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Newly Open Access Journal: TYCHE: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik – Contributions to Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy

TYCHE: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik – Contributions to Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy

P-ISSN: 1010-9161

E-ISSN: 2409-5540
TYCHE is a scholarly journal based at the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna. This journal of high academic reputation has been published since 1986 and contains (double-blind) peer-reviewed articles in German, English, French, Italian and Latin. The scientific focus lies on the whole range of antiquity from the beginnings of Greek history to Late antiquity. Emphasis is placed on the edition and interpretation of epigraphic and papyrological sources. The journal further includes papyrological (Korr. Tyche) and epigraphic (Adnotationes epigraphicae) miscellanea, a critical bibliography of Austrian epigraphy (Annona Epigraphica Austriaca) as well as a review section. In addition to the regular annual volumes TYCHE also issues monographic Supplement and Special Volumes.

Vol 28 (2013)

Full Issue

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Table of Contents


Domo Iudaeus — Zwei neue Grabinschriften aus CarnuntumHTMLPDF (Deutsch)
Franziska Beutler, Gabrielle Kremer 16
The Curious Case of Kom Aushim Inv. no. 45: The Rediscovery of a Fragment from a Lost Inscription?HTMLPDF
Lincoln H. Blumell, Mostafa F. Hemieda 6
Deux dédicaces latines inédites de Porolissum (Dacie romaine)HTMLPDF (Français)
Dan Dana, Radu Zăgreanu 9
Testament of Solomon: Addendum to P.Rain.Cent. 39HTMLPDF
Robert Daniel 3
Entwaffnete Götter: Überlegungen zur Interpretation antiker WaffenweihungenHTMLPDF (Deutsch)
Ulrike Ehmig 10
Bestandsklauseln und Abänderungsverbote: Der Schutz zweckgebundener Gelder in der späthellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen PolisHTMLPDF (Deutsch)
Kaja Harter Uibopuu 46
A Newly Discovered Greek Inscription at Novae (Moesia Inferior) Associated with pastus militumHTMLPDF
Adam Łajtar 15
Towards a New Interpretation of CLE 2288 through its ordinatioHTMLPDF
María Limón Belén 6
Accounts Concerning Work of WeaversHTMLPDF
Nikos Litinas 7
Ein spätantiker Papyrusbrief an den magnificentissimus comes MenasHTMLPDF (Deutsch)
Amphilochios Papathomas, Aikaterini Tsiousia 7
Accepta pariatoria und pastus militum: Eine neue Statuenbasis mit zwei Inschriften aus NovaeHTMLPDF (Deutsch)
Tadeusz Sarnowski 12
Bronzeplatte eines unteritalischen Proxenos der EleerHTMLPDF (Deutsch)
Peter Siewert 15
Rewards to Slaves in the Proscriptions of 82 B.C.HTMLPDF
Alexander Thein 13
Samos, Hegemony, and the Nicuria DecreeHTMLPDF
John A. N. Z. Tully 5
When Two Fragments Meet: A Funerary Stela for Two People from Roman Egypt (Nikopolis)HTMLPDF
Sofie Waebens 7
Wojciech Pietruszka: CIL XI 3254 (II.18) — C. Caristanius Fronto from Sutrium?HTMLPDF
Igor Wypijewski, Wojciech Pietruszka 12




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