[First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated 27 August 2014 (web site no longer active - the following links are at the Internet Archive)]
Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies
ISSN: 1361-9144
Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies
ISSN: 1361-9144
The Society publishes an annual Bulletin in the Spring giving information on research, publications, field work, conferences and events in the Arabian peninsula in fields ranging from archaeology and history to natural history and the environment. It also carries feature articles and book reviews.
The Bulletin is sent free to all members of the Society. Current and back issues can also be purchased at the Arabian Seminar in July each year or from the Editor. Printed copies of the Bulletin are £5.00 each. The current and recent issues may also be downloaded free of charge in pdf format by clicking on the cover images below.
Current Issue, 2010 Issue 14, 2009 Issue 13, 2008 Issue 12, 2007 Issue 11, 2006
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