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Open Access Journals: Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology

[Originally posted 9/21/09. Updated 27 October 2014]

Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
ISSN 1824-1670
JIIA 'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology'è una testata telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Frosinone con il n.303/2003; ha ISSN 1824-1670; è associata all'USPI (Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana) dal 2003.

Call for Papers:
I would be grateful if you would contribute to the output of the next issue, n.02/2015 of the ‘Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology’ (JIIA), with a scientific paper relating to the subject mentioned above (or relating to the topic of previous issue, n......01/2014, or off-topic).

I should be most grateful if you would pass this email to your colleagues interested in this topic.

1)    Main Section: “Renenutet/Isis Thermouthis: diffusion of this anguiform deity from east to west”

Each issue of the journal is dedicated to a specific topic but papers broadening the perspective are most welcome. Here are some of the aspects connected to next issue theme that may be explored.

•    Renenutet/Isis Thermouthis in ancient Egypt, the Classical world and the Mediterranean
•    iconography including snake-shaped divinities in the ancient Mediterranean or generally snakes
•    the architecture of temples according to ritual needs (Egyptian and Classical temples and their ritual function as well as adaptation of existing temples to new rituals)
•    Rituals connected to this divinity in temples and elsewhere
•    Renenutet and its place in ancient religion, including relationships with other divinities
•    Hellenistic and Roman Isis Thermouthis and its changing cult in the Mediterranean
•    Isis Thermouthis vs. other cults of Isis in the Classical Mediterranean
•    Areas of influence of this divinity: protection of cereals farming in the Mediterranean basin, seafaring and fertility of nature. Papers on farming, including archaeobotanical studies, fertility and seafaring are welcome

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