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New York University Excavations at Amheida Reports & Publications

 [First posted in AWOL 19 April 2012, updated 2 January 2014]

New York University Excavations at Amheida
The Amheida project was started at Columbia University in 2001. Since 2008, New York University is the primary sponsoring institution, with Columbia University continuing as a partner in the project.

The excavations at Amheida collaborate with other participating groups in the Dakhleh Oasis Project, an international venture now three decades old dedicated to studying the interaction between human settlement and the environment over the long span from the earliest human presence in the oasis to modern times. Amheida itself has remains spanning nearly three millennia, and paleolithic material is found along its fringes. 

The excavations so far have focused on three areas of this very large site: a centrally located upper-class fourth-century AD house with wall paintings, an adjoining school, and underlying remains of a Roman bath complex; a more modest house of the third century; and the temple hill, with remains of the Temple of Thoth built in the first century AD and of earlier structures. Architectural conservation has protected and partly restored two standing funerary monuments, a mud-brick pyramid and a tower tomb, both of the Roman period. A recreation of the fourth-century house has been built near the site entrance as a future visitor center, and a protective enclosure for the decorated blocks from the temple has been built with support from the American Research Center in Egypt.


2014Field report New! B1 reconstruction New!
2013Field reportB1 reconstruction
2012Field reportGeoarchaeology
2011Field reportConservation, Geoarchaeology
2010Field reportConservation, Geoarchaeology, Paleozoology
2009Field reportGeoarchaeology, Topography
2008Field reportArchitectural conservation, Site mgmt. plan, Topography
2007Field reportArchitectural conservation, Topography
2006Field reportArch.cons., Conservation, Geophysical survey, figures, Topography
2005Field reportArch.cons., Conservation, Geophysical survey, figures, Wall paintings
2004Field report
2002Field report
2001Field report
Amheida, University of Reading
2013Field report
2012Field report
Ain el-Gedida
2010Field report
2009Field report
2008Field report
2007Field report
2006Field report


Clementina CaputoAmheida/Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis): Results from a Pottery Survey in Area 11
Bulletin de liaison de la céramique égyptienne 24 (2014), pp. 163-177
Paola DavoliUniSalento nel deserto occidentale egiziano: dieci anni nell'Oasi di Dakhla
Il Bollettino dell'Università del Salento IV/5 (2014), pp. 23-26 PDF 0.4 MB

Anna L. BoozerThe Archaeology of Amheida (Egypt)
in: The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology; Claire Smith (ed.)
Springer (2013)

Susanna McFaddenArt on the edge: The late Roman wall painting of Amheida, Egypt
in: Actes du XII Colloque de l'Association international pour la peinture murale antique (forthcoming) PDF 1.3 MB

Anna L. BoozerArchaeology on Egypt's Edge: Archaeological Research in the Dakhleh Oasis, 1819-1977
Ancient West & East 12 (2013), pp. 117-156

Raffaella Cribiore, Paola DavoliNew literary texts from Amheida, ancient Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)
Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 187 (2013), pp. 1-14 PDF 1.5 MB

Nicola AravecchiaThe Church Complex of 'Ain el-Gedida, Dakhleh Oasis
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 391-408
Roger S. Bagnall and Raffaella CribioreChristianity on Thoth's Hill
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 409-415
Paola DavoliAmheida 2007-2009: New Results from the Excavations
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 263-278
Delphine DixneufCeramics from 'Ain el-Gedida, Dakhleh Oasis: preliminary results
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 459-470
Olaf E. KaperEpigraphic Evidence from the Dakhleh Oasis in the Late Period
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 167-176
Constance S. SilverPainted Surfaces on Mud Plaster and Three-Dimensional Mud Elements: The Status of Conservation Treatments and Recommendations for Continuing Research
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 337-347
Nicholas WarnerAmheida: Architectural Conservation and Site Development, 2004-2009
in: The Oasis Papers 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis; R.S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, C.A. Hope (eds)
Oxford, Oxbow (2012), pp. 363-379
Anna L. BoozerFrontiers and borderlands in imperial perspectives: Exploring Rome's Egyptian frontier.
American Journal of Archaeology 117 (2013), pp. 275-292

Paola DavoliReflections on Urbanism in Graeco-Roman Egypt: a Historical and Regional Perspective.
in: The Space of the city in Graeco-Roman Egypt : image and reality; E. Subías; P. Azara, J. Carruesco, I. Fiz, R. Cuesta (eds.)
Tarragona, Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (2012), pp. 69-92 PDF 3 MB

Anna L. BoozerGlobalizing Mediterranean identities: The overlapping spheres of Egyptian, Greek and Roman worlds at Trimithis.
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 25 (2012), pp. 93-116
Roger S. Bagnall, Giovanni R. RuffiniAmheida I. Ostraka from Trimithis, Volume 1: Texts from the 2004-2007 Seasons
Published by ISAW and NYU Press (2012). Available as part of NYU's
Ancient World Digital Library: http://dlib.nyu.edu/awdl/isaw/amheida-i-otrim-1
In print from NYU Press: http://nyupress.org/books/book-details.aspx?bookId=11246

Anna L. BoozerForgetting to Remember in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
in: Cultural Memory and Identity in Ancient Societies; M.Bommas (ed.)
London and New York, Continuum (2011), pp. 109-126

Dorothea SchulzDie neue Villa des Serenus: Rekonstruktionsarbeiten in der Wüste
Antike Welt 2 (2011), pp. 20-23

Olaf E. KaperTempel an der "Rückseite der Oase": Aktuelle Grabungen decken eine ganze Kultlandschaft auf
Antike Welt 2 (2011), pp. 15-19

Olaf E. KaperA Kemyt Ostracon from Amheida, Dakhleh Oasis
Bulletin de l'Institut Français Archéologie Orientale 110 (2010), pp. 115-126

Paola Davoli, Raffaella CribioreUna scuola di greco del IV secolo d.C. a Trimithis (oasi di Dakhla, Egitto)
Atene e Roma (2010) PDF 2 MB

Dorothea SchulzDe Villa van Serenus – een reconstructie
Monumenten 31/6 (2010) PDF 8 MB

Anna L. BoozerMemory and Microhistory of an Empire: Domestic Contexts in Roman Amheida, Egypt
in: Archaeology and Memory; D.Boric (ed.)
Oxford, Oxbow (2010), pp. 138-157 PDF 2 MB

Sander MuskensEen Romeinse stad in de Egyptische woestijn. Recent veldwerk in Amheida, Dachla Oase
Ta-Mery 2 (2009), pp. 7-12 PDF 2 MB

Raffaella Cribiore, Paola Davoli, David M. RatzanA teacher's dipinto from Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis)
Journal of Roman Archaeology 21 (2008) PDF 11 MB

Olaf E. KaperEpigraphic evidence from the Dakhleh Oasis in the Libyan Period
in: G.P.F. Broekman; R.J.Demarée and O.E.Kaper (eds.)
The Libyan Period in Egypt, Historical and Cultural Studies into the 21st - 24th Dynasties:
Proceedings of a conference at Leiden University, 25-27 October 2007
Egyptologische Uitgaven 23, Leiden
Netherlands Institute for the Near East, 2009, pp. 149-159
[download it from the institutional repository of Leiden University]

Anna L. BoozerHousing Empire: The Archaeology of Daily Life in Roman Amheida, Egypt
Department of Anthropology. New York, Columbia University. Unpublished PhD Thesis, 2007
[download it from ProQuest]

Paola Davoli (with contributions by Roger S. Bagnall, Olaf E. Kaper)I Romani nel Deserto
Pharaon (Sep.2006) PDF 27 MB   PDF low res. 2 MB

Paola Davoli, Olaf E. KaperA New temple for Thoth in the Dakhleh Oasis
Egyptian Archaeology 28 (2006) PDF 4MB

Roger S. Bagnall, Paola Davoli, Olaf E. Kaper, Helen WhitehouseRoman Amheida: excavating a town in Egypt's Dakhleh oasis
Minerva 17/6 (2006) PDF 5 MB

Olaf E. Kaper, Robert J. DemaréeA Donation stela in the name of Takeloth III from Amheida, Dakhleh Oasis
Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux 39 (2005) PDF 6.5 MB

Anna L. BoozerIn Search of Lost Memories: Domestic Spheres and Identities in Roman Amheida, Egypt
Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy Working Papers Series 05-07: 1-28 (2005) PDF 1.4 MB

Roger S. Bagnall, Giovanni R. RuffiniCivic life in courth century Trimithis. Two ostraca from the 2004 excavations.
Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 149 (2004) PDF 2 MB

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