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Ubi Erat Lupa

[First posted 19 April 2010. Updated 3 February 2013]

Ubi Erat Lupa
Current amount of data: 20927 monuments and 31643 pictures / Last update: 2013/02/03, 15:12. UBI ERAT LUPA is a partner project of EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) and is being maintained by 'CHC - Research Group for Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing' and hosted by ITS at the University of Salzburg.
Die Bilddatenbank www.ubi-erat-lupa.org (Kurzbezeichnung lupa) ist den antiken Steindenkmälern (Rundplastiken, Reliefs, Inschriften, Architekturstücken etc.) gewidmet, weil sie die wichtigsten Informationsträger zu Gesellschaft, Kultur und Kunst der Antike sind.

lupa ist ein ausschließlich ideelles Projekt und dient der Information von Wissenschaftlern und Freunden der Antike in Heimatforschung, Schule und Tourismus. Sie reicht bis in die Zeit des Justinian (ca. 500 n. Chr.) und erfasst nach Möglichkeit auch prähistorische Steindenkmäler. Weil sich lupa von Wien aus konzentrisch entwickelt hat, überwiegen zur Zeit die römerzeitlichen Denkmäler in Mittel- und Südosteuropa.

lupa ist in jeder Richtung zur Erweiterung offen.
The picture database www.ubi-erat-lupa.org (short form lupa) contains stone monuments (sculptures, reliefs, inscriptions, architectural pieces etc.).

lupa is a non-commercial project dedicated to informing scientists and interested laypersons. The project’s scope is from prehistoric stone monuments to around the time of Justinian (500 AD). Due to its inception in Vienna, most project data at the moment is from the mid- and south-eastern european region.

lupa is open to expansion in any direction."

Roman Stone Monuments
Roman stone monuments, regional info pages concerning the places of their custody, school projects dealing with cultural heritage issues...
Academic supervision International partners of the ubi erat lupa project
Project coordination Ortolf Harl, Vienna
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages German
Coverage Currently 15.724 stone monuments / 20.085 photos
The information system "Roman Stone Monuments" was initiated during the course of the Culture 2000 project UBI ERAT LUPA of the Forschungsgesellschaft Wiener Stadtarchäologie.
Since October 2005 it is being managed and further developed by CHC – Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing, University of Salzburg.

Lupa – Regional Information
Texts and images concerning places of conservation of Roman stone monuments. Links to museums and to issues related to research, tourism and traffic.
Editorial responsibility Friederike Harl, Wien
Available languages German
Coverage Currently 302 info pages concerning places of conservation of Roman stone monuments.

Hispania Epigraphica
Epigraphical monuments from the Iberian peninsula.
Hispania Epigraphica has been migrated. The new URL is: http://eda-bea.es
Academic supervision Departamento de Historia I y Filosofia, Universidad de Alcalá
Project coordination Joaquín Gómez-Pantoja, Alcalá de Henares
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages Spanish, English and German (German interface currently only available for administrative staff)
Coverage Currently 23.379 inscriptions.

CRFB – Roman Finds in the European Barbaricum
Roman finds from outside the Roman Empire, covering the territories between the North Sea and the Black See and between the Baltic Sea and the river Danube (= Corpus of Roman Finds in the European Barbaricum).
Academic supervision Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Project coordination Sigmar von Schnurbein / Hans-Ulrich Voss, Frankfurt a. M.
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages German
Coverage During the test phase the volumes Berlin-Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are accessible online.

Stamped Roman Tiles
Archaeological, epigraphical and petrological aspects of stamped Roman tiles from the metropolitan area of Vienna and from Moravia (Czech Republic).
Based on studies of Barnabás Lörincz, Budapest
Academic supervision MA 7 – Wiener Stadtarchäologie
Project coordination Martin Mosser, Vienna
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages German
Coverage Currently 3686 records (the better part illustrated with drawings)

Bring Your Material:
Extension of LVPA by third party
The title Ubi Erat Lupa indicates that there is only one predetermined geographical boundary: the expansion and the spheres of influence of the Roman empire. To cope with the enourmous material available it is a must for us to cooperate with other specialists and institutions.
Possible models of cooperation range from mutual providing texts and pictures to real online collaboration, where associates will gain direct access to the LVPA databases.
Authors and institutions are registered in every data record and can be contacted directly from the web application.

Dateigröße: 60 KBshort description (PDF, 16 KB)
Browse Your Material:
LVPA offers the possibility to create your own internet projects

Texts and images stored on the LVPA servers can be accessed and customized for any purpose – e.g. for web presentations of museums, academic projects or touristic regional information.
Cooperation partners are free to integrate these data into their websites.* Eventual adaptations can be accomplished by the LVPA technical staff. Arising expenses will be charged.
As a demo application an online guide to the Roman stone monuments in the Museum Lauriacum (Enns, Upper Austria) was created in the course of a LVPA school project. It can be accessed via the museums homepage: http://www.museum-lauriacum.at (click on "Römerabteilung")

* Reference "Application and data provided by: www.ubi-erat-lupa.org" required

Bring Your Data Online: L.O.D.A.S.
Administrate and publish your existing data via the internet

In the course of the LVPA project a set of web-tools was created (L.O.D.A.S. - Lupa Online Data Administration System) wich will make it easy to start working with your existing data online. The application is specially customized for the use in archaeological or epigraphical environments, but it can be adapted for any domain in the field of material cultural heritage.
Dateigröße: 60 KBshort description (PDF, 120 KB)

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