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New Open Access Journal: Science and Technology of Archaeological Research: An open access journal Online

Science and Technology of Archaeological Research: An open access journal Online
ISSN: 2054-8923
STAR is for authors who are concerned with maximizing the impact of their research and who need to publish in the literature rapidly.
Online submission to STAR is now open >
Full list of Editor-in-Chief specialties and Editorial Board profiles >
STAR seeks to provide a dynamic, international and high quality open access forum for rapid publication of archaeological research resulting from the application of scientific and computational methods. The journal embraces the full breadth of archaeological enquiry, with no periods, regions or site types excluded. For publication in the core journal, STAR stipulates only that the article demonstrates the significance of the scientific or computational methods used to archaeological enquiry. STAR aims to provide first editorial decision within four weeks and articles will be published online within five weeks of acceptance. The full potential of the online format will be used to showcase current imaging methods, data and analysis.

Article Publication Charges (APCs)
UK & ROW          USA              Europe
£750                    $1200            €900
It is not yet possible to submit your papers using an online system. Please express your interest in submitting to the journal by emailing the editor most relevant to your submission. 

Members of the Society for Archaeological Sciences receive full waiver of Article Publication Charges as a benefit of their membership

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