PLGO: Bibliotheca Pretiosa
LibScribd is a project wich born inside the PLGO Community, looking provide and share with the visitors a well ordinated collection of works, related directly with Patristic/Patrological themes. Taking all the advantages provided by the Scribd' API, the PLGO community has been working in this project since September 2010, and through different steps in the development of such projects, finally the past the May 3, 2014, we merge the Bibliotheca Pretiosa with our former LibScribd Project.
Here you will find all the contents included in our Scribd account, but minimizing to the limit the difficulties to place and access our documents, and displaying none advertisement banners nor pop-ups.
Indexing, organizing and reviewing our contents, we hope still helping the academical community.
We are convinced too that LibScribd/Bibliotheca Pretiosa is a great and useful step to achieve this goal. Our minimal web template allow browse quickly and easily between our contents, and optimizes too the 'full screen' reading, displaying the contents with the best results in any screen.
Collection No. Docs. Links Abrégé de l'histoire ecclésiastique de M. l'abbé Fleury (1750) 8 Open the Collection. Acta Martyrum et sanctorum [Bedjan Ed.]. 6 Open the Collection. Acta Sanctorum. 1863. 65 Open the Collection. Analecta Bollandiana. 1882-1908. 27 Open the Collection. Aramaic related materials. 27 Open the Collection. Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen-âge. 1926-1939. 12 Open the Collection. Auger. Homélies, discours et lettres choisis de S. Jean Chrysostôme. 1826. 4 Open the Collection. Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis: Opera et Studia 56 Open the Collection. Aurelius Augustinus. Opera Omnia [Des. Eras. Rot. Ed.]. 1528-1529. 20 Open the Collection. Baer. Textum Masoreticum accuratissime expressit e fontibus Masorea varie illustravit. 1869. 13 Open the Collection. Bibliothèque choisie des Pères de l'Église grecque et latine, ou, Cours d'éloquence sacrée [1822-1829]. 26 Open the Collection. Brooke, McLean, Thackeray. The Old Testament in Greek according to the text of Codex vaticanus. 1906. 8 Open the Collection. Bunsen. Christianity and mankind : their beginnings and prospects. 1854. 7 Open the Collection. Byzantine Empire 31 Open the Collection. Caillau. Thesaurus Patrum Floresque Doctorum. 9 Open the Collection. Ceillier. Histoire générale des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques [Nouvelle Édition].1858. 17 Open the Collection. Ceillier. Histoire générale des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques. 1729. 23 Open the Collection. Church history 76 Open the Collection. Clavis, Indices, Catalogi. 6 Open the Collection. Clemens Alexandrinus. Opera [Dindorf Ed.]. 1869. 4 Open the Collection. Clemens Alexandrinus: Opera et Studia 14 Open the Collection. Codices, Incunabula & Early Editions 52 Open the Collection. Collectio Selecta SS. Ecclesiæ Patrum. [Caillau, Guillon, Ed.]. 4 Open the Collection. Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. 1828-1877. 13 Open the Collection. Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 65 Open the Collection. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae 51 Open the Collection. Cramer. Catenae Graecorum patrum in Novum Testamentum. 1844. 8 Open the Collection. CSCO 40 Open the Collection. Cyrillus Alexandrinus: : Opera et Studia. 12 Open the Collection. Dictionaries, Lexicons, Grammars 110 Open the Collection. Dictionnaire de la Bible (1912) 12 Open the Collection. Dods. The works of Aurelius Augustine : a new translation. 1871. 15 Open the Collection. Dufourcq. Étude sur les Gesta martyrum romains. 1900. 4 Open the Collection. Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus: Opera et Studia. 11 Open the Collection. Exposition du dogme catholique (1873-1890). 21 Open the Collection. External materials 41 Open the Collection. Gfrörer. Pabst Gregorius VII und sein Zeitalter. 1859. 10 Open the Collection. Gifford. Eusebiou tou pamphilou euaggelikes proparaskeues. 1903. 5 Open the Collection. Giles. Saint Bede, The Complete Works of Venerable Bede, 8 vols. 1843. 8 Open the Collection. Giry, Guérin. Les petits Bollandistes. 1888. 17 Open the Collection. Greek ecclesiastical historians of the first six centuries of the Christian era. 1843. 12 Open the Collection. Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller 47 Open the Collection. Histoire des conciles d'après les documents originaux 21 Open the Collection. Histoire des conciles d'après les documents originaux [1869]. 12 Open the Collection. Histoire littéraire de l'Afrique chrétienne depuis les origines jusqu'à l'invasion arabe [1901]. 6 Open the Collection. Individual Works, Studies, Monographies 502 Open the Collection. Jeannin. Saint Jean Chrysostome. OEuvres Complètes. 1887. 11 Open the Collection. Joannes Chrysostomus. Opera Omnia Quæ Exstant [Montfaucon, Ed.]. 1839. 12 Open the Collection. Jstor Patristic/Patrological contents before 1923 year. 3 Open the Collection. Klostermann. Eusebius Werke [GCS Ed.]. 1902. 9 Open the Collection. Koetschau. Origenes Werke [GCS Ed.]. 1899. 7 Open the Collection. La Sainte Bible Polyglotte (1900) 9 Open the Collection. Lightfoot. The Apostolic Fathers : a revised text with introductions, notes, dissertations, and translations. 1890. 5 Open the Collection. Luchaire. Innocent III. 1906-1908. 6 Open the Collection. Mai. Patrum Nova Bibliotheca. 1843-1854. 8 Open the Collection. Mai. Spicilegium romanum. 1839. 10 Open the Collection. Migne. Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina. [PIMS Digitazion]. 220 Open the Collection. Miscellanea 129 Open the Collection. Montalembert. Les moines d'Occident depuis Saint Benoít jusqu'a Saint Bernard/The monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard 14 Open the Collection. Moroni. Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni. 1840. 109 Open the Collection. Mourret. Histoire générale de l'Église. 1921. 9 Open the Collection. Opera Spuria, Apocrypha, Gnostica seu Haeretica. 50 Open the Collection. Origen. Opera omnia quae graece vel latine tantum exstant [La Rue, Lommatzsch Eds.]. 1831. 25 Open the Collection. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: Ambrosius. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1836. 10 Open the Collection. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: Basilius. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1833. 5 Open the Collection. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: Eusebius. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1830. 6 Open the Collection. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: Gregorius Theologus. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1835. 5 Open the Collection. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: S. Athanasius. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1830. 4 Open the Collection. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: S. Ephræm. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1832. 8 Open the Collection. Patres Quinti Ecclesiaæ Sæculi: S. Augustinus. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1835. 41 Open the Collection. Patres Quinti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: Joannes Chrysostomus. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1835. 26 Open the Collection. Patres Tertii Ecclesiæ Sæculi: Origenes. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1829. 7 Open the Collection. Patrologia Graeca [Googlebooks]. 307 Open the Collection. Patrologia Graeca [Internet Archive]. 16 Open the Collection. Patrologia Latina [BNF/Gallica]. 181 Open the Collection. Patrologia Latina [Googlebooks]. 286 Open the Collection. Patrologia Orientalis [BNF/Gallica Digitazion]. 35 Open the Collection. Patrologia Orientalis [PIMS Digitazion]. 16 Open the Collection. Patrologia Orientalis [University of Toronto Digitazion]. 24 Open the Collection. Patrologia Orientalis [University of Toronto Digitazion]. 24 Open the Collection. Philo of Alexandria. Opera Omnia. 1828. 8 Open the Collection. Poujoulat, Raulx. Saint Augustin. OEuvres Complètes. 1864. 13 Open the Collection. Poujoulat. Lettres de Saint Augustin. 1858. 4 Open the Collection. Res aliena 512 Open the Collection. Res aliena: Iudaica. 88 Open the Collection. Res Curiosa & Rara. 2 Open the Collection. Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 30 Open the Collection. Revue de l'Orient Latin 9 Open the Collection. Revue des études byzantines. 1943-2005. 244 Open the Collection. Riches de Levante. The hexaglot Bible : comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the original tongues. 1906. 6 Open the Collection. Roberts, Donaldson. Ante-Nicene Christian library : translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A. D. 325. 1867. 24 Open the Collection. Robinson. Texts and studies : contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature. 1891. 11 Open the Collection. Rohrbacher, Dufour. Histoire universelle de l'Église Catholique. 1842-1849. 30 Open the Collection. Routh. Reliquiae sacrae. 1846. 5 Open the Collection. S. Isidorus Hispalensis. Opera Omnia. [Franciscus Lorenzana Ed.]. 1797. 7 Open the Collection. S. P. C. K. 24 Open the Collection. Sacra Scriptura 159 Open the Collection. Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio [H. Welter, Ed. 1901-1927] 14 Open the Collection. Saint Basil. Opera omnia quae exstant [Julianus Garnier Ed.]. 1839. 6 Open the Collection. Saint Bernard. Oeuvres Complètes [Charpentier, Trad.]. 1865. 7 Open the Collection. Schaff, Wace. A Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church. Second series. 1890-1900. 14 Open the Collection. Schaff. A Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church. First series. 1886. 14 Open the Collection. Scriptorum Veterum Nova Collectio 10 Open the Collection. Sevestre. Dictionnaire de Patrologie. 1851. 4 Open the Collection. Sic vos, non vobis 2 Open the Collection. SMSR 41 Open the Collection. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. 1883. 41 Open the Collection. The Fathers of the Church 31 Open the Collection. The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages 40 Open the Collection. Tischendorf. Novum Testamentum graece. 1869. 7 Open the Collection. Vivien. Tertullianus praedicans. 1856. 6 Open the Collection. Whiston. Primitive Christianity reviv'd : in four volumes. 1711. 4 Open the Collection. XXXIII. 33 Open the Collection.