Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens
ISSN: 1108-149X
ISSN: 1108-149X
Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens publishes academic articles on topics related to Greek and Mediterranean archaeology, history, language, literature, visual arts, architecture, art history and cultural traditions.
An essential part of the journal is furthermore the publication of preliminary reports of Danish archaeological fieldwork carried out in Greece.
The Danish Institute at Athens is pleased to announce that Open Access to the first three volumes of the Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens is now available through the Open Journal System. Open Access to volumes IV-VI will be provided during the autumn of 2014.
The service has been realized through a close cooperation between the Danish Institute at Athens, The Nordic Library at Athens and Statsbiblioteket in Aarhus, DenmarkPoDIA Issue 1
PoDIA Issue 2
PoDIA Issue 3