MARC record set for online Metropolitan Museum of Art publications
In response to several requests, we've created a MARC record subset of MMA Publications that are available online in full-text. Please be aware that a few records contain preview links as well as full-text links (for example, one volume of a set may be available in full-text while a volume published more recently is preview only).You may download the record sets here:--Full-text records only: (1,395 records, 1.99 MB)--All records: (1,630 records, 2.5 MB)As mentioned in my message last week, we will reissue annually complete sets that will include updated and new records for online MMA Publications.Our bibliographic record number is included in the 905 field, in case you'd like to use this data point to match and overlay records when loading future sets.
And see AWOL's entry on Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications: Titles with full-text online