[First posted in AWOL 11 October 2012, updated (corrections and emendations made in June 2014) 22 August 2014]
NETS: New English Translation of the Septuagint
NETS: New English Translation of the Septuagint
This electronic edition contains the masters of the second printing of A New English Translation of the Septuagint, as published by Oxford University Press in 2009, including corrections and emendations made in the second printing (2009) and corrections and emendations made in June 2014.Corrections and Emendations
- corrections and emendations made in second printing (2009)
- corrections and emendations made in June 2014
Preliminary Materials
- 00 Contents; Abbreviations; To the Reader of NETS, by Albert Pietersma and Benjamin G. Wright
- 01 Genesis, translated by Robert J. V. Hiebert
- 02 Exodus, tr. Larry J. Perkins
- 03 Leuitikon, tr. Dirk L. Büchner
- 04 Numbers, tr. Peter W. Flint
- 05 Deuteronomion, tr. Melvin K. H. Peters
- 06 Iesous, tr. Leonard J. Greenspoon
- 07 Judges, tr. Philip E. Satterthwaite
- 08 Routh, tr. Frederick W. Knobloch
- 09 1 Reigns, tr. Bernard A. Taylor
- 10 2 Reigns, tr. Bernard A. Taylor (OG) and Paul D. McLean (Kaige)
- 11 3 Reigns, tr. Paul D. McLean (Kaige) and Bernard A. Taylor (OG)
- 12 4 Reigns, tr. Paul D. McLean
- 13 1 Supplements, tr. S. Peter Cowe
- 14 2 Supplements, tr. S. Peter Cowe
- 15 1 Esdras, tr. R. Glenn Wooden
- 16 2 Esdras, tr. R. Glenn Wooden
- 17 Esther, tr. Karen H. Jobes
- 18 Ioudith, tr. Cameron Boyd-Taylor
- 19 Tobit, tr. Alexander A. Di Lella
- 20 1 Makkabees, tr. George Themelis Zervos
- 21 2 Makkabees, tr. Joachim Schaper
- 22 3 Makkabees, tr. Cameron Boyd-Taylor
- 23 4 Makkabees, tr. Stephen Westerholm
Poetic Books
- 24 Psalms (and Prayer of Manasses), tr. Albert Pietersma
- 25 Proverbs, tr. Johann Cook
- 26 Ecclesiast, tr. Peter J. Gentry
- 27 Song of Songs, tr. Jay C. Treat
- 28 Iob, tr. Claude E. Cox
- 29 Wisdom of Salomon, tr. Michael A. Knibb
- 30 Sirach, tr. Benjamin G. Wright
- 31 Psalms of Salomon, tr. Kenneth Atkinson
- 32 The Twelve Prophets, tr. George E. Howard
- 33 Esaias, tr. Moisés Silva
- 34 Ieremias (with Excursus on Bisectioning Ieremias), tr. Albert Pietersma and Marc Saunders
- 35 Barouch, tr. Tony S. L. Michael
- 36 Lamentations, tr. Peter J. Gentry
- 37 Letter of Ieremias, tr. Benjamin G. Wright
- 38 Iezekiel, tr. Noel Hubler
- 39 Sousanna, tr. R. Timothy McLay
- 40 Daniel, tr. R. Timothy McLay
- 41 Bel and the Dragon, tr. R. Timothy McLay