Radio-Past: Radiography of the past
The RADIO-PAST Project
The project, which was launched April 1st 2009, will last 48 months and aims at developing so-called “open laboratories for research and experimentation”, where all expertises convey, analysis, and technical activities are performed, experimental techniques and new data processing tested, and formation activities are held. The place chosen for the principal “open laboratory” is the archaeological site of Ammaia in Portugal. Here, the Coordinator Institution (University of Evora) pilots an archaeo-topographical project named “Cidade de Ammaia”, centred around a deserted Roman town. This research is linked to several reference projects, mainly on Roman urban sites in Italy, where several of the partners are active since many years.
The website
This website wants to take Radio-Past online, by offering up-to-date and elaborated information on the aims of the project, the research techniques applied, the partners involved, and the results gained. Using the navigation area above, it is possible to address these specific project topics. Please, feel also free to comment on this Radio-Past project, as your input can be of great value to all the researchers currently involved. As frequently as possible, this site will be updated with more texts, and downloadable maps and pictures.