Data formats and software for Egyptian
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Software:Data: Encoding:
- PhilologEg (formerly AELalign)
- survey of sign lists
- survey of lists of mnemonics
- survey of encodings of transliteration
- the Revised Encoding Scheme for hieroglyphic
Grammar books
- ex2htmltranslates the key to the exercises from a grammar book into HTML and Latex formats (undocumented)
- ex2xmlcomputes an inverted index of examples from a grammar book that belong to a certain text, and turns it into an XML format as specified by AELalign (undocumented)
- grammar books
- selection of exercisesand examplesfrom Allen's grammar
- selection of examplesfrom Callender's grammar
- selection of examplesfrom Gardiner's grammar
- selection of examplesfrom Graefe's grammar
- selection of examplesfrom Loprieno's grammar
- selection of examplesfrom Ockinga's grammar
- selection of exercisesand examplesfrom Zonhoven's grammar
St Andrews Corpus
- Ahmose son of Abana, Autobiography of [hiero; eng; translit; image]
- Ahmose, prince, son of Seqenenre, Inscription on a statue of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Amenhotep IV, early inscription [hiero; translit]
- Armant stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Bentresh stela [eng; translit]
- Canal inscription of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Coronation decree of Tuthmosis I [hiero; eng; translit]
- Destruction of mankind [eng; translit]
- Dispute of a man with his ba [eng; translit]
- Djehuti-hotep, Colossus of [eng; translit]
- Eloquent peasant [hiero; eng; translit]
- Gebel Barkal stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Gilukhipa scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Hammamat expedition: commander's record [eng; translit]
- Hammamat expedition: first wonder [eng; translit]
- Hammamat expedition: official record [eng; translit]
- Hammamat expedition: second wonder [eng; translit]
- Hapidjef, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Horemmekhib, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Hymn to the sun [eng; translit]
- Ikhernofret, Stela of [eng; translit]
- Iki, Funerary stela of [eng; translit]
- Imenyankhren, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Intef son of Senet, Stela of [eng; translit]
- Kamose, Text on a spearhead of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Karnak stela of Ahmose [hiero; eng; translit]
- Kay, Laudatory autobiography of [eng; translit]
- Khnumhotpe, prince of Beni Hasan, Biography of [eng; translit]
- Lake scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Lion-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Magical spell for the protection of a baby [eng; translit]
- Marriage scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Merneptah stela [hiero]
- Mitannian wedding; Gilukhipa scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Nebankh from Abydos, Stela of [eng; translit]
- Nebipw-Sesostris, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Neferenii, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Nubian Rebellion, recorded by inscription of Tuthmosis II [eng; translit]
- Papyrus Ebers [hiero; eng; translit]
- Papyrus Westcar [hiero; eng; translit]
- Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Ptahhotep, Instruction of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Ptahwer, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Punt expedition of Queen Hatshepsut [eng; translit]
- Restoration stela of Tutankhamun [eng; translit]
- Sebek-hotep, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Second Semneh stela under Sesostris III [hiero; eng; translit]
- Sehetepibre, Stela of [eng; translit]
- Semneh stela (second); Second Semneh stela under Sesostris III [hiero; eng; translit]
- Semneh stela marking southern boundary under Sesostris III [eng; translit]
- Sesostris the hall-keeper, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Shipwrecked Sailor [hiero; eng/nld; translit; ortho]
- Sinuhe [eng; translit]
- Sobekdjedju, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Tetisheri, Stela of Ahmose honouring [hiero; eng; translit]
- Ti, prince, son of Seqenenre, Text on throw sticks of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Tiye, Wedding with; Marriage scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Tura, first inscription in quarries at [hiero; eng; translit]
- Tura, second inscription in quarries at [hiero; eng; translit]
- Wild bull-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Urkunden der 18. Dynastie
- 1; Ahmose son of Abana, Autobiography of [hiero; eng; translit; image]
- 2; Ahmose, prince, son of Seqenenre, Inscription on a statue of [hiero; eng; translit]
- 3; Ti, prince, son of Seqenenre, Text on throw sticks of [hiero; eng; translit]
- 4; Kamose, Text on a spearhead of [hiero; eng; translit]
- 5; Karnak stela of Ahmose [hiero; eng; translit]
- 6A; Tura, first inscription in quarries at [hiero; eng; translit]
- 6B; Tura, second inscription in quarries at [hiero; eng; translit]
- 7; Tetisheri, Stela of Ahmose honouring [hiero; eng; translit]
- 30; Coronation decree of Tuthmosis I [hiero; eng; translit]
- 55; Nubian Rebellion, recorded by inscription of Tuthmosis II [eng; translit]
- 106; Punt expedition of Queen Hatshepsut [eng; translit]
- 199; Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 222; Canal inscription of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 365; Gebel Barkal stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 366; Armant stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 579A; Lake scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 579B; Gilukhipa scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 579C; Wild bull-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 579D; Lion-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 579E; Marriage scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 732; Hymn to the sun [eng; translit]
- 772; Restoration stela of Tutankhamun [eng; translit]
- Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt
- Volume I
- 435-438; Hammamat expedition: first wonder [eng; translit]
- 439-443; Hammamat expedition: official record [eng; translit]
- 444-448; Hammamat expedition: commander's record [eng; translit]
- 449-451; Hammamat expedition: second wonder [eng; translit]
- 452-453; Hammamat expedition: official record [eng; translit]
- 486-497; Sinuhe [eng; translit]
- 619-639; Khnumhotpe, prince of Beni Hasan, Biography of [eng; translit]
- 651-652; Semneh stela marking southern boundary under Sesostris III [eng; translit]
- 653-660; Second Semneh stela under Sesostris III [hiero; eng; translit]
- 661-670; Ikhernofret, Stela of [eng; translit]
- 688-706; Djehuti-hotep, Colossus of [eng; translit]
- 743-748; Sehetepibre, Stela of [eng; translit]
- Volume II
- 1-16; Ahmose son of Abana, Autobiography of [hiero; eng; translit; image]
- 26-28; Tura, second inscription in quarries at [hiero; eng; translit]
- 29-32; Karnak stela of Ahmose [hiero; eng; translit]
- 33-37; Tetisheri, Stela of Ahmose honouring [hiero; eng; translit]
- 38-39; Ahmose son of Abana, Autobiography of [hiero; eng; translit; image]
- 78-82; Ahmose son of Abana, Autobiography of [hiero; eng; translit; image]
- 119-122; Nubian Rebellion, recorded by inscription of Tuthmosis II [eng; translit]
- 246-295; Punt expedition of Queen Hatshepsut [eng; translit]
- 649-650; Canal inscription of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 655-662; Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 861-862; Marriage scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 863-864; Wild bull-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 865; Lion-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 866-867; Gilukhipa scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- 868-869; Lake scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Volume III
- 429-447; Bentresh stela [eng; translit]
- De Buck, Readingbook
- p. 46; Canal inscription of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- p. 46; Coronation decree of Tuthmosis I [hiero; eng; translit]
- pp. 47-48; Nubian Rebellion, recorded by inscription of Tuthmosis II [eng; translit]
- pp. 48-53; Punt expedition of Queen Hatshepsut [eng; translit]
- pp. 53-56; Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- pp. 56-63; Gebel Barkal stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- pp. 64-65; Armant stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- pp. 65-6; Wild bull-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- p. 66; Lion-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- p. 66; Marriage scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- p. 67; Gilukhipa scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- p. 67; Lake scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- pp. 67-72; Khnumhotpe, prince of Beni Hasan, Biography of [eng; translit]
- pp. 73-74; Kay, Laudatory autobiography of [eng; translit]
- pp. 74-75; Hammamat expedition: official record [eng; translit]
- pp. 75-76; Hammamat expedition: commander's record [eng; translit]
- pp. 76-77; Hammamat expedition: first wonder [eng; translit]
- pp. 77-78; Hammamat expedition: second wonder [eng; translit]
- p. 78; Semneh stela marking southern boundary under Sesostris III [eng; translit]
- pp. 79-88; Papyrus Westcar [hiero; eng; translit]
- pp. 88-99; Eloquent peasant [hiero; eng; translit]
- pp. 100-106; Shipwrecked Sailor [hiero; eng/nld; translit; ortho]
- pp. 106-109; Bentresh stela [eng; translit]
- pp. 113-115; Hymn to the sun [eng; translit]
- p. 115; Magical spell for the protection of a baby [eng; translit]
- pp. 123-126; Destruction of mankind [eng; translit]
- Hatnub, Felseninschriften von
- Gr. 24; Kay, Laudatory autobiography of [eng; translit]
- Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke
- 1; Sinuhe [eng; translit]
- 2; Eloquent peasant [hiero; eng; translit]
- 3; Papyrus Westcar [hiero; eng; translit]
- 6; Dispute of a man with his ba [eng; translit]
- 13; Sehetepibre, Stela of [eng; translit]
- 14; Ikhernofret, Stela of [eng; translit]
- 18; Djehuti-hotep, Colossus of [eng; translit]
- 20; Intef son of Senet, Stela of [eng; translit]
- 23a; Second Semneh stela under Sesostris III [hiero; eng; translit]
- 23b; Semneh stela marking southern boundary under Sesostris III [eng; translit]
- 27a; Iki, Funerary stela of [eng; translit]
- 27b; Nebankh from Abydos, Stela of [eng; translit]
- 28a; Sesostris the hall-keeper, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28b; Imenyankhren, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28c; Ptahwer, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28d; Sobekdjedju, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28e; Hapidjef, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28f; Neferenii, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28g; Sebek-hotep, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28h; Horemmekhib, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- 28i; Nebipw-Sesostris, Address to the visitor of the tomb of [eng; translit]
- Zonhoven, Literary texts in the hieratic script
- pp. 1-6; Shipwrecked Sailor [hiero; eng/nld; translit; ortho]
- pp. 6-19; Sinuhe [eng; translit]
- pp. 19-36; Eloquent peasant [hiero; eng; translit]
- pp. 51-55; Dispute of a man with his ba [eng; translit]
- pp. 60-74; Papyrus Westcar [hiero; eng; translit]
- Ahmose
- Karnak stela of Ahmose [hiero; eng; translit]
- Tetisheri, Stela of Ahmose honouring [hiero; eng; translit]
- Amenhotep IV; Amenhotep IV, early inscription [hiero; translit]
- Amenophis III
- Gilukhipa scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Lake scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Lion-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Marriage scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Wild bull-hunt scarab of Amenophis III [eng; translit]
- Hatshepsut; Punt expedition of Queen Hatshepsut [eng; translit]
- Kamose; Kamose, Text on a spearhead of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Seqenenre
- Ahmose, prince, son of Seqenenre, Inscription on a statue of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Ti, prince, son of Seqenenre, Text on throw sticks of [hiero; eng; translit]
- Sesostris III
- Second Semneh stela under Sesostris III [hiero; eng; translit]
- Semneh stela marking southern boundary under Sesostris III [eng; translit]
- Tutankhamun; Restoration stela of Tutankhamun [eng; translit]
- Tuthmosis I; Coronation decree of Tuthmosis I [hiero; eng; translit]
- Tuthmosis II; Nubian Rebellion, recorded by inscription of Tuthmosis II [eng; translit]
- Tuthmosis III
- Armant stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Canal inscription of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Gebel Barkal stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III [eng; translit]
- 1157; Second Semneh stela under Sesostris III [hiero; eng; translit]
- 14753; Semneh stela marking southern boundary under Sesostris III [eng; translit]