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Pelagios needs YOU

Pelagios needs YOU
As many of you may be aware, the linked open data project “Pelagios” has recently entered a third phase, where we’re involved in (among other things) annotating Early Geospatial Documents. Our intention is to help create a critical mass of data, which would make joining the network more rewarding for other content providers and enable new opportunities for digital research and learning.

Thus far we’ve been busy annotating the Latin tradition of geospatial documents (for the results, see: http://pelagios-project.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/what-have-romans-ever-mapped-for-us.html). Next up is the Greek tradition - and this is where we need YOUR help.

We would like to invite volunteers to join us in annotating the Greek geospatial documents that the wider Classics community has identified as being of interest to students of ancient geographical thought. These include the obvious texts such as Ptolemy and Strabo, as well as less obvious ones where itineraries (for example) still play a key role (such as in Aeschylus’s Persians or Pindar’s Odes).

To facilitate the annotation process, we have developed a dedicated platform called Recogito (http://pelagios.org/recogito/?collection=greek+tradition). This has a public interface, which shows the results of all annotation work. But, if you are interested in participating, you will be provided with a user account, allowing you access to the annotation platform itself where you will be able to contribute to the data production and sharing. All steps of the annotation process are fully documented, so everyone will receive due credit for their contributions. Indeed, we are thinking of introducing incentives to encourage *friendly* competition among contributors…

If anyone is interested in volunteering, either as an individual or else as a group co-ordinator (we have trialled Recogito in a university classroom with great success: http://sites.tufts.edu/perseusupdates/2014/03/10/pelagios-used-in-tufts-classes/), do let us know by replying to this email.

with all best wishes

elton, leif, rainer + pau

Elton Barker, Reader in Classical Studies, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA

Newly published (with Joel Christensen): A Beginner's Guide to Homer (One World publishers)

Follow me on twitter: @eltonteb
http://hestia.open.ac.uk/                                                    twitter: @hestiaproject
http://googleancientplaces.wordpress.com/                      http://gap.alexandriaarchive.org/gapvis/index.html
http://pelagios-project.blogspot.com/                                twitter: @Pelagiosproject
http://www.classicsconfidential.co.uk/                               twitter: @classicsconfide

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