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DART-Europe E-theses Portal

DART is producing very interesting findsets, examples follow:
A search for "cuneiform" yields the following:

MarkTitleAuthorYearCurrently sorted in descending orderUniversityCollection
The Emar Lexical TextsGantzert, Merijn2011Leiden UniversityNARCIS
A descriptive grammar of SumerianJagersma, Abraham Hendrik2010Leiden UniversityNARCIS
The source as object: studies in Hittite diplomaticsWaal, Willemijn Janneke Iris2010Leiden UniversityNARCIS
Τα αρωματικά έλαια και οι πρακτικές χρήσεις τους στη Μυκηναϊκή Ελλάδα και την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο (14ος-13ος αι. π.Χ.)
Perfumed oils and practices of use in mycenaean Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean (14th-13th centuries B.C.)
Φάππας, Ιωάννης2009Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki (AUTH)HEDI
The Hittite inherited lexiconKloekhorst, Alwin2007Leiden UniversityNARCIS
The pots and potters of Assyria: technology and organization of production, ceramics sequence and vessel function at Late Bronze Age Tell Sabi Abyad, SyriaDuistermaat, Kim2007Leiden UniversityNARCIS
Terpander: the invention of music in the orientalizing period Franklin, J.C.2002UCL (University College London)UCL Discovery
An investigation of some contemporary problems in astronomy and astrophysics by way of early astronomical recordsYau, Kevin Kam Ching1988Durham UniversityDurham e-Theses
Mycenaean and Near Eastern economic archivesUchitel, A.1985UCL (University College London)UCL Discovery
A study of diet in Mesopotamia (c.3000 - 600 BC) and associated agricultural techniques and methods of food preparationEllison, ER1978UCL (University College London)UCL Discovery

A search for "Herodotus" yields the following:

MarkTitleAuthorYearCurrently sorted in descending orderUniversityCollection
Bacchylides and the emergence of the lyric canonHadjimichael, T.A.2011UCL (University College London)UCL Discovery
L'organizzazione per il corporate foresight: evidenza da casi studio multipli nel settore delle telecomunicazioniBattistella, Cinzia2011University of PadovaPLEIADI
Poétismes et poétique de la prose d’Hérodote : étude linguistique et philologique
Poetisms and poetics of Herodotus’ prose : a linguistic and philological study
Mansour, Karim2009Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IVSTAR
"Les Ethiopiques" d'Héliodore : document historique sur Méroé ou fiction romanesque
"Aethiopika" of Heliodorus : historical document on Meroe or fiction
Ndione, Joseph2009Université Nancy IISTAR
Speech and authority in Herodotus' HistoriesBakker, de, M.P.2007University of AmsterdamNARCIS
The noun phrase in Ancient Greek : a functional analysis of the order and articulation of NP constituents in HerodotusBakker, Stéphanie Josette2007Rijksuniversiteit GroningenNARCIS
Beyond the Foreigner: representations of non-roman individuals and communities in latin historiography, from Sallust to Ammianus MarcellinusChlup, James Thomas2004Durham UniversityDurham e-Theses
In search of Xerxes: images of the Persian kingClough, Emma Elizabeth2004Durham UniversityDurham e-Theses
Gender-bending the Histories. Narrative reconfigurations of Herodotus' women.Hazewindus, M.W.2001University of AmsterdamNARCIS
Megaturbidites and the late Quaternary regional sedimentology of the eastern and central Mediterranean SeaReeder, M.S.2000University of SouthamptonePrints Soton
ΠΑΠΑΣΤΥΛΟΥ-ΦΙΛΙΟΥ, ΖΩΗ1989University of IoanninaHEDI
The aspectual usage of the dynamic infinitive in HerodotusStork, Peter1982Rijksuniversiteit GroningenNARCIS

A search for "Epigraphy" yields the following:

MarkTitleAuthorYearCurrently sorted in descending orderUniversityCollection
The pursuit of power and security: the influence of natural resources and geography on Athenian foreign policy Sergidis, Kristis2012University of NottinghamNottingham eTheses
‘Hunting for hidden meaning’: an analysis of the history, interpretation and presentation of seventeenth-century plasterwork at St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall La Borde, Karen Margaret2012University of BirminghamUniversity of Birmingham
Money and Power in the Viking Kingdom of York, c.895 – 954 GOOCH, MEGAN,LAURA2012Durham UniversityDurham e-Theses
L'ultime message : étude des monuments funéraires de la Bourgogne ducale XIIe - XVIe siècles
The ultimate message : a study of medieval tombstones in ducal Burgundy : 12th-16th centuries
Grillon, Guillaume2011Université de BourgogneSTAR
Les musiciens professionnels au service de la cité (fin de la République – Haut-Empire)Vincent, Alexandre2011Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille ISTAR
The transition between late antiquity and the early medieval period in north Etruria (400-900 AD)Petra, T.F.2011UCL (University College London)UCL Discovery
Late period stelae from Saqqara. A socio-cultural and religious investigationLabudek, Joanna2010University of BirminghamUniversity of Birmingham
Studio archeometrico dell'evoluzione tecnologica della produzione ceramica del sito di Tayma (Arabia Saudita) in quasi 2000 anni di storiaGiannetta, Mirko2010University of PadovaPLEIADI
Du monde des vivants au monde des morts en Nabatène, entre le 2ème siècle avant J.-C. et le 4ème siècle après J.-C : approche archéo-anthropologique des tombes de Khirbet Edh-Dharih, Pétra (Jordanie) et de Madâ'in Saleh (Arabie Saoudite)Delhopital, Nathalie2010Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux ISTAR
Epigraphie et histoire culturelle. Apport des inscriptions médiévales à l'histoire de la liturgie et des mentalités religieuses (espace belge, v. 500-v. 1300)/ Epigraphy and cultural history. Contribution of the medieval inscriptions to history of the liturgy and of the religious mentalities (Belgian space, c. 500-c. 1300)Lambot, Stéphanie2009Universite Libre de BruxellesBICTEL/e
Late Roman precious metal deposits, c. AD 200-700: changes over time and spaceHobbs, R.1997UCL (University College London)UCL Discovery
The southern area of the amirate of Mecca (3-7/9-13 centuries), its history, archaeology and epigraphy.Al-Zaylai, A U.1983Durham UniversityDurham e-Theses

And see also ETHoS: Electronic Thesis Online Service,  a single point of access to all theses produced by UK Higher Education.

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