eisen. Originally published in 1940.
- OIP 46. Paleolithic Man and the Nile Valley in Lower Egypt with Some Notes upon a Part of the Red Sea Littoral: A Study of the Regions during Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. By K. S. Sandford and W. J. Arkell. Prehistoric Survey of Egypt and Western Asia, Volume IV. Originally published in 1939.
- OIP 45. Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1939.
- OIP 44. Sculpture of the Third Millennium B.C. from Tell Asmar and Khafajah. Henri Frankfort. 1939
- OIP 43. The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar. Henri Frankfort, Seton Lloyd, and Thorkild Jacobsen, with a chapter by Günter Martiny. 1940
- OIP 42. Megiddo 1. Seasons of 1925-34: Strata I-V. Robert S. Lamon and Geoffrey M. Shipton. 1939
- OIP 41. The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume 2: The Temples of the Eighteenth Dynasty. By Uvo Hölscher. Originally published in 1939
- OIP 40. Khorsabad, Part 2: The Citadel and the Town. Gordon Loud and Charles B. Altman. 1938
- OIP 39. The Mastaba of Mereruka, Part II: Chamber A 11-13, Doorjambs and Inscriptions of Chambers A 1-21, Tomb Chamber, and Exterior. By the Sakkarah Expedition. Originally published in 1938.
- OIP 38. Khorsabad, Part 1: Excavations in the Palace and at a City Gate. Gordon Loud. 1936
- OIP 37. Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mrs. Agnes Baldwin Brett. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1936
- OIP 36. Medinet Habu Graffiti: Facsimiles. Edited by William F. Edgerton. Originally published in 1937.
- OIP 35. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume II. Ramses III's Temple within the Great Inclosure of Amon, Part II; and Ramses III's Temple in the Precinct of Mut. By The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1936.
- OIP 34. The Egyptian Coffin Texts 1: Texts of Spells 1-75. By Adriaan De Buck. Originally published in 1935.
- OIP 33. Megiddo Tombs. P. L. O. Guy. Originally published in 1938.
- OIP 32. The Megiddo Water System. Robert S. Lamon. Originally published in 1935.
- OIP 31. The Mastaba of Mereruka, Part I. Chambers A 1-10. By The Sakkara Expedition. Originally published in 1938.
- OIP 30. Researches in Anatolia 9. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1930-32, Part 3. Hans Henning von der Osten, with contributions by Wilton Marion Krogman and Others. Originally published in 1937.
- OIP 29. Researches in Anatolia 8. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1930-32, Part 2. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1937.
- OIP 28. Researches in Anatolia 7. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1930-32, Part 1. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1937.
- OIP 27. Researches in Anatolia 6. Inscriptions from Alishar and Vicinity. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1935.
- OIP 26. Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult. Herbert Gordon May. Originally published in 1935.
- OIP 25. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume I. Ramses III's Temple with the Great Inclosure of Amon, Part I. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1936.
- OIP 24. Sennacherib’s Aqueduct at Jerwan Thorkild Jacobsen and Seton Lloyd. 1935
- OIP 23. Medinet Habu, Volume III. The Calendar, the “Slaughterhouse,” and Minor Records of Ramses III. By the Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1934.
- OIP 22. Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell. Hans Henning von der Osten. Originally published in 1934.
- OIP 21. The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume 1: General Plans and Views. 1934 Uvo Hölscher.
- OIP 20. Researches in Anatolia 5. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1928 and 1929, Part 2. Erich F. Schmidt with a chapter by Wilton Marion Krogman. Originally published in 1933.
- OIP 19. Researches in Anatolia 4. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1928 and 1929, Part 1. Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1932.
- OIP 18. Paleolithic Man and the Nile Valley in Upper and Middle Egypt: A Study of the Region during Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. By K. S. Sandford. Prehistoric Survey of Egypt and Western Asia, Volume III. Originally published in 1934.
- OIP 17. Paleolithic Man and the Nile-Faiyum Divide in Nubia and Upper Egypt: A Study of the Region during Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. By K. S. Sandford and W. J. Arkell. Originally published in 1933.
- OIP 16. Cuneiform Series, Volume IV: Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents. Edward Chiera. 1934
- OIP 15. Cuneiform Series, Volume III: Sumerian Epics and Myths. Edward Chiera. 1934
- OIP 14. Cuneiform Series, Vol. II: Inscriptions from from Adab. Daniel David Luckenbill. 1930
- OIP 13. Barhebraeus' Scholia on the Old Testament. Part I: Genesis - II Samuel. Martin Sprengling and William Creighton Graham, editors. Originally published in 1931.
- OIP 12. The Proverbs of Solomon in Sahidic Coptic According to the Chicago Manuscript. Edited by William H. Worrell. Originally published in 1931.
- OIP 11. Cuneiform Series, Volume I: Sumerian Lexical Texts from the Temple School of Nippur. Edward Chiera. 1929
- OIP 10. Prehistoric Survey of Egypt and Western Asia, Vol. I: Paleolithic Man and the Nile-Faiyum Divide: A Study of the Region During Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. K. S. Sandford and W. J. Arkell. 1929
- OIP 9. Medinet Habu, Volume II. The Later Historical Records of Ramses III. The Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1932.
- OIP 8. Medinet Habu, Volume I. Earlier Historical Records of Ramses III. By the Epigraphic Survey. Originally published in 1930.
- OIP 7. Researches in Anatolia 3. The Alishar Hüyük Season of 1927, Part 2. Hans Henning von der Osten and Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1932.
- OIP 6. Researches in Anatolia 2. The Alishar Hüyük Season of 1927, Part 1. Hans Henning von der Osten and Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1930.
- OIP 5.Researches in Anatolia 1. Explorations in Central Anatolia, Season of 1926. H. H. von der Osten. Originally published in 1929.
- OIP 4.The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Volume 2: Facsimile Plates and Line for Line Hieroglyphic Transliteration. J. H. Breasted. Originally published in 1930, revised in 1991.
- OIP 3. The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Volume 1: Hieroglyphic Transliteration, Translation, and Commentary. J. H. Breasted. Originally published in 1930, revised in 1991.
- OIP 2. The Annals of Sennacherib. By Daniel David Luckenbill. Originally published in 1924.
- OIP 1. Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting: First-Century Wall Paintings from the Fortress of Dura on the Middle Euphrates. James Henry Breasted. Originally published in 1924.
- OIS 9. Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World. Edited by Deena Ragavan. 2013.
- OIS 8. Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Edited by Natalie Naomi May. 2012.
- OIS 7. Slaves and Households in the Near East, Edited by Laura Culbertson. 2011
- OIS 6. Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World, Edited by Amar Annus. 2010
- OIS 5. Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the Ancient Near East: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives, Edited by Jeffrey Szuchman. 2009.
- OIS 4. Religion and Power: Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond, Nicole Brisch, ed., 2008. Second printing with minor corrections, 2012.
- OIS 3. Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. Nicola Laneri, ed. 2007.
- OIS 2. Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures. Seth L. Sanders, ed. 2006, 2007.
- OIS 1. Changing Social Identity with the Spread of Islam: Archaeological Perspectives. Donald Whitcomb, ed. 2004.
- SAOC 69. Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut. Edited by José M. Galán, Betsy M. Bryan, and Peter F. Dorman. 2014
- SAOC 68. Extraction & Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper. Edited by Michael Kozuh, Wouter F. M. Henkelman, Charles E. Jones, and Christopher Woods. 2014.
- SAOC 67. Language and Nature: Papers Presented to John Huehnergard on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Edited by Rebecca Hasselbach and Na’ama Pat-El. 2012.
- SAOC 66. Pesher Nahum: Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature from Antiquity through the Middle Ages Presented to Norman (Nahum) Golb. Edited by Joel L. Kraemer and Michael G. Wechsler with the participation of Fred Donner, Joshua Holo, and Dennis Pardee. 2012
- SAOC 65. Perspectives on Ptolemaic Thebes. Occasional Proceedings of the Theban Workshop. Peter F. Dorman and Betsy M. Bryan, eds. 2011.
- SAOC 64. Grammatical Case in the Languages of the Middle East and Europe. Acts of the International Colloquium Variations, concurrence et evolution des cas dans divers domaines linguistiques, Paris, 2-4 April 2007. Edited by Michèle Fruyt, Michel Mazoyer, and Dennis Pardee. 2011.
- SAOC 63. Beyond the Ubaid: Transformation and integration in the late prehistoric societies of the middle east. Edited by Robert A. Carter and Graham Philip. 2010.
- SAOC 62. Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18–22, 2005. 2008.
- SAOC 54, 4th Printing. The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice, 4th Printing. R. K. Ritner. Originally published in 2008.
- SAOC 61. Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes. Peter F. Dorman and Betsy M. Bryan, ed. 2007.
- SAOC 60. Studies in Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics Presented to Gene B. Gragg. Cynthia L. Miller, ed. 2007.
- SAOC 59. Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse. Samuel R. Wolff, ed. 2001.
- SAOC 58. Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. E. Teeter and J. A. Larson, eds. 1999.
- SAOC 57. The Presentation of Maat: Ritual and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt. By Emily Teeter. Originally published in 1997.
- SAOC 56. Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt (I-IV Centuries A.D.) with a Catalog of Portrait Mummies in Egyptian Museums. By Lorelei H. Corcoran. Originally published in 1995.
- SAOC 55. For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer. D. P. Silverman, ed. 1994.
- SAOC 54. The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice. R. K. Ritner. 1993.
- SAOC 53. Glass from Quseir al-Qadim and the Indian Ocean Trade. C. Meyer. 1992.
- SAOC 52. A Late Period Hieratic Wisdom Text (P. Brooklyn 47.218.135). R. Jasnow. 1992.
- SAOC 51. Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond. Janet Johnson.
- SAOC 50. Subsistence, Trade, and Social Change in Early Bronze Age Palestine. D. L. Esse. 1991.
- SAOC 49. A Critical Study of the Temple Scroll from Qumran Cave 11. M. O. Wise. 1990.
- SAOC 48. Egyptian Phyles in the Old Kingdom: The Evolution of a System of Social Organization. By Ann Macy Roth. Originally published in 1991. D. L. Esse. 1991.
- SAOC 47. Essays in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kantor. A. Leonard, Jr. and B. B. Williams, eds. 1989.
- SAOC 46. The Organization of Power: Aspects of Bureaucracy in the Ancient Near East. McGuire Gibson and Robert D. Biggs, eds. (Second Edition with Corrections). Originally published in 1991.
- SAOC 45. Thus Wrote ‘Onchsheshonqy - An Introductory Grammar of Demotic (Third Edition). Janet H. Johnson. Third edition, 2000.
- SAOC 44. Nippur Neighborhoods. E. C. Stone. 1987.
- SAOC 43. A Neolithic Village at Tell El Kowm in the Syrian Desert. R. Dornemann. 1986.
- SAOC 42, 2nd Edition. The Road to Kadesh: A Historical Interpretation of the Battle Reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak, 2nd Edition. W. J. Murnane. Originally published in 1990.
- SAOC 42. The Road to Kadesh: A Historical Interpretation of the Battle Reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak. W. J. Murnane. Originally published in 1985.
- SAOC 41. Ecology and Empire: The Structure of the Urartian State. Paul E. Zimansky. Originally published in 1985.
- SAOC 40. Ancient Egyptian Coregencies. By William J. Murnane. Originally published in 1977.
- SAOC 39. Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes, January 12, 1977. J. H. Johnson and E. F. Wente, eds. 1976.
- SAOC 38. The Demotic Verbal System. Janet H. Johnson. Second printing, with corrections, 2004.
- SAOC 37. The Book of the Dead or Going Forth by Day: Ideas of the Ancient Egyptians Concerning the Hereafter as Expressed in Their Own Terms. Translated by Thomas George Allen. Originally published in 1974.
- SAOC 36. The Hilly Flanks and Beyond: Essays on the Prehistory of Southwestern Asia Presented to Robert J. Braidwood, November 15, 1982. T. Cuyler Young, Jr., Philip E. L. Smith, and Peder Mortensen, editors. Originally published in 1983.
- SAOC 35. Studies in Honor of John A. Wilson. E. B. Hauser, ed. 1969.
- SAOC 34. A Study of the Ba Concept in Ancient Egyptian Texts. By Louis V. Zabkar. Originally published in 1968.
- SAOC 33. Late Ramesside Letters. By Edward F. Wente. Originally published in 1967.
- SAOC 32. Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel. Stanley Gevirtz. Originally published in 1963.
- SAOC 31. Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan. R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe. 1960.
- SAOC 30. Wall Scenes from the Mortuary Chapel of the Mayor Paser at Medinet Habu. By Siegfried Schott. Translated By Elizabeth B. Hauser. Originally published in 1957.
- SAOC 28. Saite Demotic Land Leases. By George Robert Hughes. Originally published in 1952.
- SAOC 27. Occurrences of Pyramid Texts with Cross Indexes of These and Other Egyptian Mortuary Texts. By Thomas George Allen. Originally published in 1950.
- SAOC 26. The Calendars of Ancient Egypt. By Richard A. Parker. Originally published in 1950.
- SAOC 25. The Comparative Archeology of Early Mesopotamia. A. L. Perkins. 1949 (7th printing, 1977).
- SAOC 25. The Comparative Archeology of Early Mesopotamia. Ann Louise Perkins. Originally published in 1949.
- SAOC 24. Babylonian Chronology, 626 B.C. - A.D. 45. Richard A. Parker and Waldo H. Dubberstein. Originally published in 1942.
- SAOC 23. The Comparative Stratigraphy of Early Iran. Donald E. McCown. Originally published in 1942.
- SAOC 22. Hurrians and Subarians. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1944.
- SAOC 21. Hittite Hieroglyphs 3. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1942.
- SAOC 20. Animal Remains from Tell Asmar Max Hilzheimer. 1941.
- SAOC 19. The Coregency of Ramses II with Seti I and the Date of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak. By Keith C. Seele. Originally published in 1940.
- SAOC 18. The Hyksos Reconsidered. Robert M. Engberg. Originally published in 1939.
- SAOC 17. Notes on the Megiddo Pottery of Strata VI-XX. Geoffrey M. Shipton. Originally published in 1939.
- SAOC 16. The Monasteries of the Fayyum. By Nabia Abbott. Originally published in 1937.
- SAOC 15. The Kurrah Papyri from Aphrodito in the Oriental Institute. Nabia Abbott. Originally published in 1938.
- SAOC 14. Hittite Hieroglyphs 2. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1935.
- SAOC 13. The Oriental Origin of Hellenistic Kingship. Calvin W. McEwan. Originally published in 1934.
- SAOC 12. Historical Records of Ramses III: The Texts in Medinet Habu Volumes 1 and 2. Translated With Explanatory Notes. By William F. Edgerton and John A. Wilson. Originally published in 1936.
- SAOC 11. Epiphanius’ Treatise on Weights and Measures: The Syriac Version. James Elmer Dean, ed. With a Foreword by Martin Sprengling. Originally published in 1935.
- SAOC 10. Notes on the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery of Megiddo. Robert M. Engberg and Geoffrey M. Shipton. Originally published in 1934.
- SAOC 9. Die Pakhy-Sprache. Julius von Meszaros. Originally published in 1934.
- SAOC 8. The Thutmosid Succession. By William F. Edgerton. Originally published in 1933.
- SAOC 7. Plano-Convex Bricks and the Methods of Their Employment; II. The Treatment of Clay Tablets in the Field. Pinhas Delougaz. Originally published in 1933.
- SAOC 6. Kitab al-Zahrah: The Book of the Flower. Composed by Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Abi Sulaiman Dawud Al-Isfahani. A. R. Nykl, ed. In collaboration with Ibrahim Tuqan. Originally published in 1932.
- SAOC 5. A New Inscription of Xerxes from Persepolis Ernst E. Herzfeld. 1932.
- SAOC 4. Archeology and the Sumerian Problem. Henri Frankfort. Originally published in 1932.
- SAOC 3. Die Hethitische Bilderschrift. Emil O. Forrer. Originally published in 1932.
- SAOC 2. Hittite Hieroglyphs 1. Ignace J. Gelb. Originally published in 1931.
- SAOC 1. Notes on Egyptian Marriage Chiefly in the Ptolemaic Period. William F. Edgerton. Originally published in 1931.
Lost Egypt
Lost Egypt, Volumes I-III. A Limited Edition Portfolio Series of Photographic Images from Egypt’s Past.
The Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Volume Pagination Date ISBN Price Volume I pp. i-viii + 10 plates 1992 0-918986-88-5 $2000.00 Volume II pp. i-viii + 10 plates 1992 0-918986-89-3 $2000.00 Volume III pp. i-viii + 10 plates 1992 0-918986-90-7 $2000.00
Miscellaneous Publications
- Digital Epigraphy. By Krisztián Vértes and the Epigraphic Survey. 2014.
- Mesopotamian Pottery: A Guide to the Babylonian Tradition in the Second Millennium B.C. By James A. Armstrong and Hermann Gasche, with contributions by Steven W. Cole, Abraham Van As, and Loe Jacobs. Mesopotamian History and Environment II, Memoirs IV. 2014.
Annual Reports
- Islamic Bindings & Bookmaking
A Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago, May 18-August 18, 1981. By Gulnar Bosch, John Carswell, and Guy Petherbridge. Originally published in 1981.
- The Babylonian Genesis: The Story of Creation
By Alexander Heidel. Originally published in 1951.
- The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels.
By Alexander Heidel. Originally published in 1949.
- Egypt through the Stereoscope: A Journey through the Land of the Pharaohs.
By James Henry Breasted. Originally published in 1908. Electronic publication in 2010.
- Pioneer to the Past: The Story of James Henry Breasted, Archaeologist, Told by His Son Charles Breasted.
By Charles Breasted. Reprint of the Charles Scribner's Sons 1943 Edition with New Foreword and Photographs. Published in 2009.
- An Adventure of Great Dimension: The Launching of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.
Erica Reiner. Originally published in 2002.
- Letters from Egypt and Iraq, 1954.
Margaret Bell Cameron. Originally published in 2001.
- Changing Watercourses in Babylonia: Towards a Reconstruction of the Ancient Environment in Lower Mesopotamia Volume 1.
Hermann Gasche and Michel Tanret, editors. Originally published in 1998.
- Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology.
J. A. Armstrong, S. W. Cole, and V. G. Gurzadyan. Originally published in 1998.
- Ayla: Art and Industry in the Islamic Port of Aqaba.
D. Whitcomb. 1994.
- Letters from Turkey, 1939-1946.
G. Maynard. 1994.
- Uch Tepe II: Technical Reports.
McG. Gibson, ed. 1990.
- The Research Archives of the Oriental Institute: Introduction and Guide.
The Oriental Institute. Originally published in 1990.
- Aqaba: "Port of Palestine on the China Sea."
D. Whitcomb. 1988.
- Egyptology at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
The Oriental Institute. Originally published in 1983.
- Feasts for Pharaohs & Kings: A Cookbook by the Oriental Institute Museum, The University of Chicago.
Edited and compiled by Anne S. Blomstrom. Originally published in 1983.
- Quseir al-Qadim 1980: Preliminary Report.
By Donald S. Whitcomb and Janet H. Johnson. Originally published in 1982.
- A Guide to the Oriental Institute Museum.
Written by Leon Marfoe, edited by Peter T. Daniels and Valerie M. Fargo. Originally published in 1982.
- Uch Tepe I: Tell Razuk, Tell Ahmed Al-Mughir, Tell Ajamat.
McG. Gibson, ed. 1981.
- Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates.
Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1981.
- United with Eternity: A Concise Guide to the Monuments of Medinet Habu.
William J. Murnane. Originally published in 1980.
- Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia -- Guneydogu Anadolu Tarihoncesi Arastirmalari.
Halet Cambel and Robert J. Braidwood. Originally published in 1980.
- Remembrances of the Near East: The Photographs of Bonfils, 1867-1907.
The Bonfils Firm.. Originally published in 1980.
- Quseir Al-Qadim 1978: Preliminary Report.
D. S. Whitcomb and J. H. Johnson. 1979.
- Ancient Textiles from Nubia: Meroitic, X-Group, and Christian Fabrics from Ballana and Qustul.
Christa C. Mayer Thurman and Bruce Williams. Originally published in 1979.
- Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology.
Karl W. Butzer. Originally published in 1976.
- Old Babylonian Contracts From Nippur: Selected Texts From the University Museum University of Pennsylvania.
Catalogue by Elizabeth C. Stone. Photos by Paul E. Zimansky. Originally published in 1976.
- John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Centenary Exhibition: A Productive Collaboration 1919–1935.
Originally published in 1974.
- The Uruk Countryside: The Natural Setting of Urban Societies.
Robert McC. Adams and Hans J. Nissen. 1972.
- Letters From Mesopotamia: Official, Business, and Private Letters on Clay Tablets from Two Millennia.
A. Leo Oppenheim. Originally published in 1967.
- Most Ancient Egypt.
William C. Hayes. Originally published in 1965.
- Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plains.
Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1965.
- Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization.
A. Leo Oppenheim. Revised edition completed by Erica Reiner. Originally published in 1964; revised edition in 1977.
- Signs and Wonders upon Pharaoh: A History of American Egyptology.
John A. Wilson. Originally published in 1964.
- Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plains.
Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1965.
- Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964.
R. D. Biggs and J. A. Brinkman, editors. Originally published in 1964.
- Most Ancient Verse.
Selected and translated by Thorkild Jacobsen and John A. Wilson. Originally published in 1963.
- The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character.
Samuel Noah Kramer. Originally published in 1963.
- City Invincible: A Symposium on Urbanization and Cultural Development in the Ancient Near East Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, December 4-7, 1958.
Edited by Carl H. Kraeling & Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1960.
- The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume IV: The Second Hypostyle Hall.
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1958.
- When Egypt Ruled the East.
By George Steindorff and Keith C. Seele. Revised by Keith C. Seele. Originally published as second edition in 1957.
- The Culture of Ancient Egypt: An Interpretation of Ancient Egyptian Culture.
By John A. Wilson. Reprinted in 1956.
- Standard Operating Procedure for the Assyrian Dictionary.
I. J. Gelb. Originally published in 1954.
- Third Century Iran: Sapor and Kartir.
Martin Sprengling. Originally published in 1953.
- Medieval Islam: A Study in Cultural Orientation.
Gustave E. von Grunebaum. Originally published in 1953.
- A Study of Writing.
I. J. Gelb. Originally published in 1952.
- The Burden of Egypt: An Interpretation of Ancient Egyptian Culture.
By John A. Wilson. Originally published in 1951.
- Kingship and the Gods: A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Integration of Society and Nature.
By Henri Frankfort. Originally published in 1948.
- History of the Persian Empire.
Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead. Originally published in 1948.
- The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East.
Henri Frankfort, H. A. Frankfort, John A. Wilson, Thorkild Jacobsen, and William A. Irwin. Originally published in 1946.
- Two Queens of Baghdad: Mother and Wife of Harun al-Rashid.
Nabia Abbott. Originally published in 1946.
- The Problem of Ezekiel: An Inductive Study.
William A. Irwin. Originally published in 1943.
- Aishah: The Beloved of Mohammed.
Nabia Abbott. Originally published in 1942.
- The Rayy Expedition.
Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1942.
- The Expedition to Luristan.
Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1941.
- The Persepolis Expedition.
Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1941.
- Flights Over Ancient Cities of Iran.
Erich F. Schmidt. 1940.
- A Political History of Parthia.
Neilson C. Debevoise. Originally published in 1938.
- The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume III: The Osiris Complex.
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1938.
- The History of Early Iran.
George G. Cameron. Originally published in 1938.
- They Wrote on Clay: The Babylonian Tablets Speak Today.
By Edward Chiera. Edited by George G. Cameron. Originally published in 1938.
- Syrian Expedition: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. The Oriental Institute.
Originally published in 1937.
- Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume III: Descriptive Text.
By Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1936.
- Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume II: Descriptive Text.
By Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1936.
- Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume I: Descriptive Text.
By Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1936.
- Service in the Memory of James Henry Breasted.
Originally published in 1936.
- The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Fifth Edition.
Originally published between 1936-1946.
- The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume II: The Chapels of Amen-Re', Re'-Harakhti, Ptah, and King Sethos.
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1935.
- The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Fourth Edition.
Originally published in 1935.
- The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume I: The Chapels of Osiris, Isis and Horus.
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1933.
- The Oriental Institute.
James Henry Breasted. Originally published in 1933.
- The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Third Edition
Originally published in 1931.
- The Oriental Institute: General Circular No. 2, 1928.
Originally published in 1928.
- Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Volume 2: Historical Records of Assyria From Sargon to the End.
Daniel David Luckenbill. Originally published in 1927.
- Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Volume 1: Historical Records of Assyria From the Earliest Times to Sargon.
Daniel David Luckenbill. Originally published in 1926.
- The Oriental Institute: General Circular No. 1, 1926.
Originally published in 1926.
- History of Assyria.
Albert T. Olmstead. Originally published in 1923.
The Oriental Institute Archaeological Newsletter (1950-1973)
Oriental Institute News & Notes
For years prior to 1999 the Lead Article(s) from various issues of News & Notes were made available electronically:
- No. 156 Winter 1998: LETTERS FROM THE FIELD, 1950-1951 - EXCAVATIONS AT JARMO
- No. 155 Fall 1997: ORIENTAL INSTITUTE AMUQ VALLEY PROJECT: The 1996 Field Season
- No. 152 Winter 1997: INSTITUTE ON THE INTERNET
- No. 148 Winter 1996: THE AMUQ VALLEY PROJECT, 1995
- No. 147 Fall 1995: A BALIKH PROSPECT
- No. 138 Summer 1993: BIR UMM FAWAKHIR: 1993 Survet Project
- No. 136 Winter 1992: THE PUPPY IN HITTITE RITUAL
- No. 135 Fall 1992: EXCAVATIONS AT GIZA 1988-1991: The Location and Importance of the Pyramid Settlement
- No. 134 Summer 1992: EXCAVATIONS AT TELL ES-SWEYHAT IN SYRIA 1989 AND 1991
- No. 133 Spring 1992: CRUSADING TO THE PAST
- No. 126 November-December 1990: RECONNAISSANCE IN AQABA
- No. 125 September-October 1990: NIPPUR, 1990: GULA, GODDESS OF HEALING, AND AN AKKADIAN TOMB
- No. 123 March-April 1990: WATER AND GOLD: THE 1989 SEASON AT AQABA
- No. 122 January-February 1990: AQABA/AYLA: EXCAVATING FOR THE FUTURE
Oriental Institute's on-line Photographic Archives (online only)
- Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Sudan (66 Photographs)
- Persepolis and Ancient Iran (967 Photographs)
- The 1905–1907 Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and The Sudan (1055 Photographs)
- Breasted's 1919-1920 Expedition to the Near East (1,875 Photographs)
- Index of Late Old Babylonian personal names Version 2
- Oriental Institute Demotic Ostraca Online - Version 1.1 (February 17, 2010)
- Oriental Institute Museum Photographic Database
Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators
The Human Adventure is online at The Oriental Institute's Youtube Channel.
Mesopotamian Directory 2011
Miscellaneous Publications | List of volumes in print
- Mesopotamian Directory 2011
- Database of Late Old Babylonian personal names derived from cuneiform texts chiefly dating to the reigns of the last three kings of the First Dynasty of Babylon, 1683-1595 B.C.
- The Oriental Institute. James Henry Breasted. Originally published in 1933.
- Oriental Institute Museum Photo Archives Database [Enter as "guest"]
Research Archives
Integrated Database (IDB)
OCHRE Data Service
Individual Scholarship
And see also