[First posted in AWOL 2 January 2011. Updated 22 September 2014 (new URLS]
Classics Convivium Newsletter
Classics Convivium Newsletter
Internationally renowned for its scholarly excellence and its graduate programs, the Department {of Classics, University of Michigan] is also deeply committed to the education of undergraduates at the University. Faculty and students work closely with the Kelsey Museum and its collection of antiquities and the Papyrus Collection in the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
Fall 2013
In this issue:Spring 2012
- Gabii Update
- Stamboulidis Fund for Exploring Classical Arts and Culture
- 2013 Jerome Lecture Series
- Kate Bosher will be Missed
- Roman Error Conference
- Bruce Frier "Retires"
- Rebecca Sears, ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
- Carrie Arbour Study Abroad 2013 Scholarships
In this issue:Spring 2011
- Teaching Medical Terminology
- Latin for Everybody
- Platsis Review
- Francis W. Kelsey
- First Year Writing Seminar
- Inter Versiculos
- CFC Translation
- Honors Thesis Writers
- 2012 Else Lecture
In this issue:Spring 2010
- Chair’s Letter
- 2010 Platsis Review
- Elizabeth Kovach Fund
- Research
- Domestic Space in Classical Antiquity
- P. Asso, E. Heiden & S. Hutchings Senior Honors theses
In this issue:
- Constantine Cavafy
- Letter from the Chair
- Archaeology Conference
- Fiat/Chrysler Scholars
- Gabii Project
- Greeks and Barbarians
- Lecture Series
Winter 2009Fall 2008
- Anatomy Lesson
- Chair's Letter
- Platsis Symposium
- Jerome Lecture
- The Argument
- Gabii Project
- Roma Viva
- Grad Student Conference
Winter 2008
- Chicks wi th Bricks–Warrior Women
- Colchis
- Latin Teaching
- Phi lomel
- Facult y & Graduate Student News
- From the Chair
- Indo European Language and Culture
- Platsis Symposium
- Tapinocyba cameroni
- Students at Large
- Fall, 2008, Voume XIV (Adobe PDF)
- Winter, 2008, Volume XVIII (Adobe PDF
- Fall 2007, Volume XVII (Adobe PDF)
- Winter 2007, Volume XVI (Adobe PDF)
- Fall 2006, Volume XV (Adobe PDF)
- Winter 2006, Volume XIV (Adobe PDF)
- Summer 2005, Volume XIII (Adobe PDF)
- Winter 2005, Volume XII (Adobe PDF)
- Summer 2004, Volume XI (Adobe PDF)
- Winter 2004, Volume X
- Summer 2003, Volume IX
- Winter 2003, Volume VIII
- Summer 2002, Volume VII
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