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Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS) & Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC) Digital Library

Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS) & Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
The site is now being completely rebuilt. Whereas the previous version was largely a "picture book", the
version now under construction will be of a more educational nature. As the majority of our worldwide
visitors do not have access to egyptological literature, we are posting full text web editions of "classic"
works from the early days of our science: Maspero, Smith, Daressey, Brugsch etc., the words of people
who were there when Egyptology was in its childhood, with digitally improved images of their original
black & white plates and marginal comments and corrections of outdated and incorrect material. An
improved navigational system of links allows instant comparison of equivalent text passages and images
which apply to more than one source.
We suggest that new visitors read the instructions for efficient use
of the system which can be called from the site directory.
This project will obviously take much time.
It is "open-end" and will never cease to being augmented with new material from CESRAS' thousands of
original, largely unique, and growing, photograph archive. We place all of our material in the public
domain. You may download and use any parts of it for non-commercial purposes.  

As before, the site will consist largely of original photographic material made by CESRAS researchers
during the past 15 years in Russian museums, in republics of the former Soviet Union, and naturally in
Egypt. You may address any questions without hesitation to admin@cesras.org and we will give any
possible answers. All questions are valid and will be answered to the best of our ability as time allows.
The early texts are published as .jpg images of each page, thus allowing you to download only the pages
that you need.                                                                                                                                                             
Our re-excavation of the "Royal Cache", Theban Tomb 320, between 1998 and 2006 has caused us to
collect as much material possible on the 21a Theban Dynasty (1070-945 BCE), the family dynasty of
pAyanx, the dynasty of the High Priests of Amun (HPA) in Thebes. This period forms the central
theme of the site.
Scroll down.
 Click here for basic instructions on efficient use of the systemAll underlined brilliant blue subjects/objects are linked (click)
21a Theban Dynasty of the High Priests of Amun 1070-945 BCE (family members,
their relationships, and chronology)
Cache of the Royal Mummies, Theban Tomb TT320, 21a DynastyCoffins, Funerary Equipment, Mummies of the 21a Dynasty High Priests family linked with corresponding
Coffins directory (Photographic CESRAS studies of coffins, mostly painted anthropoid coffins of the
21a Dynasty 1070-945 BCE, in Cairo, Russia, and republics of the former Soviet Union)
Leather Funerary Baldachin of Isetemkheb B, Cairo National Museum JE-26276
Maspero G.: Les Momies Royales de Déir el-Baharî (Memoires de la Mission Française au
Caire, Paris, 1889), complete text and plates with modern annotations and corrections; indexed and
subjects/persons linked with parallel material in other sections of this site.)
Mummies Directory (Mummies of Kings, Royals, and high ranking persons in the National Museum,
Network Directory of associated and other websites
Persons Directory (Ancient Egyptian persons mentioned on this site. Personal names and those of
deities are transcribed differently in both modern languages and linguistic misunderstandings of Ancient
Egyptian in the early days of egyptological studies. We have grouped the various orthographies to the
current English versions.
Smith G. E.: The Royal Mummies, (Catalogue Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du
Caire, 1912: CG numbers 61051-61100); complete text with modern annotations and digitally improved plates;
Linked navigation to parallel material on this site. Smith gives a detailed forensic pathological study of the
royal mummies. This material is well illustrated and still valid today.
They were not yellow (21a Dynasty painted anthropoid coffins from the "Royal Cache" TT320)
Photographs by Sergej V. Ivanov to lecture by Edward R. Loring (Proceedings of the International
Achievements and Problems of Modern Egyptology
held by the Centre for Egyptological
Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sept.29-Oct. 2, 2009 in Moscow.

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