[First listed in AWOL 21 February 2011. Updated 11 September 2014]
OAPEN: online library and publication platform
OAPEN: online library and publication platform
OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publication model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe.Among the titles relating to antiquity are:
- Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband 1
- Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband II
- Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece By Sommerstein, Alan H. & Torrance, Isabelle C.
- Sport und Recht in der Antike
- Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley
- Visualisierungen von Kult
- Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.
- The Chronicle of Seert: Christian Historical Imagination in Late Antique Iraq By
- Die Canabae von Carnuntum – eine Modellstudie der Erforschung römischer Lagervorstädte
- Keltische Theonymie, Kulte, interpretatio
- Neue Inschriften von Olympia
- Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel. Achäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt By Schmidt-Colinet, Andreas & al-As’ad, Waleed
- Plataiai By Konecny, Andreas; Aravantinos, Vassilis & Marchese, Ron
- Vergeben und Vergessen? Amnestie in der Antike
- Apophasis and Pseudonymity in Dionysius the Areopagite
- Landscape Archaeology between Art and Science : From a Multi- to an Interdisciplinary Approach By
- The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition
- Philo of Alexandria : An Annotated Bibliography 1997-2006 By Runia, D.T.
- Fishing and Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region by Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes
- Die doppelte Aphrodite - alt und neu bei griechischen Kultbildern by Schoch, Karen
- Die königlichen Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur by Weiershäuser, Frauke
- Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity : The Role of Power and Tradition by Derks, Ton & Roymans, Nico
- Frühe Reisende in Phokis und Lokris by Felsch-Klotz, Annamarie
- Ein Compendium sumerisch-akkadischer Beschwörungen by Schramm, Wolfgang
- Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy : (ca. 1600-1200 BC) by Wijngaarden, Gert Jan van
- Warfare and Society : Archeology and Social Anthropological Perspectives By Otto, Ton; Thrane, Henrik & Vandkilde, Helle
- Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2000 by Pecorella, Paolo Emilio
- Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2001 by Pecorella, Paolo Emilio & Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella
- Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2002 by Pecorella, Paolo Emilio & Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella
- Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires by Duindam, Jeroen; Tülay, Artan & Kunt, Metin
- Coping With the God ByVersnel, H.S.
- Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD 193-284 By Mennen, Inge
- Ethnic Identity and Imperial Power : The Batavians in the Early Roman Empire By Roymans, Nico
- Local Identities : Landscape and Community in the Late Prehistoric Meuse-Demer-Scheldt Region By Gerritsen, Fokke
- Frühe Reisende in Phokis und Lokris By Felsch-Klotz, Annamarie
- The Historical Jesus and the Literary Imagination 1860-1920 By Stevens, Jennifer
- Dal Caucaso al Mar d'Azov By Pubblici, Lorenzo
- Animals in Ritual and Economy in a Roman Frontier Community : Excavations in Tiel-Passewaaij By Groot, Maaike
- Mappae Mundi : Humans and their Habitats in a Long-Term Socio-Ecological Perspective, Myths, Maps and Models By Goudsblom, Johan & Vries, Bert de
- Mystik- Metapher- Bild By Tamcke, Martin
- Thirty Six volumes of the series Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami