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EEF's On-line Library

EEF's On-line Library
The On-line Library is designed to carry Egyptological material that has the form of an article and that can be read on its own (in contrast to fragmented and informal material posted on the EEF Bulletin Board, which usually merely illustrates a forum debate).

It is important to note that although posted material takes the form of articles, the articles are NOT peer reviewed (unless the contrary is explicitly stated in the article itself), neither by EEF nor by experts on the subject in question. The intention is that the authors of most papers posted hope to get feedback and criticism from members of the forum, after which formal publication may or may not follow later. Ergo: the Library is not an e-journal and does not contain formal and peer reviewed publications, but discussion material. The only criteria that must be met are that the paper must deal with mainstream Egyptology and must have a formal format (i.e. proper footnotes and references).  

All material posted below is copyrighted, copyrights remaining with the author.
To view the files (PDF format) you will need Acrobat Reader (free). Sometimes the files will be Zipped, and then you'll also need WinZip(free evaluation copy).

[1] Amenhotep III and Akhenaten: An Examination of the Coregency Issues by Leslie E. Bailey
[2] Ramses and Rebellion: Showdown of False and True Horus by Peter Feinman
[3] IntCal98 Calibration for Radiocarbon Ages of Samples from Amarna by Federico Rocchi.
[4] Dating the Amarna Period in Egypt: Did a Solar Eclipse Inspire Akhenaten? by William McMurray
[5] Towards an Absolute Chronology for Ancient Egypt by William McMurray.
[6] "Blindness" in Ancient Egypt - A New Interpretation of Some New Kingdom Texts by David G. Smith.
[7] Was the function of the earliest writing in Egypt utilitarian or ceremonial? Does the surviving evidence reflect the reality? by Marsia Sfakianou

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