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Open Context Projects and Collections Online

[First posted in AWOL 4 January 2013. Most recently 11 August 2014]

Open Context Projects and Collections
Each project represents a specific study or research effort conducted by a single investigator or a team of collaborating investigators. The data and documentation presented in a project can be freely used and referenced by the research community and public for re-analysis, comparison with other collections, visualization , or other applications provided data contributors are properly credited with citation.

Open Context currently publishes 53 projects.
ProjectEditorial StatusDescriptionPrimary PeopleKeywords
Virginia Site Files (Forthcoming) State of Virginia Archaeological Site Files Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VA-DHR)Virginia, archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Alabama Site Files (Forthcoming) Alabama State Archaeological Site Files Office of Archaeological Research (OAR), University of AlabamaAlabama, archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Faunal Data from Neolithic Menteşe●●●●● Zooarchaeology data for Neolithic Menteşe Höyük, a site in NW Anatolia Lionel Gourichon, Daniel HelmerAnimal Economy, Menteşe Höyük, Western Anatolia, Faunal data, Mammal Remains, Neolithic, Turkey, Western Anatolia, Zooarchaeology
Kentucky Site Files (Forthcoming) Archaeological site files maintained by the Kentucky Office of State Archaeology (KOSA) Kentucky Office of State Archaeology (KOSA)archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Kentucky, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Illinois Site Files (Forthcoming) Archaeological site files maintained by the Illinois State Museum (ISM) Illinois State Museum (ISM)archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Illinois, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Iowa Site Files (Forthcoming) Archaeological site files maintained by the Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA) Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA)archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Iowa, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Indiana Site Files (Forthcoming) Archaeological site files maintained by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DNR-DHPA) Indiana DNR-DHPAarchaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Indiana, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Missouri Site Files (Forthcoming) Archaeological site information managed and maintained by the Missouri State Historical Preservation Office Missouri SHPOarchaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Missouri, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
South Carolina SHPO (Forthcoming) Archaeological site information managed and maintained by the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA)archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, North America, site files, South Carolina, state historical preservation office
Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) (Forthcoming) Georgia State Archaeological Site Files published as part of the DINAA Project Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) Curatorsarchaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Georgia, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Florida Site Files (Forthcoming) Florida State Archaeological Site Files published as part of the DINAA Project Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR)archaeology, cultural resource management, DINAA, Florida, North America, site files, state historical preservation office
Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project●●●○○ Pedestrian survey, geophysical prospecting, and excavation near Pyla, on the southern coast of Cyprus William R. Caraher, R. Scott Moore, David K. Pettegrewarchaeology, survey, Cyprus, classical, Cypriot, Roman, Hellenistic, Bronze Age, landscape, settlment
Balance Pan Weights from Nippur●●●○○ Physical measurements and photographs of weights (and possible weights) from a single site, multiple excavations from 1889-1972. William B. Haffordeconomic tools, manufacturing tools, valuation, weighing, mensuration, Mesopotamia, archaeology
Osteometric Database of South American Camelids (Forthcoming) Osteometric measurements on South American camelids Mariana Mondini, A. Sebastián Muñoz, Pablo M. Fernández, camelids, osteometry, measurements, archaeology, data integration, South America
Data Documenting Late Bronze Age Cyprus Ceramics, Trade, Provenience and Geology (Forthcoming) NAA data to firmly establish the geological provenience of Cypriot ceramics Peter Grave, Lisa Kealhofer, Ben Marsh, Ulf-Dietrich Schoop, Jürgen Seeher, John W. Bennett, Attila Stopicarchaeology, ceramics, Cyprus, Late Bronze Age, multivariate comparison, Neutron Activation Analysis, pottery, provenience, Red Lustrous Wheel Made Ware
Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals (Forthcoming) Datasets and media with 'The Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals' (Lockwood Press)
Çatalhöyük Zooarchaeology●●●●● Faunal data from Neolithic Çatalhöyük and Chalcolithic Çatalhöyük West, Konya, Turkey. David Orton, Nerissa Russell, Katheryn Twiss, Louise Martin, Sheelagh FrameZooarchaeology, Turkey, Neolithic, Mammal Remains, Faunal data, Central Anatolia, Çatalhöyük, Animal Economy
Çatalhöyük Area TP Zooarchaeology●●●●● Faunal Data from Area TP of Çatalhöyük, Turkey Arek MarciniakArea TP, Animal Economy, Çatalhöyük, Central Anatolia, Neolithic, Mammal Remains, Faunal data, Zooarchaeology, Turkey
Ilıpınar Zooarchaeology●●●●● This dataset contains faunal data recorded by Hijlke Buitenhuis from the site of Ilıpınar, Turkey Hijlke BuitenhuisNeolithic, Late Chalcolithic, Early Bronze Age, eastern Aegean, western Anatolia, zooarchaeology, Faunal data, Mammal Remains,
Zooarchaeology of Neolithic Ulucak●●●●● Zooarchaeology of a portion of the vertebrate remains from Ulucak Höyük's Neolithic layers Canan Çakırlarwestern Anatolia, eastern Aegean, Chalcolithic, Aceramic Neolithic, zooarchaeology, Faunal data, Mammal Remains,
Çukuriçi Höyük Zooarchaeology●●●●● Zooarchaeology of Late Neolithic - Early Bronze Age Çukuriçi Höyük, Turkey Alfred GalikSubsistence, Late Neolithic, Late Chalcolithic, Economy, Early Chalcolithic, Early Bronze Age, Anatolia, Agriculture, Turkey, Zooarchaeology, Çukuriçi Höyük
Barçın Höyük Zooarchaeology●●●●● Zooarchaeology of Neolithic Phases at Barçın Höyük, Turkey Alfred GalikEconomy, Subsistence, Zooarchaeology, Turkey, Anatolia, Neolithic, Barçın Höyük, Agriculture
Köşk Höyük Faunal Data●●●●● Faunal data from the site of Köşk Höyük, Turkey, recorded between 2004-2011 in the excavation field house and the Niğde Museum Benjamin S. ArbuckleTurkey, Zooarchaeology, Pastoralism, Faunal data, Mammal Remains, Chalcolithic, Village, Central Anatolia, Köşk Höyük, Equids, Animal Economy
Erbaba Höyük and Suberde Zooarchaeology●●●●● Faunal data from Erbaba Höyük, Turkey, supplemented by additional data from Suberde Benjamin S. ArbuckleZooarchaeology, Turkey, Village, Neolithic, Mammal remains, Jacques Bordaz, Faunal Data, Central Anatolia, Animal Domestication
Mikt’sqaq Angayuk Finds●●●○○ Finds catalog from Mikt’sqaq Angayuk, an historic Alutiiq settlement of the early 19th century, Alaska Amy V. Margaris, Fanny Ballantine-Himberg, Mark Rusk, Patrick SaltonstallAlaska, Alutiiq, Kodiak, Russian colonialism, trade, subsistence, economy, historical archaeology, finds catalog, archaeological collections
Asian Stoneware Jars●●●○○ Element composition of Asian Stoneware Jars from the 9th - 19th centuries CE Peter Graveinductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, neutron activation analysis, Early Modern, trade, stoneware, dragon jars
Zooarchaeology of Öküzini Cave●●●●● Animal exploitation patterns in SW Anatolia during the Epipaleolithic from assemblages excavated from a finely-stratified cave Levent AticiÖküzini Cave, Western Taurus Mountains, South West Anatolia, Turkey, Epipaleolithic, Terminal Pleistocene, Zooarchaeology, Forager adaptations, Hunting, Subsistence
Zooarchaeology of Karain Cave B●●●●● Changes in hunter-gatherer lifestyles that may have led to sedentary agricultural economies in SW Anatolia Levent AticiKarain B Cave, Western Taurus Mountains, South West Anatolia, Turkey, Epipaleolithic, Terminal Pleistocene, Zooarchaeology, Faunal analysis, Foragers, Hunting, Caprines, Subsistence
West Stow West Zooarchaeology●●●○○ West Stow, Suffolk County, UK Rescue excavations conducted at the site in advance of the construction of a new Visitor Centre Pamela CrabtreeWest Stow village, subsistence, mammal and bird remains, economy, Early Anglo-Saxon, zooarchaeology
Murlo●●●○○ Poggio Civitate Excavation Project Anthony TuckIron Age, Etruscan, Settlement, Archaeology, Architecture, Economy
Hacksilber Project (Forthcoming) Lead isotope and other analyses of metal objects from the Near East and Mediterranean (1500 - 500 BCE)Christine ThompsonTarshish, Market, Economy, Monetary, Ingots, Money, Coinage, Exchange, Trade, Metallurgy, Hoards, Coins, Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, Archaic
Kenan Tepe●●●●○ The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project’s Excavations at Kenan Tepe in Southeastern TurkeyBradley Parker, Peter CobbUbaid Period, Late Chalcolithic Period, Anatolia, Northern Mesopotamia, Middle Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Tigris River, Archaeology
Rough Cilicia●●●○○ Survey exploring Roman provincial acculturation through the lens of Rough Cilician material and cultural remainsNicholas K. RauhRoman, Romanization, Cilicia, Anatolia, Asia Minor, Archaeological Survey, Acculturation, Pastoralism, Mortuary Archaeology
Dhiban Excavation and Development Project (Forthcoming) Archaeology of an Early Bronze through Islamic settlement south of Amman, JordanBenjamin Porter, Bruce Routledge, Danielle S. Fatkin, Katherine AdelsbergerArchaeology, Jordan, Early Bronze Age, Iron Age, Nabataean, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, geology, anthropology, tourism studies, history
Tal-e Malyan Zooarchaeology●●●○○ Zooarchaeology of Tel-e MalyanMelinda A. ZederZooarchaeology, subsistence, economy, Early Bronze Age, Iranian Plateau, Elamite, Anshan, Middle Elamite
Zooarchaeology of Medieval Emden●●●●○ Animal Bone Analysis in medieval Emden, GermanyJessica Grimmzooarchaeology, medieval, Lower Saxony, Germany, subsistence,
Chogha Mish Fauna●●●●● Zooarchaeological observations from Prehistoric and Achaemenid levels at Chogha Mish, Iran.Levent Atici, Justin S.E. Lev-Tov, Sarah Whitcher KansaZooarchaeology, subsistence, economy, Early Bronze Age, Iranian Plateau, Elamite
Khirbat al-Mudayna al-Aliya●●●●○ Investigations of an Early Iron Age site in a semi-arid zone in west-central Jordan Bruce Routledge, Benjamin Porterpastoralism, economy, agriculture, Southern Levant, Semi-Arid, Kerak Plateau, Jordan, Iron I, Early Iron Age, subsistence
Dove Mountain Groundstone●●●●○ Analysis of groundstone finds from the Dove Mountain Project in the Tucson BasinJenny AdamsSouthwest, Pioneer Period, Sedentary Period, Hohokam, Early Agricultural, Groundstone, Arizona, Archaeology
Bade Museum●●●●○ Tell en-Nasbeh Collection at the Badè Museum of Biblical ArchaeologyAaron BrodyIsrael, Palestine, Southern Levant, Judah, Near East, Biblical Archaeology, Archaeology, Iron Age, 1st Millennium, 4th Millennium, Early Bronze, Town, Tomb, Babylonian, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine
San Diego Archaeological Center●●●●● Collections maintained by the San Diego Archaeological CenterSan Diego Archaeological Centerhistorical archaeology, San Diego, California, Spanish colonial, Mexican, finds catalog, education, cultural resource management, archaeological collections
Presidio of San Francisco●●●○○ Ongoing investigations of El Presidio de San Francisco and other archaeological resources at the Presidio of San FranciscoPresidio Archaeology Lab (Presidio Trust)historical archaeology, presidio, San Francisco, California, Spanish colonial, Mexican, US Army, education
Aegean Archaeomalacology●●●●● Mollusk Shells in Troia, Yenibademli, and Ulucak: An Archaeomalacological Approach to Environment and Economy in the AegeanCanan ÇakırlarAnatolia, Aegean, bronze age, chalcolithic, mollusks, Archaeomalacology, subsistence, economy, environment
Petra Great Temple Excavations●●●○○ Brown University Excavations at the Great Temple of Petra, JordanMartha Sharp JoukowskyReligion, Hellenistic, Jordan, Roman, Roman Empire, Archaeology, Architecture, Nabateans, Nabatean, Petra
Iraq Heritage Program●●○○○ Overview of the Global Heritage Fund's conservation work in IraqGlobal Heritage Fund, Alexandria Archive InstituteMeopotamia, Cultural Heritage, Conservation, Assyria, Sumer, Babylonia, Documentation, Sumer, Archaeology, Iron Age, Early Bronze Age, Early Dynastic, World Heritage
Lake Carlos Beach Site, 1992 and 1996●●●○○ Descriptions and provenience information for 7837 artifactsState of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation, Minnesota State Parks Cultural Resource Management Program staff, State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation
Corneal Ulceration in South East Asia●○○○○ Epidemiology and Etiology of Corneal Ulcers in South IndiaMathuiah Srinivasan, John P. Whitcherophthalmology, India, public health, infections disease, eye, public health, developing world
Harvard Peabody Mus. Zooarchaeology●●○○○ Harvard Peabody Museum Zooarchaeology Laboratory Reference CollectionRichard Meadow, Levent Aticiarchaeology, reference collection, zoology, zooarchaeology, archaeology, specimen, bone
Hazor: Zooarchaeology●●●○○ Zooarchaeological observations for Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Hazor, IsraelJustin Lev-Tovarchaeology, Iron Age, Late Bronze Age, Near East, Excavations, Hazor, Biblical archaeology, subsistence
Hayonim: Micromorphology●○○○○
Paul Goldbergarchaeology, Mousterian, geology, Middle Paleolithic, Kebaran, Epi-Paleolithic, Israel, Levant, Micromorphology, Geology, Cave, Deposition
Geissenklosterle: Micromorphology●○○○○
Paul Goldbergarchaeology, Aurignation, geology, Upper Paleolithic, Europe, Germany
Pınarbaşı 1994: Animal Bones●●●○○ Analysis of faunal remains from prehistoric contexts at Pınarbaşı in central TurkeyDenise Carruthersarchaeology, Epi-Paleolithic, Neolithic, Near East, Anatolia, Turkey, zooarchaeology, Pinarbasi, 9th millennium, agriculture, foraging, hunting
Domuztepe Excavations●●●○○ Excavations of a Late Neolithic site in south-central TurkeyStuart Campbell, Elizabeth CarterArchaeology, Halaf, Neolithic, Near East, Excavations, Domuztepe, 7th millennium, Village

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