Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Archaeological and Palaeoecological Reference Collections Online

 [First posted in AWOL 22 April 2012, updated 21 December 2014]

Among the many useful pages at WikiArc/ The Wiki Archaeological Information Resource is:

Archaeological and Palaeoecological Reference Collections Online

As of today (21 December 2014), the list there includes the following categories and links:
The National Slag Collection - UK, from the Historical Metallurgy Society
A Guide to the Identification of Spanish Medieval and Later Fabrics
CerAfIm: Céramique Africaine Imprimée 
The National Roman Fabric Collection: a handbook - UK, from the Museum of London
Worcestershire On-Line Ceramic Database - UK
TOMBA - Tombs of Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Europe
Soil Analysis Support System for Archaeology
Charcoal Analysis Web
Colonial Williamsburg Phytolith Database
Digitale Zadenatlas van Nederland (Digital Seed Atlas of the Netherlands)
Inside Wood
Laboratory Guide To Archaeological Plant Remains From Eastern North America - by Gayle Fritz
MU Phytolith Database
PalaeoBot.org - Macrofossils, Pollen, Phytoliths, Starch and Isotopes
Phytolith Core Database
Seeds of Wild Plants of Korea
Seed Herbarium Image Project - Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University
Seed ID Workshop - from Ohio State University
UCL Phytolith Teaching and Research Images
USDA Family Guide for Fruits and Seeds
Willcox Atlas of Archaeobotanical Seeds
Wood Anatomy
Hawaiian Marine Shell Reference Collection
Marine Bivalve Shells of the British Isles
National History Museum of Rotterdam Mollusks
Neogene Bryozoa of Britain 
Anàlisi de FORmes d'Otòlits (AFORO) - Shape analysis of fish otoliths
Archaeological Fish Resource
Aves 3D - a three dimensional database of avian skeletal morphology
Avian Osteology - from the Royal BC Museum
MCPA2 - Mammalian Crania Photographic Archive
Skullsite - avian skulls
Virtual Zooarchaeology of the Arctic Project
Digitised Diseases
Linnean Society Collections Online - various biological collections
Neotoma Palaeoecology Database
Poggio Civitate Etruscan Excavation Finds Catalogue
Portable Antiquity Scheme Database

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