[First posted in AWOL 27 October 2011. Most recently updated 28 October 2014]
ISSN: 0006-0887
ISSN: 0006-0887
Published since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Biblica is a research journal and appears four times a year.
It is dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literature, and covers fields of research, such as exegesis, philology, and history.
You can contact the Biblica's editors and send your contributions by email:General EditorOld Testament EditorNew Testament EditorBook Review EditorManaging EditorThe On-line edition was launched in 1998.
Roger Boily, Managing Editor for Biblica On-line
It includes General Indexes by Authors and by Biblical Books, summaries and complete text of articles and short notes beginning with the year 1998.
To read non-Latin characters, please consult the font instructions.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Biblica should conform to the directions given in "Editorial Instructions for Contributors".
For information about subscriptions to Biblica or about sending books for review, please click here.
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies