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Digital Crete - Ψηφιακή Κρήτη

Ψηφιακή Κρήτη: Μεσογειακές Πολιτισμικές Διαδρομές - Digital Crete: Mediterranean Cultural Itineries
The project Digital Crete: Mediterranean Cultural Itineries was implemented under the framework of the Greek Operational Program Information Society (Action 1: Education and Culture, Measure 1.3: Documentation, Management & Promotion of Greek Cultural Heritage) (www.infosociety.gr), which follows up the eEurope initiative of the European Union and which was funded by the 3rd European Community Support Framework. The same funding framework provided support for the continuation of the project (Expansion & Upgrade of Digital Crete). Digital Crete aims towards the creation of a cultural information system, consisting of digitized documentation and information regarding the cultural heritage of the island of Crete, from prehistory to the modern periods.
Digital Crete has incorporated the following inventory modules:
  • A Digital Archaeological Atlas of Crete from prehistory to the Roman period, through the use of satellite remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems technology (Scientific supervision by Apostolos Sarris)
  • A Database on the Western Art of the island of Crete during the Venetian period (Scientific supervision by Olga Gratziou)
  • A Database on El Greco (Dominikos Theotokopoulos) and his works
  • A Database on Ottoman Crete, including information related to the habitation and settlement patterns and existing monuments (Scientific supervision by Elias Kolovos  & Antonis Anastasopoulos)
  • A Database on the history of Crete in the 20th century (Scientific supervision by Christos Loukos)
  • Musical Routes – Digital Ethno-musicological collections of Crete (Scientific supervision by Christos Terzis and Irene Theodosopoulou)
The final results of the project include the creation of a Digital Documentation and Management Inventory Unit, which is established as a center for scientific research and educational activities. An infokiosk and a WEB site provide also continuous access to the domain of the cultural databases of I.M.S., which contain information from multiple sectors of culture (archaeology, history, art, etc) in a diachronic base.  The terminals of the Digital Documentation and Management Inventory Unit at IMS provide a faster and easier access to even more information that those which are accessible through the internet.

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